博碩士論文 963203046 詳細資訊

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姓名 林皇志(Huang-Chih Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 以CZ法生長鎂釕雙摻鈮酸鋰單晶
(MgO and RuO2 doped lithium niobate single crystals were grown by the Czochralski method.)
★ 鋰鋁矽酸鹽之負熱膨脹陶瓷製程★ 鋰鋁矽酸鹽摻鈦陶瓷之性質研究
★ 高功率LED之熱場模擬與結構分析★ 干涉微影之曝光與顯影參數對週期性結構外型之影響
★ 週期性極化反轉鈮酸鋰之結構製作與研究★ 圖案化藍寶石基板之濕式蝕刻
★ 高功率發光二極體於自然對流環境下之熱流場分析★ 液珠撞擊熱板之飛濺行為現象分析
★ 柴式法生長氧化鋁單晶過程最佳化熱流場之分析★ 柴式法生長氧化鋁單晶過程晶體內部輻射對於固液界面及熱應力之分析
★ 交流電發光二極體之接面溫度量測★ 柴氏法生長單晶矽過程之氧雜質傳輸控制數值分析
★ 泡生法生長大尺寸氧化鋁單晶降溫過程中晶體熱場及熱應力分析★ KY法生長大尺寸氧化鋁單晶之數值模擬分析
★ 外加水平式磁場柴氏法生長單晶矽之熱流場及氧雜質傳輸數值分析★ 大尺寸LED晶片Efficiency Droop之光電熱效應研究
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摘要(中) 鈮酸鋰晶體是近來最常被研究與應用的光電材料,它可以因不同元素的摻雜而使其有不同優異地光學性質表現,但鈮酸鋰在光學的應用上,在高功率能量雷射下會因晶體折射率變化而使入射能量大量發散(我們稱此現象為光損傷),進而使其在光學上地應用受到很大的侷限,故近來大量文獻探討以Mg、Zn等元素多摻其他雜質,使其在不同光學應用上可以因光損傷的改善而得到更廣泛的應用。在眾多光學應用的研究上,改善光折變性質的摻雜元素因為全像儲存的發現而被大量的探討,其中摻釕鈮酸鋰因為有兩個不同的能階可以被應用於非揮發性全像儲存且其光折變性質優異,是近來備受關注的光折變晶體。本研究希望可以藉由摻雜鎂元素得到擁有高抗光損傷性質的鎂釕雙摻鈮酸鋰。
摘要(英) Lithium niobate (LiNbO3) single crystal is one of the most widely used electro-optical materials, because the crystals are easily grown to large dimensions and with high optical uniformity. However, the low optical damage resistance that originated by light-induced refractive index changes restricts their industrial application. Incorporating optical damage resistance dopants (ODRD), such as MgO, ZnO provides potential ways to overcome the shortages. All of the optical applications of LiNbO3, photorefractive dopants are of high interest for holographic data storage. The Ru:LiNbO3 is one of the important holographic storage media because of its good photorefractive properties and non-volatility. In this work, Mg:Ru:LiNbO3 was grown for improving their optical damage resistance.
The Mg:Ru:LiNbO3 crystal was grown by the Czochralski method from a congruent melt composition. The as-grown crystal was crack-free and uni-diameter with the size of φ35mm×45mm. We discover that non-uniform distribution of Ru ion in the grown crystal has been improved as the MgO dopants. After UV-VIS spectrum detected, the Mg:Ru:LiNbO3 crystal also had two different absorption peak that can be considered a good candidate to be used for nonvolatile holographic storage. The effect of post treatment on the optical properties of Mg:Ru:LiNbO3 is also studied. Magnesium (Mg)-Ruthenium (Ru)-doped near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals (Mg:Ru:SLN) were prepared by the vapor transport equilibration (VTE) technique. The crystal also exhibites free light-induced scattering at the recording power density of I0 =800 W/cm2, which are favorable for industrial application.
關鍵字(中) ★ 釕
★ 鎂
★ 鈮酸鋰
★ 柴氏長晶法
關鍵字(英) ★ CZ
★ MgO
★ RuO2
論文目次 摘要Ι
第一章 緒論1
第二章 實驗流程與設備簡介10
2-1-3切割、研磨拋光、退火、極化與VTE 處理13
第三章 結果與討論26
第四章 結論52
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指導教授 陳志臣(Jyh-Chen Chen) 審核日期 2009-7-23
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