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姓名 莊憶萱(Yi-Syuan JHUANG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 想/ 像的雙面繆思:蘇菲.卡勒的《真實故事》
(The Dual Muse of the Imagination: Sophie Calle's True Stories)
★ 延伸的邊界:傑洛姆(Jean-Léon Gérôme)1847-1867年間歷史畫研究★ 怪誕的存有,優雅的死亡- 湯姆斯.羅蘭森的《英國死亡之舞》
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★ 藝術武器─喬治‧葛洛茲的政治諷刺圖像★ 紀實與抒情:黛安.阿勃絲《無題》系列中的社會邊緣人形象
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摘要(中) 蘇菲.卡勒自1978年起創作的《自傳》系列,在1994年由南方行動出版社彙編名為《真實故事》的小書,共收錄26則短篇故事,並逐年增補或因應特殊的展覽或獲獎機會衍生為相關的出版品。不同於藝術機構內觀賞原件作品的場域,本論文立基《真實故事》出版品上,衍生以下的研究動機:究竟它是否能像一般讀物等同於作品自身 ?它產生的脈絡為何?原自記事本的《自傳》系列與《真實故事》是固定以一組圖文相對的主題故事置於對開頁中,故事之間的順序沒有時序關係,左右對開頁成為貫穿作品的「雙面形式」,卻不同於典型的插畫書,圖文之間相互依存,缺一不可,進而引發本論文深入探究、分析與詮釋這種相片-文本作品的脈絡與其內涵。
摘要(英) From 1978 Sophie Calle created the series of Les Autobiographies which was published in a small-format book, entitled Des histories vraies (True Stories) by Actes Sud in 1994. The book comprised of 26 short stories. At the same time Des histories vraies were displayed in two separate panels on the wall in Sollertis Gallery in Toulouse. Through the passage of time, it has been re-edited, and has evolved to different designs for the special exhibitions or on the occasions of receiving awards. My thesis focuses on the publication of Des histories vraies and addresses the following questions: what is its context? Could it be the work of art by itself? Deriving from notebooks, Les Autobiographies and Des histories vraies always present one image facing one text on double-sided pages (recto-verso) independently, and the stories are not arranged in the chronological order. As a result, the double-sided pages become the typical characteristic of the work, but this book form does not resemble illustrated books. The image and the text cannot be separated from each other, so my thesis aims to analyze and interpret the context and meanings of this photo-text work.
In the first chapter, I explore the nature of contemporary artist’s books. From the 1960s to the 1970s, Conceptual and Fluxus artists searched for a proper method to document the process of the Happenings and the performance work. At the same time, photography demanded to be considered as art too, and this led to the development of art in the form of document. Some artists started to choose the book as a carrier of works, and adopted the form of popular publications and the ready-made of industrial reproductions at affordable prices to reach different readers. In the second chapter, I apply narratology to analyze the reception of the photo-text which implicates popular magazines or the television news (tele-reality). Especially through the first-person narration, the text helps to bring about a witness’s subjective experience, self-representation, and memory. The first-person narration compromises “truth” and “stories” which could contradict each other. However there is always a gap in the time during the post production of the photos and the use of self-mocking words make readers confused and underline the unstable relation in the photo-text. As Des histories vraies was re-edited and added stories, the author’s journey of life was unfolded. In the last chapter I discuss the evolution of the work as a site-specific exhibition in the Sigmund Freud Museum, Appointment with Freud. This project presented double visions and polyphonic narrations through the integration of different people’s life stories.
In conclusion, Des histories vraies sets an example of the dual nature in photo-text which characterizes Calle’s works and opens the reader’s double visions: one image facing one text in double-sided pages may induce the reader’s personal thinking which reverses the visual convention. Words question the reality constituted by the indexicality in photographs. Due to the duality in Des histories vraies I interpret the photo-text narration as the disposition of camera lucida which the artist sees both the scene and drawing surface simultaneously and which the artist needs comparing its dual imaging between the real and the representation of the object. In other words, Des histories vraies in the double-sided pages can provide us the dual muse which realizes the imagination of the photo-text stories.
關鍵字(中) ★ 自傳性
★ 蘇菲.卡勒
★ 相片-文本
★ 電視-真相
★ 藝術家的書
★ 互文性
關鍵字(英) ★ photo-text
★ autobiographical
★ Sophie Calle
★ intertextuality
★ tele-reality
★ artist’’s book
論文目次 緒論 1
藝術家與作品簡介 1
研究動機 4
文獻回顧 4
問題意識 8
觀點設限與章節架構 9
第一章 作品卅書 11
第一節 複印原件 11
一、記事本 12
二、以藝術家之名 16
三、藝術家的書 18
第二節 翻閱生活 24
一、相片─文本 24
二、撿拾瑣事 28
三、檔案集 30
小結 34
第二章 真實卅故事 36
一、故事中的真相 38
二、自我報導 41
1. 假面自傳 41
2.「我」的經歷與見證 44
3. 圖文間的共謀 49
三、實境.秀 52
1.《雙盲》實驗 52
2. 告解機制 54
3. 溫柔的報復 56
小結 59
第三章 想卅像 60
第一節 複語術 60
一、分叉的筆尖 61
二、鳩佔鵲巢 63
三、相映成趣 66
第二節 邊看邊想 70
一、返回明室 71
二、似非而是、似是而非 74
三、延異的想像 76
小結 81
結論 82
問題延伸 86
參考資料 87
附錄 92
圖版 95
參考文獻 藝術家的書卅出版品
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指導教授 曾少千(Shao-Chien TSENG) 審核日期 2012-6-21
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