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姓名 吳季偉(Jih-Wei Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 網路虛擬環境的物體互動架構
(The Framework for Interaction of Things in Networked Virtual Environments)
★ 以IEEE 802.11為基礎行動隨意無線網路之混合式省電通訊協定★ 以范諾圖為基礎的對等式網路虛擬環境相鄰節點一致性研究
★ 行動隨意網路可調適及可延展之位置服務協定★ 同儕式網路虛擬環境高效率互動範圍群播
★ 巨量多人線上遊戲之同儕網路互動範圍語音交談★ 基於范諾圖之同儕式網路虛擬環境狀態管理
★ 利用多變量分析 之多人線上遊戲信任使用者選擇★ 無位置資訊無線感測網路之覆蓋及連通維持
★ 同儕網路虛擬環境3D串流同儕選擇策略★ 一個使用802.11與RFID技術的無所不在導覽系統U-Guide之設計與實作
★ 同儕式三維資料串流★ IM Finder: 透過即時通訊網路線上使用者找尋解答
★ 無位置資訊無線感測網路自走車有向天線導航與協調演算法★ 多匯點無線感測網路省能及流量分散事件輪廓追蹤
★ 頻寬感知同儕式3D串流★ 無線感測網路旋轉指向天線定位法
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摘要(中) 網路虛擬環境(Networked Virtual Environments, NVEs)和物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)是這些年來最具潛力並最受期待的科技發展領域, 這二個技術可能為我們帶來資訊科技嶄新的決定性的應用模式, 甚至將人類推向新的生活型態。本論文提出一個資訊存取架構使物連網技術的概念得以在網路虛擬環境中實現, 將物連網的存取介面延伸至虛擬環境平台。此外, 我們設計了一個應用於網路虛擬環境的情境融入式語音通訊技術, 讓使用者在網路虛擬環境中能體驗到身歷其境的語音交談。
本論文提出了一個在NVE存取實體物件資訊的整合式存取架構  NVEoT (Networked Virtual Environment of Things),讓實體世界的智慧型物件能整合到虛擬環境中成為對應的虛擬物件, 並且二者之間能夠在實體世界與虛擬環境中以即時互動的模式交互作用。NVEoT使用RESTful Web Services 來封裝實體物件資源,並設計了一個Smart Gateway  階層式的訊息轉換架構 REX,提供開發人員與軟體與硬體設施種類無關的存取介面。為了驗證其可行性,我們實做了一個以國立中央大學工程五館為基礎的虛擬環境,X-Campus,此系統中,運用NVEoT架構將實體物件整合於網路虛擬環境中,使用者可由虛擬環境中操控實體裝置,實體環境的狀態也即時在虛擬環境中呈現。
為了研究如何將網路通訊技術有效率且具實用性的應用於NVEs, 本論文設計了一個情境融入式的語音通訊系統, Immersive Voice Commnication (IVC), 以提供使用者在網路虛擬環境中能體驗到身歷其境的語音聽覺感受。IVC建構於同儕式網路(Peer-to-peer networks)之上, 且具備自主建構的管理能力, 能在不耗損太多網路與運算資源的前提下讓原虛擬環境應用系統具備語音通訊能力。IVC的資料傳輸是以動態建立的 adaptive k-ary tree (AK-tree)為主幹, AK-tree具有低傳輸延遲和高傳輸效能的特性: 它監測可用網路頻寬並使用關聯模式(Relation Model) 將重要資料優先排入傳送序列, 具備頻寬感知能力並且充分應用可用傳輸能力,因此是高傳輸效能的; 它應用網路座標系統(Network Coordinate System, NCS)輔助建立資料傳播路徑, 可確保較低的傳輸延遲。經模擬實驗結果證實, AK-tree比其他相關的演算法具有更好的效能。我們設計了一個適用於AK-tree傳輸架構的聲音呈現機制, 能呈現與虛擬環境的情境一致的音場, 達到情境融入的目標。我們實際製作一個NVE測試環境, 並進行實際的測試, 最後以Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)模式評估使用者對IVC的感受和接受度, 測試結果顯示接受測試的使用者認為IVC是有用、易用的, 而且有高度意願使用這個系統。
摘要(英) Networked virtual environments (NVEs) and Internet of Things (IoT) have been the most potential and the most anticipated technologies in these years, which may bring us new decisive applications of informational technologies and push people toward a new lifestyle. In this dissertation, we propose a framework to put the concept of IoT toward practice in NVE, and design an immersive voice communication scheme to provide NVE users with the immersive experience to converse with neighbor users.
We propose a new paradigm, the Networked Virtual Environment of Things (NVEoT), to integrate real-world smart things and real-world avatars/objects in networked virtual environments so that entities in either worlds can interact with each other in a real-time manner. To prove the NVEoT concept, we design a hierarchical smart gateway, REX, to embody smart things as RESTful resources that can be combined with networked virtual environments (NVEs) to realize the integration and the interaction of the virtual environments and the real world. In addition, we implement a NVEoT-based NVE, called X-Campus, for guiding visitors to navigate a building of National Central University to verify the feasibility of NVEoT. This implementation shows the NVEoT framework works properly.
In order to evaluate how to efficiently and practically apply data communication technologies in NVEs, we propose a voice communication scheme, called immersive voice communication (IVC), to provide NVE users with the immersive experience to hear the voice of neighbor users within the area of interest (AOI). IVC is a peer-to-peer based scheme, so it does not impose too many extra loads on the original NVE system. It further uses a relation model to classify neighbors of an avatar into listeners and the overhearers, and allocates less bandwidth to the latter than to the former for reducing the voice data traffic without sacrificing the user experience. IVC is also a latency- and bandwidth-aware scheme. It adopts the network coordinate system (NCS) to help construct the adaptive k-ary tree (AK-tree) to reduce the voice data transmission latency and efficiently utilize the bandwidth. As shown by the simulation results, the proposed scheme outperforms other related schemes. We also implement IVC and integrate it with a spatialized voice rendering mechanism to realize an networked virtual gallery guiding system for evaluating the user experience of IVC under the technology acceptance model (TAM). The TAM analysis results show that users consider IVC helpful and easy to use, and thus have high intention to use IVC.
關鍵字(中) ★ 網路虛擬環境
★ 同儕網路
★ 物聯網
★ 情境融入式語音
★ 空間化語音呈現技術
關鍵字(英) ★ internet of things
★ networked virtual environment
★ immersive voice communication
★ spatialized voice rendering
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Background 10
2.1 Networked Virtual Environments 10
2.2 Internet of Things 14
2.3 The Protocols for IoT 18
2.4 The intra-AOI multicast in NVEs 23
2.5 Spatialized sound rendering model for virtual environments 28
2.6 Summary 30
Chapter 3 Networked Virtual Environment of Things 31
3.1 The Architecture of NVEoT 31
2.2 RESTful Access Interface 33
3.3 The Design of REX 36
3.4 Coordinating with Intel IoT Platform 40
3.5 Implementation 43
3.6 Summary 46
Chapter 4 Immersive Voice Communication 48
4.1 Relation Model 48
4.2 Adaptive k-ary Tree (AK-tree) 52
4.3 The Network Performance Evaluation 58
4.4 Summary 63
Chapter 5 Spatialized Voice Rendering 65
5.1 The Rendering Scheme 65
5.2 Implementation Over P2P Networks 69
5.3 The Analyses of Users′ Experience 71
5.4 Summary 75
Chapter 6 Conclusion 76
Bibliography 79
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指導教授 江振瑞(Jehn-Ruey Jiang) 審核日期 2015-7-14
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