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姓名 李銘瑋(Ming-Wei Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 小動物針孔單光子放射電腦斷層掃描系統之系統校正與配置最佳化
(System Calibrations and Configuration Optimizations of Small-Animal Pinhole SPECT Systems)
★ 以GATE模型及系統矩陣演算法重建SPECT螺旋影像★ LED檯燈視覺舒適度研究
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★ 週期性奈米金屬結構對拉曼散射訊號增強之研究★ 日眩光要因分析研究
★ 非球面檢測之迭代相移干涉與子孔徑相位接合演算法開發★ 應用可容忍隨機位移之相移干涉術於相位式表面電漿共振系統之穩定度增進
★ 以偵測任務及系統效能評估找尋多針孔微單光子放射電腦斷層掃描系統之最佳化配置★ 結合表面電漿共振及溫度控制於免疫球蛋白鍵結之檢測分析
★ 以二次通過成像量測架構及降低誤差迭代演算法重建人眼之點擴散函數★ 多陽極光電倍增管閃爍相機之訊號讀出系統與高效最大可能性位置估算演算法開發
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摘要(中) 由於小動物單光子放射電腦斷層掃描(Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, SPECT)的系統架構簡單且成本低廉,十分適合應用於臨床前生醫研究。並可藉由小動物模型探討與人體相關疾病之致病機轉、進程,以及治療的藥物與方法。為開發高影像品質與高解析度之小動物針孔SPECT系統,於本研究將提出小動物針孔SPECT系統之系統校正與配置最佳化。
應用針孔SPECT於小動物造影研究中,為使針孔SPECT系統達到高空間解析度,取得高準確度的系統矩陣(H矩陣)為基本要件。於本研究,採用融合量測數據與數值模型快速建立固定式與圓軌旋轉式針孔SPECT的H矩陣。透過格點掃描與系統校正實驗所取得之實驗資料,可分析各立體像素之點響應函數(Point Response Function, PRF)與系統配置幾何參數間的關係,並建立PRF數值模型。而完整針孔SPECT的H矩陣則由PRF數值模型估算取得。本研究藉由全實驗量測與所提之H矩陣建立方法,其系統表現比較結果驗證所提之H矩陣建立方法可行性。
本研究藉由準直儀配置最佳化提出小偵測面積針孔SPECT應用於小鼠心臟造影之最佳準直儀配置。此準直儀配置最佳化流程藉數值模型評估不同配置設計之針孔SPECT的系統表現,以快速挑選最佳候選配置。隨後,透過偵測任務與傅立葉串音方法評估各最佳候選配置之系統影像品質與空間解析度,並藉由影像品質與空間解析度權衡函數決定最佳準直器配置。 此外,一系列假體重建將驗證此最佳準直器配置針孔SPECT的系統表現。
摘要(英) Since small-animal SPECT systems typically possess simple configurations and relatively lower cost, small-animal SPECT is suitable for preclinical research. Micro-SPECT along with small-animal models of human diseases is widely used to study disease mechanisms and investigate potential therapies. For developing high image quality and high resolution pinhole SPECT systems, methods of system calibrations and configuration optimizations of small-animal pinhole SPECT systems are proposed in this study.
In pinhole SPECT applied to small-animal studies, it is essential to have an accurate imaging system matrix, called H matrix, for high-spatial-resolution image reconstructions. Generally, an H matrix can be obtained by various methods, such as measurements, simulations or some combinations of both methods. In this study, combination methods of measurement and analytic models are utilized to obtain H matrices of pinhole SPECT systems, including stationary and circular-orbit rotating pinhole SPECT imagers. The method utilizes a grid-scan experiment on selected voxels and parameterizes the measured point response functions (PRFs) into 2D Gaussians. The imaging property database can be built with the measured PRFs. In addition, the geometry of pinhole SPECT systems can be described by the geometric projection models. The PRFs of missing voxels are interpolated by the relations between the Gaussian coefficients and the geometric parameters of the imaging system. A full H matrix is constructed by combining the measured and interpolated PRFs of all voxels. The feasibilities of proposed interpolation methods are validated with PRF estimations, phantom reconstructions and detection task evaluations.
An optimized configuration of multi-pinhole aperture can improve the spatial resolution and the sensitivity of pinhole SPECT simultaneously. In this study, an optimization strategy of the multi-pinhole configuration with a small detector is proposed for mouse cardiac imaging. To accelerate the optimization process, the candidates of optimal multi-pinhole configuration are decided by the preliminary evaluations with the analytic models. Subsequently, the pinhole SPECT systems equipped with the designed multi-pinhole apertures are modeled in GATE to generate the H matrices for the system performance assessments. The area under the ROC curves (AUC) of the designed systems is evaluated by detection tasks with their corresponding H matrices. In addition, the spatial resolutions are estimated by the Fourier crosstalk approach, and the sensitivities are calculated with the H matrices of designed systems, respectively. A trade-off function of AUC and resolution is introduced to find the optimal multi-pinhole configuration. Furthermore, a series of OSEM reconstruction images of synthetic phantoms are reconstructed with the H matrices of designed systems.
In this study, micro-SPECT based on a scintillation gamma camera is developed. The camera is composed of a NaI(Tl) scintillator, compact readout electronics and a maximum-likelihood position estimator (MLPE) for a 64-anode PMT. The electronic readout system consists of a symmetric charge division circuit, the signal processing circuits and a multi-channel DAQ system to output 16 channel digital signals. Moreover, the MLPE is developed with the multivariate normal model and the truncated center-of-gravity combined with local directed search method to estimate the gamma-ray event position. Simulation and experimental studies are performed to verify the feasibility of the proposed readout electronics and MLPE.
關鍵字(中) ★ 單光子放射電腦斷層掃描
★ 系統校正
★ 配置最佳化
★ 閃爍晶石式伽瑪相機
關鍵字(英) ★ SPECT
★ System Calibration
★ Configuration Optimization
★ Scintillation Gamma Camera
論文目次 摘要 I





