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姓名 徐偉恩(Wei-en Xu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 腹腔電腦斷層影像與超音波影像之剛性融合
(Rigid fusion of abdominal computed tomograph and ultrasound images)
★ 以擠製冷卻成型法結合相分離法製作神經再生用多孔性導管★ 整合可調式阻力之手足復健機研究
★ 應用於肝腫瘤治療之超音波影像輔助機械臂HIFU燒灼實驗系統★ 顱顏整型手術用植入物之設計與製作
★ 電腦輔助骨科手術用規劃及導引系統★ 遠端遙控機械手臂腹腔鏡手術系統
★ 頭部CT與MR影像之融合★ 手術用影像導引機械人定位及鑽孔系統
★ 機器人校正與醫學影像導引定位應用★ 顱顏手術用規劃及導引系統
★ 醫學用超音波影像導引系統★ 應用3D區域成長法於腦部磁共振影像之分割
★ 腦部手術用導引系統之方位校準及腦瘤影像分割★ 超音波影像即時震波導引
★ 腫瘤偵測與顱顏骨骼重建★ 骨科手術用C-arm影像輔助規劃及導引系統
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摘要(中) 腹部超音波檢查是腹部臟器疾病檢查常用的儀器,並可協助作穿刺及切片檢查。超音波掃描具有即時性與非傷害性,但二維影像雜訊多,且缺乏空間資訊,醫師需要有足夠的經驗才能據以正確判讀。因此本研究融合病患的超音波影像與電腦斷層影像,讓超音波影像與同方位的電腦斷層影像同步顯示,並在電腦斷層影像重建的三維模型上顯示超音波掃描方位,以協助超音波影像的判讀,進而可發展超音波掃描及影像判讀的訓練系統,提供醫護人員使用。
  首先利用程式擷取超音波影像與超音波探頭的空間方位,並使用影像校正器,完成超音波影像的校準。電腦斷層影像與超音波方位對正則是掃描共用的球形標記,輔以疊代最近點(Interactive Closest Point)演算法,計算得到兩影像座標系的方位轉換矩陣。之後將兩影像資料與轉換矩陣,以基於MCV軟體架構開發超音波掃描與影像判讀視覺化軟體,並進行方位對正的誤差評估。
摘要(英) Ultrasound imaging is a convenient tool for diagnosis of abdominal organ diseases and can be applied to biopsy. Ultrasound imaging is real-time and has no harm to human body. However it has some drawbacks such as images are blurred and lack of spatial information.  Physicians need well training and clinic experience to avoid misdiagnosis. This study proposes an image registration method between ultrasound images and CT images, which can be used to develop an ultrasound scan training program for medical staffs.
  First, ultrasound images and corresponding spatial information are captured by computer program, and then the images are calibrated by using an optic tracker and a calibration phantom with N-type wires. The registration between CT images and US images is done by finding the transformation matrix using spherical markers combined with optimization method – the Iterative Closest Point algorithm. Then, the CT and US images can be fused to build a training program using MCV software architecture. The registration errors can also be assessed in the training program.
  Registration error assessment experiments were performed with a box phantom, an anthropomorphic phantom, and patients. The errors using the box phantom and anthropomorphic phantom were about 1-2 mm. But the results of patient experiments had an error of 1-2 cm. The possible main factor is liver movement due to respiration which should be compensated.
關鍵字(中) ★ 軟體架構
★ 方位校準
★ 超音波影像
★ 影像融合
關鍵字(英) ★ Ultrasound Image
★ Registration
★ Software architecture
★ Image fusion
論文目次 摘要..............................................i
第1章 緒論......................................1
1-1 研究動機..................................1
1-2 文獻回顧..................................2
1-3 論文介紹..................................4
第2章 系統架構..................................5
2-1 資料擷取階段..............................6
2-1-1 超音波影像................................6
2-1-2 電腦斷層掃描影像..........................6
2-1-3 定位資訊..................................7
2-1-4 影像擷取卡................................8
2-1-5 電腦主機..................................9
2-1-6 資料擷取軟體..............................9
2-2 影像資料的方位校準........................10
2-3 建構訓練系統..............................11
2-3-1 資料視覺化................................11
2-3-2 使用者介面設計............................12
2-3-3 彈性的程式架構............................12
第3章 研究方法..................................13
3-1 方法概述..................................13
3-2 醫學影像與定位座標資料擷取................14
3-2-1 資料擷取速率與同步問題....................18
3-3 影像資料的方位校準........................19
3-3-1 座標系統定義..............................19
3-3-2 座標系統轉換..............................20
3-3-3 斷層掃描影像的方位校準....................23
3-3-4 超音波影像的方位校準......................27
3-4 建構視覺化系統............................31
3-4-1 通用訓練軟體架構..........................32
3-4-2 超音波訓練系統............................40
第4章 實驗結果與討論............................49
4-1 實驗方法與實驗結果........................49
4-1-1 系統誤差分析實驗..........................51
4-1-2 假體樣板實驗..............................62
4-1-3 病患實驗..................................63
4-2 實驗結果討論..............................65
第5章 結論與未來展望............................67
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指導教授 曾清秀(Ching-shiow Tseng) 審核日期 2011-1-24
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