參考文獻 |
﹝1﹞ OWASP組織:十大網路應用安全漏洞。2007年,取自http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2007
﹝2﹞ CVE , http://cve.mitre.org/
﹝3﹞ IBM Internet Security Systems , http://xforce.iss.net/
﹝4﹞ W3C, http://www.w3.org/Protocols/
﹝5﹞ Chuan Yue,Mengjun Xie,Haining Wang, “Automatic Cookie Usage Setting with CookiePicker”37th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2007.
﹝6﹞ ASP.Net, http://www.asp.net/
﹝7﹞ Forms Element for authentication (ASP.NET Settings Schema), http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/1d3t3c61.aspx
﹝8﹞ PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, http://www.php.net/
﹝9﹞ JSP, http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/
﹝10﹞ ASP, http://www.w3schools.com/asp/default.ASP
﹝11﹞ PHP SESSION, http://tw.php.net/manual/en/book.session.php
﹝12﹞ Philipp Vogt, Florian Nentwich, Nenad Jovanovic,Engin Kirda, Christopher Kruegel, and Giovanni Vigna, “Cross-Site Scripting Prevention with Dynamic Data Tainting and Static Analysis” Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2007 .
﹝13﹞ Michael Martin, Monica S. Lam, “Automatic Generation of XSS and SQL Injection Attacks with Goal-Directed Model Checking”, 17th USENIX Security Symposium, 2008.
﹝14﹞ Martin Johns, Bj‥orn Engelmann, and Joachim Posegga, “XSSDS: Server-side Detection of Cross-site Scripting Attacks”, Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), 2008
﹝15﹞ Javascript, http://www.w3schools.com/JS/default.asp
﹝16﹞ E Kirda, C Kruegel, G Vigna, N Jovanovic, “Noxes: A client-side solution for mitigating cross-site scripting attacks”, Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 2006.
﹝17﹞ J. Ruderman, The same origin policy, 2001, https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Same_origin_policy_for_JavaScript
﹝18﹞ DOM object
﹝19﹞ Jayamsakthi Shanmugam, Dr. M. Ponnavaikko, “Cross Site Scripting-Latest developments and solutions: A survay”, International Journal Open Problems Compt. Math., Vol. 1, No.2, September 2008.
﹝20﹞ Firefox, http://de.www.mozilla.com/de/
﹝21﹞ Firefox Add-ons NoScript, https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/722
﹝22﹞ Microsoft,“Mitigating Cross-site Scripting With HTTP-only Cookies”, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384321(VS.85).aspx
﹝23﹞ OWASP HttpOnly, https://www.owasp.org/index.php/HTTPOnly#Who_developed_HTTPOnly.3F_When.3F
﹝24﹞ Opera, http://www.opera.com/
﹝25﹞ Safari, http://www.apple.com/safari/
﹝26﹞ RSnake, XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Cheat Sheet, http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
﹝27﹞ CVE Bug 380418, XMLHttpRequest allows reading HTTPOnly cookies, February 2009
﹝28﹞ Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory 2009-05, http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2009/mfsa2009-05.html
﹝29﹞ DFA, Michael Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation. PWS, Boston. 1997.
﹝30﹞ Christopher Kruegel, Giovanni Vigna, “Anomaly Detection of Webbased Attacks”, ACM CCS,2003.
﹝31﹞ AJAX, http://www.adaptivepath.com/ideas/essays/archives/000385.php
﹝32﹞ Terri Oda, Glenn Wurster, P. C. van Oorschot, Anil Somayaji, “SOMA: Mutual Approval for Included Content in Web Pages”, ACM CCS, 2008.
﹝33﹞ Christian Benvenuti, Understanding Linux Network Internals, O'Reilly Media, December 2005
﹝34﹞ W. Richard stevens, Bill Fenner, Andrew M. Rudoff, UNIX Network Programming. The Sockets Networking API, Third Edition, Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series, 2004.
﹝35﹞ Python, http://docs.python.org/index.html
﹝36﹞ Vmware, http://www.vmware.com/
﹝37﹞ MySQL:A open source database, http://www.mysql.com/
﹝38﹞ Burp Suite, http://portswigger.net/suite/