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姓名 劉力君(Li-Chun Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
論文名稱 專題式合作學習在教育桌上遊戲設計課程之應用-以師資培育學生為例
(Applying Collaborative Project-based Learning into the Curriculum for Educational Broad Game Design -An Example of Pre-service Teachers)
★ 自我效能與STEM樂高機器人課程對國民小學六年級學生學習成效與學習態度之影響★ 偏鄉小學學伴在英語線上課業輔導的學習滿意度、學習態度和學習成果
★ 網路同儕評量回饋功能及自我調制歷程之研究★ 數位遊戲設計之教學模式建構
★ 樂高機器人多媒體教材設計、發展與可用性評估★ 桃園縣青少年網路閱讀動機與網路閱讀行為之相關研究
★ 國小學生對桌上遊戲接受度之相關分析—以大富翁遊戲為例★ 網路討論區評鑑指標發展及應用
★ 台灣青少年學習者於機器人學習活動的動機策略探究-以WRO機器人競賽為例★ 資訊科技融入教學實踐歷程之行動敘說--以國小低年級閱讀與寫作為例
★ 創意思考螺旋教學策略對國小學童學習效果之研究★ 一位數學家教老師 如何資訊融入專業知能發展
★ 成語教學導入桌遊對國中八年級學生之影響★ 遊戲化華語教學之研究—以創意思考螺旋融入教育桌遊為例
★ 機器人學習活動的協作歷程、情境知識之探究:以樂高機器人之分組學習課程為例★ 歌曲教學法、傳統教學法對EFL學習者 英語聽力成效差異
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摘要(中) 利用配件與圖板構成的桌上遊戲引導學生學習遊戲設計,有助於瞭解遊戲的機制、內涵,並培養學生創造思考與合作的技能,但是很少有研究從教學和課程活動設計的角度來看如何引導學生設計桌上遊戲。
摘要(英) The use of board games in game design was beneficial for students to understand the mechanisms and content of the games, and to develop creative thinking and cooperation skills. However, few studies from curriculum design perspective to explore how to guide students to design board games.
In this study, project-based cooperative learning was applied in the board game design course. Fifty-one pre-service teachers in a university in northern Taiwan participated in this study. This is a two-hour course per week, and the course lasted for seventeen weeks. During the course, the learning platform with online synchronous and asynchronous discussion functions was applied to support students’ learning.The researcher took the role of teaching assistant, and observed students’ learning. The data of students’ participation and group discussion recorded by the online discussion platform, collected from questionnaires, and observation, were used to analyze students’ perceptions and self-efficacy in this course.
The result showed that students’ self-efficacy in operating and designing board games were enhanced, and students were satisfied with the course. Moreover, after the course, it was found that the students would apply the skills learned in the course into the practical educational fields, and multiple ways for group discussion were beneficial for students to improve their communication and creativity. In the final, some suggestions were proposed for future studies about the design of board game design course.
關鍵字(中) ★ 專題式合作學習
★ 桌上遊戲
★ 師資培育生
關鍵字(英) ★ project-based learning
★ board game
★ pre-service teacher
論文目次 第壹章 緒論.....................1
第一節 研究背景與動機.............1
第二節 研究目的..................4
第三節 研究問題..................5
第四節 研究限制..................6
第五節 名詞解釋..................7
第貳章 文獻探討..................9
第一節 桌上遊戲..................9
第二節 專題式合作學習.............13
第三節 桌上遊戲設計課程的設計與實施..18
第參章 研究設計..................21
第一節 研究方法..................21
第二節 研究對象與場域.............24
第三節 課程活動設計...............26
第四節 研究工具..................39
第五節 資料分析..................42
第肆章 研究結果..................43
第一節 課程對學生自我效能的影響.....43
第二節 學生對課程的反應與感受.......54
第三節 學生在學習上的發展情形 .......66
第伍章 結論與建議.................71
第一節 研究結論..................71
第二節 研究建議..................74
附錄一 桌上遊戲操作與設計自我效能量表.82
附錄二 桌上遊戲設計專題課程滿意度問卷.84
附錄三 遊戲測試矩陣評分表...........87
附錄四 小組遊戲互評表..............88
附錄五 學生作品列表................89
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指導教授 劉旨峯(Eric Zhi-Feng Liu) 審核日期 2011-8-15
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