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姓名 蔡和展(Her-Chan Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 赤道地區電噴流與福衛三號衛星觀測電離層閃爍現象之相關性
(On the Relationship between Equatorial Electrojet and Ionospheric Scintillation measured by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC)
★ 利用中華衛星一號日地物理酬載對赤道電漿密度異常之統計研究★ 中華衛星一號觀測頂部電離層重離子含量異常之研究
★ 利用中華衛星一號日地物理酬載探討南大西洋磁場異常區電漿不規則體之結構★ 中華衛星一號觀測磁暴時期電離層電漿槽中低緯度邊界位置及波動現象之研究
★ 中華一號衛星所測量到電漿不規則體內向下運動離子的空間分佈與波譜結構★ 用華衛一號觀測資料研究離子沿磁場飄移速度之變化與成因
★ 利用福衛一號研究巨型磁暴時之快速電漿流現象★ 利用福衛一號觀測資料對電離層快速上升電漿泡之研究
★ 磁暴時中緯部重離子異常現象之研究★ 福衛一號SENPOT電位變化與低緯度電離層環境之相關性
★ 利用ROCSAT-1和GPS衛星資料研究電漿泡的時空分布★ 利用ROCSAT-1和DMSP衛星資料研究磁暴時中緯度重離子異常現象
★ 全球閃電產生的電場對電離層之影響★ 大氣層閃電對頂部電離層電漿不規則體的相關性
★ 利用福衛一號研究頂部電離層之電漿不規則體★ 電離層閃爍與極光區電噴流和下降帶電粒子之相關性
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摘要(中) 白天電離層在赤道地區常觀測到強烈的東向電流稱為赤道電噴流(EEJ),由於電流會影響磁場變化,學者們利用地磁觀測站量測赤道電噴流影響磁場的變化,以探討赤道電噴流的形態。本文利用國際即時地磁觀測網提供的地磁觀測資料以研究赤道電噴流影響磁場變化的現象,並與福衛三號衛星測得電離層閃爍資料做比較,因此本論文主要架構分為赤道電噴流形態研究及赤道電噴流與電離層閃爍比較兩部分。
本論文主要分析2007年四個節氣當日、春分附近10日、地磁寧靜期之春季與5月23日等四種情況下赤道電噴流與電離層閃爍間相關性。在研究赤道電噴流影響磁場變化部分:發現赤道電噴流的形態存在著季節性變化,而2007年春季EEJ平均發生在09~14 LT並位在磁緯度2度與-3.15度之間,赤道電噴流感應磁場最大的強度(∆H約116 nT)。在比較赤道電噴流與電離層閃爍部分:由春分當日觀測結果我們發現兩者間強度的關係呈現正相關的情形。分析多日觀測結果發現較強的電離層閃爍現象發生在赤道電噴流的邊界,而在比較磁暴日與寧靜日的觀測中我們發現當地磁擾動較強的時候赤道電噴流方向會產生改變,且赤道電噴流區域的閃爍平均值會增強,赤道電噴流與電離層閃爍在強度變化上是同步調的。
摘要(英) In the day time equatorial ionosphere, there has been often observed a strong eastward current which is called Equatorial Electro-Jet (EEJ). According to the Ampere’s law, the current can induce the magnetic variations in its surroundings. Therefore scientists use magnetic observatories to measure the changes of magnetic field caused by EEJ and study the morphology of Equatorial electrojet. This thesis used the magnetic observatories’ data of International Real-time Magnetic Observatory Network to study the variations of magnetic field caused by Equatorial electrojet. Then we compared the Equatorial electrojet with ionosphere scintillations (represented by S4 values) detected by the FORMOSAT-3 satellites. The main task of this thesis consists of two parts. The first part is to study the morphology of EEJ, while the second part deals with the comparisons between EEJ and ionospheric scintillations.
The main purpose of this thesis is using 2007 data sets to study the relationship between EEJ and the magnetic field variations affected by the EEJ under the following conditions: during the days of equinox and solstice; during 10 quiet days near the spring equinox; quiet times during the spring season; and on the May 23 storm day. From analyses of the magnetic field variations affected by EEJ, we found that there existed a seasonal variation in the morphology of EEJ. The seasonal (2007 spring) average location of EEJ is during 9 to 14 LT and ranges from the magnetic latitude 2o N to 3.15o S, while the maximum induced ∆H was about 116 nT. From the statistical comparison between EEJ and scintillation we have the following results: on spring equinox day positive correlation was found between their intensities; 10 days’ and seasonal averages reveal that stronger scintillations occurred near the boundary of EEJ. Moreover, from the comparison of the observations on storm day and quiet days we have the following findings: on storm day the EEJ current has changed it’s direction from that of quiet day pattern; and the average S4 is generally increased in the storm time EEJ region. Both EEJ and ionosphere scintillation change coherently when they have magnitude variations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電離層閃爍
★ 赤道電噴流
關鍵字(英) ★ Ionospheric scintillation
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xii
論文架構流程圖 xiii
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究動機與論文簡介 1
1.2電離層概述 3
1.3電離層不規則體與閃爍現象 7
第二章 衛星簡介 12
2.1 GPS衛星系統簡介 12
2.2 福衛三號衛星簡介 14
第三章 赤道電噴流 18
3.1赤道電噴流的發展 18
3.2 赤道電噴流成因 20
3.3 赤道電噴流與磁場 22
3.4 赤道電噴流與電離層不規則體 26
第四章 資料的處理與分析 27
4.1資料的選取 27
4.2赤道電噴流的變化 31
4.3 赤道電噴流與電離層閃爍 42
4.4寧靜日與磁暴日 56
第五章 結論與未來展望 64
5.1結論 64
5.2未來展望 66
參考文獻 67
附錄 71
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指導教授 葉惠卿(Huey-Ching Yeh) 審核日期 2009-7-8
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