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姓名 覃培清(Umpa pacapongpan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 客家社會文化研究所
論文名稱 臺泰跨國婚姻文化適應現象:以南桃園客家庄泰籍妻子為例
(Transnational Marriage of Taiwan and Thai Cultural adaptation phenomenon:A Case study of Thai wives in Taiwan Hakka community at south of Taoyuan)
★ 都市客家的族群性—以台北市通化街為例★ 探討宗教社群的組織活動與信仰特色:以中壢慈惠堂為例
★ 宗教與天災:苗栗卓蘭白布帆聚落祭祀活動的探討★ 新竹地區還老愿儀式之研究
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★ 文化保存與文化治理:以新瓦屋客家文化保存區為例(2005-2010)
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摘要(中) 本論文以南桃園客家庄內的泰籍妻子為研究對象,採用深度訪談與參與觀察的方式來了解泰籍妻子婚後在臺灣的文化適應狀況,所得結果如下:
摘要(英) This thesis investigates transnational marriages in a case of Thai wives in Taiwan Hakka community in the south of Taoyuan, research with depth interviews and participant observation for understanding the status of cultural adaptation of Thai wives after married in Taiwan, the results are as follows:
1. Thai wives’ family backgrounds are important to this research because they indicate Thai women’s social class background which affects their living in Taiwan so that it leads to many variety problems. Thus, this also shows the cultural differences between the Taiwan and Thailand. This report divides Thai wives into two categories; Chinese-Thais and pure-Thais. Chinese-Thais’ families are reported as a middle social class in Thailand which have a good quality of life. Most of the Chinese-Thais engage in trade business as entrepreneurs in the city, and in the rural region they become landlords, so their economic statuses are often found to be better than the pure-Thais which most of them are agriculturists. But some of pure-Thais families also found being government employees in which their education and economic status are higher than the agricultural families. As a report from participants with agricultural family background, they increase their economic status by moving to the city and working after they graduated from high school. Their original family background, education and work experience affect them as basis to the reason of why they choose to have transnational marriages.
2. Unlike other studies as always research about transnational marriages in Taiwan with Southeast Asia by marriage bureau, this research focus on freely transnational marriage which is based on free love and free feeling without marriage bureau involved or get a blind marriage. How a couple meet each other is the result from the population movement which globalization is its cause, whether they meet by the woman migration, man migration or both of them, these are the opportunity to understand the main factors how they considered to get a transnational marriage. This study shows the most of Thai women willingly to marry to Taiwanese men because they think of them as they having good appearance and behavior, which cause some of Thai women from polygamous family that would like to have their married life being the monogamy think this can be solved by getting a marriage with Taiwanese.
3. In the perspective of globalization and the marriage marketing, women will choose only to marry to high social-class men known as “marrying up”. This cause many of Taiwanese men become unable to afford to marry to Taiwanese women, so they try out with marriage bureau to find them some medium social-class women in rural part of Southeast Asia becoming their wife. This also means that they think of the Southeast Asia women always try to get a border-cross marriage to have them married up as in the economic concept of marriage marketing. However, this study report none of participants get married up as Taiwanese think of because most of them have no marriage gradient, in example of a couple with pure-Thai women are working in the same factory as their husband. Beside some of Chinese-Thai women are reported to have their educational and family background better than her husband.
4. Some of Taiwan people have the wrong image of Thai wives, because they have their negative information from some of the media broadcast, this information including of; poor family, poor education, not reliable and having bad appearance. By this study researched in an industrial zone in the southern Taoyuan which there is a lot of Thai workers. They are found by Taiwanese that they always go to a pub for drink on holidays, get drunk that also make some trouble to the others, resulting in uncomfortable and unsafe feeling to Taiwan people and cause them to have their negative attitudes on all of Thai people. They think of all Thai people as savages and not civilized, so Thai wives who are innocents also get some of misunderstanding. With these negative always cause Thai wives harder to adapt their living in Taiwan.
5. This study shows how married Thai-women-To-Taiwanese between pure-Thais and Chinese-Thais differently adapted their cultural living style in Taiwan. Chinese-Thai women grew up with their mandarin Chinese taught, so they can communicate to Taiwanese which give them more advantage to adaptation in their living and finding jobs, also they already known some of Chinese cultural ceremonies before in addition to their advantage. However, they are very sensitive to ethnic discrimination especially when calling them “Thai bride” because they think that their ancestors are Chinese as same as Taiwanese’s ancestors which is the only problem for their living adaptation. Pure-Thai women are reported to have problem in communication, even some of them already worked in Taiwan for a several years because they always have someone to interpret for them so their language skill does not increase properly as they should be for their living in Taiwan, thus, this become more and more problem after they married to Taiwanese, they need to understand Mandarin-Chinese, also Min-nan and Hakka in addition. Furthermore, with the differences of pure-Thai and Taiwanese cultural religion faiths and ceremonies, their adaption to this differences also come in terms of religion for living with Taiwanese husband. By the way, they are less affected by ethnic discrimination because they understand their differences to Taiwanese, yet, they always make friends with Thais and Southeast Asia people, so they do not mind.
