姓名 |
秦仕杰(Shih-chieh Chin)
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機械工程學系 |
論文名稱 |
多晶矽之線切割放電加工特性研究 (The machining characteristic of poly-silicon by WEDM)
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摘要(中) |
摘要(英) |
Electrical discharge machining (EDM) has been developed for over half a century, and there have been numerous materials machined by means of this technology. However, little research is conducted on poly-silicon. The current study investigated the effects of operation parameters on feedrate, machining groove width, and surface roughness, utilizing the technology of WEDM to process poly-silicon, in hopes of having a breakthrough in the technology of WEDM on poly-silicon.
The results showed that the longer on-time or the larger the open-voltage was, the faster the feedrate was, the wider the machining groove width was, and the coarser the surface roughness was. The off-time suggested a contrast effect. Moreover, increasing the wire tension might modify the machining groove width, but might lower the feedrate, revealing a tendency of worsening the surface roughness. As for other factors causing effects on the manufacturing process, a larger flush flow rate, helped amend the feedrate, the machining groove width, and surface roughness while wire speed could only partially improve the feedrate, the machining groove width and had limited impact on the surface roughness.
The results from the second part of the experiment also indicated that processing poly-silicon by means of double-pulse power supply could actually modify the phenomenon of ignition delay and increase the discharge frequency, promoting the machining efficiency. The present study successfully showed that WEDM can be applied to poly-silicon wafers slicing. This manufacturing process is believed to be competitive if used in industries related to solar cell.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 線切割放電加工 ★ 太陽能電池 ★ 多晶矽 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ solar cell ★ WEDM ★ poly-silicon |
論文目次 |
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 3
1-3 常見的矽晶圓切割製程介紹 6
1-4 文獻回顧 8
1-5 研究方法 10
第二章 實驗基礎原理 11
2-1 放電加工原理 11
2-2 放電加工去除機制 15
2-3 放電加工參數與影響 18
2-4 線切割放電加工特性 23
2-5 N型與P型半導體的放電加工極性 26
第三章 實驗設備與方法 28
3-1 實驗設備 28
3-2 實驗材料 34
3-3 實驗流程 35
3-4 實驗步驟 36
第四章 結果與討論 39
4-1 最佳加工進給速率 39
4-1-1 脈衝時間對最佳加工進給速率的影響 39
4-1-2 脈衝休止時間對最佳加工進給速率的影響 40
4-1-3 開路電壓對最佳加工進給速率的影響 41
4-1-4 線張力對最佳加工進給速率的影響 42
4-1-5 送線速度對最佳加工進給速率的影響 44
4-1-6 沖水流率對最佳加工進給速率的影響 45
4-2 加工溝槽寬 46
4-2-1 脈衝時間對加工溝槽寬的影響 46
4-2-2 脈衝休止時間對加工溝槽寬的影響 48
4-2-3 開路電壓對加工溝槽寬的影響 49
4-2-4 線張力對加工溝槽寬的影響 51
4-2-5 送線速度對加工溝槽寬的影響 52
4-2-6 沖水流率對加工溝槽寬的影響 54
4-3 表面粗糙度 55
4-3-1 脈衝時間對表面粗糙度的影響 55
4-3-2 脈衝休止時間對表面粗糙度的影響 57
4-3-3 開路電壓對表面粗糙度的影響 59
4-3-4 線張力對表面粗糙度的影響 61
4-3-5 送線速度對表面粗糙度的影響 62
4-3-6 沖水流率對表面粗糙度的影響 63
4-4 雙脈衝電源對多晶矽加工特性的影響 65
4-5 應用研究 75
第五章 結論 77
參考文獻 79
參考文獻 |
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6.T Hideo, I. Toshimitsu, T. Katunori, Y Syuichi, “High-
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wire electrical discharge machining”, Precision
Engineering ,vol. 29, pp. 423-430, 2005.
7.T Hideo, I. Toshimitsu, T. Katunori, N. Kazushi,
“Contouring of polished single-crystal silicon plates by
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14.Hong Xiao著,羅正忠、張鼎張譯,“半導體製程技術導論”,
指導教授 |
黃豐元(Fuang-Yuan Huang)
審核日期 |
2009-7-17 |
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