1.1 Medicine Imaging 1
1.2 Nuclear Medicine Imaging 2
1.2.1 Positron emission tomography (PET) 3
1.2.2 Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) 4 Image formation in SPECT 5 Gamma ray detection 7
1.3 Structure of this Dissertation 8

2.1 System Matrix of a Linear Digital-Imaging System 13
2.2 Grid-Scan Experiment 15
2.2.1 FastSPECT II (Stationary pinhole SPECT system) 16
2.2.2 PRF parameterization with 2D Gaussian 17
2.3 Distance-Weighted Gaussian Interpolation Method Combined with
Geometric Parameter Estimations (DW-GIMGPE) 18
2.3.1 Geometric collinear projection model 18
2.3.2 The relations between Gaussian coefficients and geometric parameters 19
2.3.3 Building the imaging property database 23
2.3.4 Estimations of the Gaussian coefficients by the geometric parameters 25
2.4 Feasibility and Effectiveness Validation of DW-GIMGPE 27
2.4.1 Comparisons of the point responses from the measurement and the interpolations by DW-GIMGPE 27
2.4.2 Comparisons of OSEM reconstructed slices of hot-rod phantom and normal rat cardiac imaging 31 Comparisons of the line profiles across one OSEM reconstructed slice of a hot-rod phantom 32 Comparisons of the line profiles across one OSEM reconstructed slice of normal rat cardiac imaging 36
2.4.3 Detectability performance of the imaging system with associated H matrices 37
2.4.4 The computation time for building a complete H matrix 42

3.1 Calibrations of Circular-Orbit Pinhole SPECT System 48
3.1.1 Geometric calibration 48
3.1.2 Grid-scan experiment 51
3.2 Interpolations of System Matrices 53
3.2.1 Modified Gaussian interpolation method combined with geometric parameter estimations (M-GIMGPE) 53
3.2.2 Modified Gaussian interpolation method (M-GIM) 56
3.3 Comparisons between M-GIMGPE and M-GIM 58
3.3.1 Geometries of M3R SPECT system identified with geometric calibrations 58
3.3.2 MLEM reconstructions of hot-rod phantom with the interpolated H matrices 60
3.3.3 Comparison of the processing time for building a complete H matrix 64

4.1 Binary Decision Detection Tasks 69
4.2 Preliminary Evaluations of the System Configuration 70
4.2.1 Determination of the magnification and the number of pinholes 71
4.2.2 Sensitivity and resolution by the geometric analytic models 73
4.3 System Performance Estimations with System Matrices 76
4.3.1 System matrices by simulation and interpolation 76 Single pinhole pattern and regular four-pinhole patterns with various multiplexing levels 77 Rotation of the four-pinhole pattern only and rotation of the detector plus the four-pinhole pattern together 78
4.3.2 Evaluation of the system performance 79 Image quality assessment with signal detection tasks 80 Calculation of the spatial resolution and sensitivity with the Fourier crosstalk approach and H matrices 85
4.4 System Performance Validations with Image Reconstructions 89
4.4.1 Hot-rod phantom 90
4.4.2 Mouse heart phantom 98
4.4.3 Defrise phantom 101

5.1 Multi-Anode-PMT Scintillation Cameras 106
5.1.1 Packages of the scintillation camera with MAPMT 107
5.1.2 Electronics of MAPMT scintillation cameras 108
5.2 Position Estimators 109
5.2.1 Maximum-likelihood position estimator (MLPE) 109
5.2.2 Mean detector response function (MDRF) 110
5.2.3 ML searching schemes 111
5.3 Performance Evaluations of MAPMT Scintillation Camera with MDRF Simulation 113
5.3.1 Spatial resolution estimations 113
5.3.2 Uniformity estimation with flood image 116
5.4 Experimental Validations of MAPMT Scintillation Camera 117
5.4.1 MDRF and covariance matrix 117
5.4.2 CR bound estimations 118

6.1 Conclusions 121
6.2 Future Work 124
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指導教授 陳怡君(Yi-Chun Chen) 審核日期 2016-1-21
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