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姓名 郭馨貽(Hsin-yi Kuo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 Thin-GaN發光二極體電極配置對光電特性影響之研究
(The Study of Electrical and Optical Performance by Electrode Design of Thin-GaN Light-Emitting Diodes.)
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摘要(中) 均勻的電流分佈對高功率發光二極體之發光效率、穩定度及元件壽命具有高度的影響,由相關文獻可歸納出改善電流均勻性分佈的方法有:電極形狀、n-GaN厚度、電極阻抗及電流阻塞結構,其中理想化的電極形狀設計是提高發光效率最有效的方式。因此本論文主要的目的在於設計出不同的電極配置並搭配模擬分析,分別探討在相異的電極配置下,對Thin-GaN發光二極體光電特性的影響。
摘要(英) High power LED chip performances are affected by the uniform current spreading on its lighting efficiency, stability, and device reliability. According to the literature review, methods which can improve the uniform current spreading are electrode shape, thickness of n-GaN, resistance of electrode, and current blocking layer. While designing an ideal electrode, the electrode pattern is the most efficient method to enhance the light efficiency. This thesis is trying to design different electrode patterns on LEDs and attached with the analyses of simulation to discuss the effect of electrical and optical performance by electrode design of Thin-GaN LED.
 This thesis is trying to change the electrode loops, the distance between electrode and chip edge, and current injected positions to shorten the distances of current sidelong spreading. It can reduce the series resistance and improve current spreading. On the electrode loops concern, the multiple loops can reduce forward voltage for 2 % than single loop because of the reducing of series resistance and enhance light output power on the uniform current spreading for 9 %. When the electrode is one-fourth far away from chip edge, the forward voltage reduces 4 % as the distance is one-second far away from chip edge and enhances the light output power for 11%. Based on these results, increasing the electrode loops attached with the distance of electrode and chip edge will show more uniform current spreading. In addition, comparing to the results of experiment and simulation, the trends are consistent on the forward voltage and light intensity. It also shows similar trends on the current density and light intensity distribution. The results represent that the method of simulation to predict the forward voltage and uniform current spreading are worth inferring.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電極設計
★ 發光二極體
★ 電流分佈
關鍵字(英) ★ electrode design
★ current spreading
★ Thin-GaN LED
論文目次 摘 要   i
Abstract ii
誌 謝   iii
目 錄  iv
圖 目 錄 vii
表 目 錄 xi
第一章  序論 1
1-1    發光二極體之發展 1
1-2    文獻回顧 6
1-3    研究動機與目的 8
第二章  Thin-GaN發光二極體之基本原理及相關理論 9
2-1    發光二極體之原理 9
2-1-1   發光二極體之光特性原理 9
2-1-2   發光二極體之電特性原理 12
2-2    發光二極體之特性討論 16
2-2-1   電流分佈均勻之理論及對發光二極體之影響 16
2-2-2   傳輸線模型之原理 22
第三章  Thin-GaN發光二極體之製作與量測 24
3-1    Thin-GaN發光二極體之製作流程 24
3-1-1   氮化鎵試片結構 24
3-1-2   發光二極體晶粒之定義 26
3-1-3   鈍化層及p側金屬電極之製作 31
3-1-4   電鍍銅基板與雷射剝離 35
3-1-5   n側金屬電極之製作 37
3-2    Thin-GaN發光二極體光電特性量測系統介紹 39
3-2-1   電流電壓特性曲線之量測系統 39
3-2-2   發光強度分佈之量測系統 41
3-2-3   積分球量測系統 41
第四章  實驗結果分析與討論 43
4-1    電極設計 43
4-2    改變電極與晶粒邊緣相對距離對Thin-GaN發光二極體之光電特性影響量測數據分析與討論 45
4-3    改變電極圖型對Thin-GaN發光二極體之光電特性影響量測數據分析與討論 50
4-4    改變電流注入位置對Thin-GaN發光二極體之光電特性影響量測數據分析與討論 54
4-5    Thin-GaN發光二極體電場之三維數值模擬 56
4-5-1   COMSOL模擬架構之簡介 56
4-5-2   實驗數據與模擬結果比對分析與討論 56
第五章  結論與未來展望 62
5-1    結論 62
5-2    未來展望 63
參 考 文 獻 64
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指導教授 張正陽(Jenq-yang Chang) 審核日期 2009-7-23
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