6. Taiwan is a multicultural sociality, the researcher focus on the city of South of Taoyuan, They discovered that most married couples become to be the Hakka community. The married couples were influenced by the Hakka culture such as the husband will lead his wife so the man will be like the powerful leader of the family. The wife who married into Hakka family need to adjust herself to be underneath her husband also to change the role of herself from a woman to be a wife, daughter-in-low and mother. The fact which the researcher can find is Thai wife who is from a farmer family can adjust herself to be with the Hakka family as well because they have the similar way of life compared to Hakka family like a assiduous and economical people. We can say that Thai wife is supported by the Hakka culture which is a part of adjustment in the culture for her new life in Taiwan. On the other hand. Thai-Chinese who is rich and has a good life quality in the hometown cannot adapt to the role of Hakka women who need to work hard and change herself many ways to be underneath the man’s power, so it turns out that the Hakka Culture push and take effect to cultural adjustment hardly to the new life.
關鍵字(中) ★ 泰籍妻子
★ 生活調適
★ 跨國婚姻
★ 婚姻坡度
關鍵字(英) ★ Thai w
★ Transnational marriages
★ Marriage gradient
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 i
Abstracts iv
謝辭 vii
目錄 ix
圖目錄 xiv
表目錄 xv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 2
第三節 名詞釋義 4
一、 泰籍妻子 4
二、 婚姻與家庭 5
三、 跨國婚姻 6
四、 社會階層 6
五、 女性角色 8
第四節 研究方法與田野工作 8
一、研究方法 10
(一)、深度訪談 10
(二)、參與觀察 11
二、田野工作 12
(一)、田野地點介紹 12
(二)、選擇研究對象 13
(三)、進入田野方式 15
(三)、田野工作時程 17
第二章 文獻回顧 20
第一節 婚姻相關文獻 20
一、婚姻的認知 20
二、婚姻市場 22
三、婚姻坡度 22
第二節 跨國婚姻現象 24
一、泰國跨國婚姻現象 25
(一)泰國跨國婚姻之歷史 25
(二)婚姻與面子觀 28
二、臺灣跨國婚姻現象 30
(一)外籍配偶來台與生活狀況 31
(二)外籍配偶遇上客家族群 33
(三)外籍配偶的文化適應 35
三、跨國婚姻建立過程… 36
第三節 女性角色認知與期待 38
一、 泰國女性角色認知 39
二、臺灣女性角色認知 43
第三章 客家庄內的泰籍妻子的母文化背景與跨國婚姻締結過程 48
第一節 泰國娘家文化與政經背景 48
一、 泰籍妻子之族群背景 48
(一)非華裔 49
(二)華裔 54
二、家鄉語言與宗教 64
(一)語言溝通 64
(二)宗教信仰 68
三、家庭背景與養育模式 72
(一)單偶家庭 72
(二)多偶家庭 75
四、娘家政經背景 76
(一)娘家經濟 76
(二)家鄉政治傾向 79
第二節 臺泰跨國婚姻締結方式與結婚過程 81
一、跨國婚姻建立方式 81
(一)仲介媒合 81
(二)自我選擇 83
二、泰籍妻子建立跨國婚姻之條件 85
(一)認識地區 86
(二)族群印象 90
(三)理想婚姻對象 92
三、結婚過程 94
(一)傳統泰式婚禮過程 95
(二)泰國華裔婚禮過程 102
小結 105
第四章 婚後在臺灣狀況與生活調適 107
第一節 從泰國到臺灣夫家第一印象 107
一、居家環境 108
(一)非華裔家屋 109
(二)華裔家屋 112
二、臺灣家庭組成 113
三、 氣候與服裝 114
(一)氣候 114
(二)服裝 116
第二節 在臺灣生活之文化調適 118
一、語言調適 119
(一)華裔泰籍妻子 119
(二)非華裔泰籍妻子 120
(三)語言學習調整狀況 120
二、飲食調適 123
三、工作適應 127
四、宗教信仰 132
(一)泰籍妻子信仰觀念 132
(二)伯公信仰與泰籍妻子 136
(三)祭拜方式 140
(四)心理依靠 142
五 、家庭關係與角色調適 144
(一)夫妻關係 145
(二)婆媳關係 154
(三)其他親戚關係 160
六、 社會關係建立與社會偏見的調適 167
(一)順利與接納 167
(二)失敗與排斥 170
七、休閒娛樂 173
(一)小家庭的情況 174
(二)折衷家庭的情況 175
(三)大家庭的情況 177
小結 179
第五章 結論 181
第一節 研究發現 181
一、自由戀愛的臺泰跨國婚姻 181
二、華裔與非華裔的泰籍妻子在文化適應上之差別 183
三、臺灣對泰籍妻子的刻板印象 185
四、跨國婚姻之社會階級提升 187
五、泰籍妻子與臺灣南桃園各族群 189
第二節 研究省思 191
一、研究題目與樣本之選定 191
二、報導人對研究者的激盪 193
參考書目 195
附錄一:各縣市外籍配偶人數按性別及原屬國籍分 207
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指導教授 呂玫鍰(Mei-huan Lu) 審核日期 2012-2-1
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