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姓名 戴淵竣(Yuan-June Tai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 電離層閃爍與極光區電噴流和下降帶電粒子之相關性
(Ionosphere Scintillation in Response to Auroral Electrojet and Field-aligned Precipitating Charged Particles)
★ 利用中華衛星一號日地物理酬載對赤道電漿密度異常之統計研究★ 中華衛星一號觀測頂部電離層重離子含量異常之研究
★ 利用中華衛星一號日地物理酬載探討南大西洋磁場異常區電漿不規則體之結構★ 中華衛星一號觀測磁暴時期電離層電漿槽中低緯度邊界位置及波動現象之研究
★ 中華一號衛星所測量到電漿不規則體內向下運動離子的空間分佈與波譜結構★ 用華衛一號觀測資料研究離子沿磁場飄移速度之變化與成因
★ 利用福衛一號研究巨型磁暴時之快速電漿流現象★ 利用福衛一號觀測資料對電離層快速上升電漿泡之研究
★ 磁暴時中緯部重離子異常現象之研究★ 福衛一號SENPOT電位變化與低緯度電離層環境之相關性
★ 利用ROCSAT-1和GPS衛星資料研究電漿泡的時空分布★ 利用ROCSAT-1和DMSP衛星資料研究磁暴時中緯度重離子異常現象
★ 全球閃電產生的電場對電離層之影響★ 大氣層閃電對頂部電離層電漿不規則體的相關性
★ 利用福衛一號研究頂部電離層之電漿不規則體★ 赤道地區電噴流與福衛三號衛星觀測電離層閃爍現象之相關性
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摘要(中) 本篇論文利用福衛三號衛星群(FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC)所提供的GPS L1電波閃爍指標S4資料及DMSP衛星所提供之極光區場沿下降電子資料,以探討地磁擾動(Kp)、極光區電噴流(AE)、及極光區下降高能電子的分佈對於極光區電離層閃爍的影響。我們選擇2007年的冬季、夏季及5月23日磁暴期間之資料做分析。統計分析的結果發現:(1)S4的強度在地方時對磁緯度座標中(MLT-MLAT)的分佈與極光區下降粒子(30eV-30keV)的分佈相同,不論冬或夏,閃爍現象在黃昏到午夜前最為明顯,但夏季時閃爍強度一般比冬季的強;(2)當Kp增強時,強閃爍分佈區域變寬;(3)閃爍強度分佈的變化隨AE的變化最為敏銳,當AE增強時,強閃爍區域向高低緯延伸,從黃昏到午夜過後都可見到強閃爍發生。進一步比較5月23日磁暴擴張期(06-14 UT)時的S4強度分佈與場沿下降(1-10keV)電子分佈我們確定強電離層閃爍的發生和變化受到極光區下降高能電子的分佈與變化的影響很大。
摘要(英) In this thesis we use the S4 data of GPS L1 scintillations received by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC satellites and the field-aligned electron precipitation data measured by the DMSP satellites in auroral region to study the distribution of scintillation events at high latitude ionosphere. We discuss how the changes of geomagnetic field disturbance (specified by Kp), auroral electrojet current (represented by AE) and energetic precipitating electron flux, will affect the spatial distribution as well as the intensity level of ionospheric scintillations. We choose the data of the 2007 summer and winter, and of the highlight period of a magnetic storm on May 23 for analyses. The main results of the analysis are summarized as follows.
From statistical analyses we found: (1) the morphology of the intensity distribution of scintillation (represented by S4 index) is approximately coincident with that of auroral electron (30eV ~30keV) precipitation flux in the magnetic local time versus magnetic latitude coordinate frame (MLT-MLAT). The scintillation phenomenon is most pronounced in the local time sector from sunset to the midnight regardless of seasons. However the strength of scintillation in the summer is generally stronger than that in the winter. (2) As Kp increases, strong scintillation events span wider MLT-MLAT region. (3)The distribution and intensity of scintillation respond most sensitively to the change of AE. As AE increases the morphology of strong scintillations expands to both high and low latitudes. Strong scintillation can be seen from the sunset to the post midnight hours.
Furthermore, by comparison of the simultaneous measurements of S4 with energetic (1-10keV) precipitating electrons during the expansion phase (06-14 UT) of the May 23 storm we found that the occurrence and variations of strong scintillation events are greatly affected by the distribution and dynamics of auroral precipitating electrons.
關鍵字(中) ★ 下降帶電粒子
★ 極光區電噴流
★ 電離層閃爍
關鍵字(英) ★ Ionosphere Scintillation
★ Auroral Electrojet
★ Field-aligned Precipitating Charged Particles
論文目次 中文摘要 .............................................. i
英文摘要 ............................................. ii
致謝 ................................................. iv
目錄 ................................................. v
圖目錄 .............................................. vii
表目錄 ............................................... x
流程圖 ............................................... xi
緒論 1-1 前言.......................................... 1
1-2 電離層簡介 .................................... 4
第二章 儀器介紹
2-1 福衛三號衛星系統 .............................. 11
2-2 DMSP衛星簡介及儀器介紹 ........................ 16
第三章 相關指標與參數
3-1振幅閃爍指標S4 ............................... 19
3-2 福衛三號資料S4 ................................ 19
3-3 DMSP粒子偵測儀器參數 ......................... 22
第四章 資料分析與結果討論
4-1統計分析..................................... 24
4-1-1閃爍的季節性變化 ........................ 24
4-1-2極光區閃爍受地磁擾動變化(Kp)的影響 ..... 27
4-1-3 極光區電噴流(AE)和閃爍現象(S4)的相關性 .. 35
4-2磁暴期間電離層閃爍分析 .................... 41
4-2-1磁暴期間擾動指數及S4隨時間的變化 ....... 41
4-2-2極光區下降電子與電離層閃爍 ............... 49
4-3電離層閃爍與電子密度的關係 ................ 57
第五章 結論...................................... 60
參考文獻 ........................................ 62
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指導教授 葉惠卿(Huey-Ching Yeh) 審核日期 2009-7-17
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