博碩士論文 973202010 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳建益(CHIEN-I CHEN)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 地震災害風險評估之傷亡評估模組的建置
(Earthquake Risk Assessment Of The Casualty Assessment Module To Establish)
★ 國際巨災保險制度之研究★ 我國推動地方層級災害防救專責單位之問題探討-以桃園縣為例
★ 公共危險物品保安監督之探討-以新竹縣為例★ 長期照顧機構消防安全設計與防火避難設施之研究
★ 考慮土壤結構互制效應並裝設減振裝置的高層建築氣動力反應之研究★ 結合模糊控制與類神經網路探討非線性結構控制的穩定性
★ 觀光產業天然災害風險評估與管理★ 天然災害風險管理決策方法建立—以地震災害為例
★ 颱洪災害風險評估推測事件資料庫之建置及應用★ 火災現場指揮幕僚運作探討-以桃園市政府消防局為例
★ 科學園區地震緊急應變計畫之研擬★ 地震災害風險評估及地震保險之風險管理
★ 園區建築物耐震能力評估★ 整合性多目標地震風險評估系統之建立
★ 適應性模糊滑動模態控制在結構工程上應用之研究★ 高樓結構裝設調和液柱阻尼器減振效應之風洞實驗研究
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摘要(中) 台灣位於環太平洋地震帶中歐亞板塊及菲律賓海板塊的交界處,為地震發生相當頻繁的區域,近年來接連遭遇多次強烈地震的侵襲,如1999年921南投集集大地震、2002年331花蓮外海大地震及2004年5月1日花蓮地震等,尤其是1999年的921集集大地震,造成有形與無形的傷害損失慘重,引起政府機關與社會大眾高度且密切的關注。
摘要(英) Taiwan is located in the circum-Pacific seismic belt and the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea plate at the junction of the earthquake area quite frequently, in recent years connecting to face the invasion of several strong earthquakes, such as the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Nantou 921, 2002 331 earthquake off the coast of Hualien and May 1, 2004 Hualien earthquake, particularly the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, causing damage to tangible and intangible losses, causing a high degree of government agencies and the community, and close attention.
Many experts and scholars long-term ongoing study of earthquake hazards, such as catastrophe risk assessment software RiskTracer and Taiwan earthquake damage assessment system TELES. Analysis system used in this study is RiskTrace, this evaluation system is composed of a number of disasters database and analysis system, the system can be divided into four modules, each module is speculated that the incident, hazard analysis module, damage analysis module, and financial analysis module.
In addition to buildings caused by earthquake damage and property losses, for the population of casualties can not be neglected, the previous analysis of the casualties on the use of non-household population mobility analysis, such a static-free mobility of the population, will not be able to see changes in population mobility, and earthquakes are all not a single point in time, at different time points of the seismic event, it should be on the point in time the population distribution, so that it can analyze the results more realistic. The casualties in this study population analysis module building purposes, is hoping to improve the assessment of the existing system, so that results can be more improved.
Study considered the characteristics of population movements, using discrete time definition of the rate and the dynamic population estimates, estimates of the population and then further divided according to their rate of distribution within the configuration structure, followed by analysis of damage to the building to understand the different degrees of damage the incidence of damage to the final consideration for the different buildings of different injuries occur, build a casualty analysis module. This paper will use the recent casualties of the 921 Chi-Chi earthquake simulation, to confirm that the module can effectively achieve the casualty assessment, and finally, loss of simulated earthquakes in Taiwan, to go beyond the casualties of the curve showing the probability to apply to a variety of insurance / reinsurance emerging alternative risk transfer product design and pricing tools.
關鍵字(中) ★ 地震災害損失評估
★ 靜態人口
★ 動態人口
★ 建築物損害
關鍵字(英) ★ earthquake damage assessment
★ static population
★ population dynamics
★ building damage
論文目次 目 錄
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
致 謝 V
目 錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2文獻回顧 6
1.3研究動機與目的 12
1.4 研究方法與內容 13
第二章 地震災害風險評估模型 16
2.1 地震災害風險評估模型介紹 16
2.1.1事件推測模組 17
2.1.2危害度分析模組 19
2.1.3 損害分析模組 21
2.1.4 財務分析模組介紹 25
2.2 HAZUS評估系統之介紹 30
2.3 RISK-TRACER系統之傷亡評估 36
第三章 建置人口傷亡評估模組 40
3.1 傷亡模組資料蒐集 43
3.1.1 人口數量蒐集 43
3.1.2 一般建築物數量蒐集 44
3.1.3 行政區劃分 45
3.2 傷亡模組資料庫建立 49
3.2.1 人口資料庫 49
3.2.3 損壞發生率資料庫 60
3.2.4 傷亡率資料庫 62
3.3 傷亡模組建置 64
3.4 傷亡數與災損率之計算 66
第四章 實例分析及比較 71
4.1 傷亡分析流程。 71
4.2 單一地震事件之傷亡分析-921集集地震 73
4.2.1 資料設定 75
4.1.2 傷亡分析 77
4.1.3 結果呈現 77
4.1.4 小結 84
4.3 數個地震事件之傷亡分析-損失超越機率曲線 87
第五章 結論與建議 95
5.1 結論 95
5.2 建議 96
參考文獻 97
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 蔣偉寧(Wei-Ling Chiang) 審核日期 2011-8-29
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