博碩士論文 962406002 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳裕仁(Yu-Jen Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 量子點的光學特性研究及光學應用
(Fundamental properties of quantum dots and the applications in optics)
★ 半導體雷射控制頻率★ 比較全反射受挫法與反射式干涉光譜法在生物感測上之應用
★ 193nm深紫外光學薄膜之研究★ 超晶格結構之硬膜研究
★ 交錯傾斜微結構薄膜在深紫外光區之研究★ 膜堆光學導納量測儀
★ 紅外光學薄膜之研究★ 成對表面電漿波生物感知器應用在去氧核糖核酸及微型核糖核酸 雜交反應檢測
★ 成對表面電漿波生物感測器之研究及其在生醫上的應用★ 探討硫化鎘緩衝層之離子擴散處理對CIGS薄膜元件效率影響
★ 以反應性射頻磁控濺鍍搭配HMDSO電漿聚合鍍製氧化矽摻碳薄膜阻障層之研究★ 掃描式白光干涉儀應用在量測薄膜之光學常數
★ 量子點窄帶濾光片★ 以量測反射係術探測光學薄膜之特性
★ 嵌入式繼光鏡顯微超頻譜影像系統應用在口腔癌切片及活體之設計及研究★ 軟性電子阻水氣膜之有機層組成研究
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摘要(中) 本研究可分為兩部份,其一為量子點的光學特性,另一為量子點在光學上的應用。
量子點的光學特性是根基於其量子侷限的能階概念,有鑑於相關的數學模型眾多,但都各自有其限制及適用的量子位能結構。因此我們自行發展一套計算量子能階、能帶的方法,Iterative Boundary Method (IBM),並由一系列的計算,比對文獻資料或實驗數據,證明它確實適用於所有型態的量子位能系統。此部份的成果並藉由CdS及CdSe/ZnS兩種量子點,經實驗驗証計算的正確,甚至指出許多文獻中對CdSe/ZnS此一核殼量子點光學特性的誤解。
摘要(英) This thesis is distributed into two parts. The first part is about the optical properties of quantum dots. And the second part is about the applications of quantum dots in optics.
All of the optical properties in quantum dots are based on the concept of confined energy states, or energy bands. The known mathematics tools for this issue have individual restrictions although numerous approaches are proposed. A novel approach is proposed in this thesis, Iterative Boundary Method (IBM), which is able to calculate the confined energy levels, energy bands, of any kind of potential profile. The calculations have been verified by published data, experimental results and other known approaches. Otherwise, CdS and CdSe/ZnS quantum dots are also employed to our experiments to compare with the simulations. Moreover, we find a misinterpretation exists in many published reports about CdSe/ZnS core-shell quantum dots. This mistake is figured out in this thesis and proved by IBM.
About the applications of quantum dots in optics, we starts from an ideal that a layer owns index like dielectric layer and negative extinction coefficients. The –k layer is studied systematically including spectra, admittance and optimization of multilayers. The conventional method of thin-film optics is extended for the special layers successfully. This is the first research that provides complete analysis of –k layer and optimization.
Consequently, optical filters with quantum dots are fabricated. Narrow band pass filters are employed to demonstrate the contribution of quantum dots in filters. These filters have different transmittance due to characteristics while exciting light is on and off, even exceeds 100% due to participation of quantum dots.
The achievements not only carry out optical filter including negative k thin-films, but also provide a new horizon for conventional thin-film optics.
關鍵字(中) ★ 量子能階
★ 薄膜光學
★ 量子點
★ 量子侷限史塔克效應
★ 窄帶濾光片
★ 布魯斯方程式
關鍵字(英) ★ confined energy level
★ thin-film optics
★ quantum dot
★ quantum-confined Stark effect
★ narrow band-pass filter
★ Brus equation
論文目次 摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iii
Contents v
Figures list vii
Tables list xi
Chapter 1 Preface 1
Chapter 2 Introduction 3
2-1 Quantum dots 3
2-2 Mathematics models 5
2-3 Motivation 6
Chapter 3 Energy bands calculations of quantum dots 9
3-1 Introduction 9
3-2 Iterative Boundary Method 10
3-3 Single quantum dot 19
3-3-1 Single infinite well 19
3-3-2 Single finite well (double heterostructure) 21
3-3-3 V-shape potential 23
3-3-4 Parabolic potential 25
3-3-5 Tilt single-well 29
3-3-6 Irregular potential structure 36
3-4 Multi-quantum dots 38
3-4-1 Twin/Double quantum dots 38
3-4-2 Periodic Multi-Quantum-Dots 41
3-4-3 QCSE and Wannier-Stark ladder 46
3-5 Excitonic States 51
3-6 Summary of important results 54
Chapter 4 Experiments 58
4-1 Introduction 58
4-2 CdS quantum dots deposited by chemical bath deposition 62
4-2-1 Introduction (of chemical bath deposition) 62
4-2-2 Samples preparation 62
4-2-3 Particle size verified by IBM 69
4-2-4 Reaction time and Tauc plot 71
4-3 Type I quantum dots, CdSe/ZnS 74
4-3-1 Introduction 74
4-3-2 The first optical transition in CdSe/ZnS quantum dots 75
4-3-3 Stark effect of CdSe/ZnS 80
4-4 Numerical experiments 87
4-5 Summary of important results 89
Chapter 5 Applications 93
5-1 Introduction 93
5-2 Extra-high reflection filter and film matrix method 94
5-2-1 Theory of film matrix method for –k layer 94
5-2-2 Design and optimization of extra-high reflection filter 97
5-2-3 External application 102
5-3 Narrow bandpass filter and Smith’s method 103
5-3-1 Challenge of film matrix method 103
5-3-2 Smith’s method 106
5-3-3 -k and narrow bandpass filter 107
5-4 Summary of important results 111
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Perspectives 112
Appendix A. Physical Constants 113
Appendix B. Qj and φj 115
Appendix C. WKB method 116
Appendix D. Perturbation approximation 118
Appendix E. Krönig-Penney Equation 122
Appendix F. Brus equation 125
Index 127
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指導教授 李正中(Cheng-Chung Lee) 審核日期 2014-4-22
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