博碩士論文 962206027 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡榮烈(Jung-Lieh Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 負折射率材料應用於抗反射與窄帶濾光片之設計
(Applications of negative refraction index materials for antireflection and narrow band pass filters.)
★ 半導體雷射控制頻率★ 比較全反射受挫法與反射式干涉光譜法在生物感測上之應用
★ 193nm深紫外光學薄膜之研究★ 超晶格結構之硬膜研究
★ 交錯傾斜微結構薄膜在深紫外光區之研究★ 膜堆光學導納量測儀
★ 紅外光學薄膜之研究★ 成對表面電漿波生物感知器應用在去氧核糖核酸及微型核糖核酸 雜交反應檢測
★ 成對表面電漿波生物感測器之研究及其在生醫上的應用★ 探討硫化鎘緩衝層之離子擴散處理對CIGS薄膜元件效率影響
★ 以反應性射頻磁控濺鍍搭配HMDSO電漿聚合鍍製氧化矽摻碳薄膜阻障層之研究★ 掃描式白光干涉儀應用在量測薄膜之光學常數
★ 量子點窄帶濾光片★ 以量測反射係術探測光學薄膜之特性
★ 嵌入式繼光鏡顯微超頻譜影像系統應用在口腔癌切片及活體之設計及研究★ 軟性電子阻水氣膜之有機層組成研究
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摘要(中) 本文之研究重點為以負折射率材料(Negative refraction index materials)來設計抗反射與窄帶濾光片,研究內容包含探討負折射率材料之特性、成因與其在電磁理論上的修正,接著探討如何利用其特性應用在薄膜設計上,並利用薄膜理論中的膜矩陣及導納軌跡圖做為設計方法來設計抗反射與窄帶濾光片,最後探討以負折射率材料所設計的抗反射膜以及窄帶濾光片的特殊光學性質。
摘要(英) The research point in this paper is the designs of antireflection coatings and narrow band pass filters using negative refraction index materials (NIMs). First, the properties of NIMs and the modification of electromagnetism are discussed to illustrate how to design optical thin film filters using those properties. The thin film matrix and admittance locus methods have been applied to design antireflection coatings and narrow band pass filters. Finally, the special optical properties of antireflection coatings and narrow band pass filters with NIMs are analyzed.
Normally, the phase of optical thin film is increased when the thickness of optical thin film is increased. However, the phase of NIM is decreased as the thickness of the film is increased to affect the whole phase decreased. In other words, the whole phase is compensated. The result affects the spectra of the thin films have less sensitivity in wavelength and incident angle. If the antireflection coatings are designed with NIMs, the low reflection range is broader than without NIM and the average reflection is lower, too. Another application for NIM is to replace the spacer layer using NIM to be a new type of narrow band pass filter. As the whole phase changes, the central wavelength is different. Hence the narrow band pass filter can be designed as a wavelength-non-shift filter with incident angle based on the relationship of incident angle and central wavelength.
關鍵字(中) ★ 窄帶濾光片
★ 薄膜設計
★ 負折射
★ 超穎物質
★ 抗反射
★ 左手材料
關鍵字(英) ★ antireflection
★ Negative refraction index
★ Metamaterials
★ thin films
★ narrow band pass filters
論文目次 目錄
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2 研究動機 4
1.3 論文導引 5
第二章 負折射率材料 6
2.1 負折射率材料的源起 6
2.2 Veselago的理論基礎 7
2.3 負折射率的定義及物理意義 10
2.4 等效介電係數與等效磁導率[44] 13
2.4.1 等效介電係數 14
2.4.2 等效磁導率 18
2.5 各種結構之負折射率材料 23
第三章 光學薄膜理論 27
3.1 基本理論[45,46] 27
3.2 膜矩陣 29
3.3 導納軌跡圖 33
第四章 薄膜設計與應用 37
4.1 理論分析 37
4.2 抗反射膜 39
4.3 窄帶濾光片 47
第五章 結論 60
5.1 結論 60
Conclusion 62
5.2 未來與展望 64
參考文獻 65
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 李正中、陳昇暉
(Cheng-Chung Lee、Sheng-Hui Chen)
審核日期 2009-7-20
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