博碩士論文 965201077 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳漢忠(Han-Chung Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 智慧型搭乘電梯機器人
(An Intelligent Robot With the Ability to Take Elevators)
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摘要(中) 本論文欲設計與製作一智慧型搭乘電梯機器人,透過該機器人移動載具上所架設的機械手臂 (manipulator),可實現機器人自動搭乘電梯的機制。該手臂上架設了一個微型針孔攝影機 (micro camera),運用影像偵測技術即可得知電梯面板位置且正確辨識出上、下及樓層數字的電梯按鈕,以及按鈕燈亮滅。再使用紅外線距離感測器測量與電梯牆面間之距離,藉由逆向運動學 (inverse kinematics) 的推算,就能依照不同的距離調整手臂馬達旋轉角度,來完成按壓按鈕的動作。接著經由移動載具與其搭配的全方位輪 (omni-wheel),完成進出電梯所需的各種方向運動動作。
摘要(英) In this thesis, an intelligent wheeled robot is designed to achieve elevator taking ability. By the robot arm set on the top of the wheeled robot, the robot can press the buttons of up, down and floor numbers on the elevator. There is a micro camera set on the tip of the robot arm. By the techniques of image detection, the robot can know the position of the elevator, recognize the control panel and detect whether the button light is on or off.
The robot can measure the distance between the robot and the elevator by the IR sensor, and then use inverse kinematics to calculate the angle of each links of the robot arm to press the correct buttons successfully. Since the robot has three omni-wheels, the robot can move to any direction we need such as moving into or out of the elevator.
There has an human-machine interface on the robot, based on the interface, the user can give a command to the robot to show the which floor the robot should go, and after the robot arrived the floor, it can provide service and execute the mission continuously. Therefore, the robot can move anywhere in the building and go up and down the floors. With the abilities mentioned above, the robot can be applied to hypermarkets, airports, hospitals, school, etc., to serve people.
關鍵字(中) ★ 影像偵測
★ 輪型機器人
★ 逆向運動學
★ 機械手臂
關鍵字(英) ★ Manipulator
★ Inverse Kinematics
★ Image detection
★ Wheeled robot
論文目次 摘要..................................I
第一章 緒論...........................1
1.1 研究背景與動機....................1
1.2 文獻回顧..........................2
1.3 論文目標..........................3
1.4 本文架構..........................3
第二章 系統架構與硬體架構.............4
2.1 系統架構..........................4
2.1.1 電腦端..........................5
2.1.2 機器人端........................6
2.2 移動載具硬體架構.................11
2.2.1 移動載具機構...................11
2.2.2 直流馬達A-max 26...............15
2.2.3 直流馬達驅動電路...............15
2.3 手臂硬體架構.....................16
2.3.1 手臂機構.......................16
2.3.2 伺服馬達AX-12與KRS-2350 HV.....18
2.3.3 伺服馬達驅動電路...............19
2.4 封包傳輸協定.....................20
第三章 電梯環境介紹與特徵辨識........23
3.1 電梯環境簡介.....................23
3.2 色塊偵測.........................24
3.3 電梯門偵測.......................30
3.4 字元辨識.........................35
第四章 機器人搭乘電梯行動控制策略....43
4.1 機械手臂運動控制.................43
4.2 搭乘電梯行動策略規劃.............45
第五章 實驗結果......................50
5.1 搜尋電梯特徵且移動至外部面板前...50
5.2 機械手臂按壓外部按鈕.............52
5.3 機器人平移至電梯門前.............53
5.4 機器人等待門開進入電梯...........54
5.5 機械手臂按壓目標樓層按鈕.........55
5.6 等待樓層到達機器人出電梯.........56
第六章 結論與未來展望................57
6.1 結論.............................57
6.2 未來展望.........................57
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指導教授 王文俊(Wen-June Wang) 審核日期 2009-7-14
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