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姓名 曼德拉(Mandla Mkhonta)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
論文名稱 圖繪史瓦濟蘭瓜魯賽尼地區都市化之變遷型態
(Mapping Changing Urbanization Patterns in Kwaluseni, Swaziland)
★ 多時期衛星影像之自動化監督性分類★ 大範圍地區土地使用分類之研究
★ 高解析力衛星影像控制點座標之自動化萃取★ 影像最佳類別數目之研究
★ 遙控直昇機應用於工程管理監測可行性之研究★ 以地理資訊系統輔助共同管道之最適設計
★ 有理函數應用於空載多光譜影像幾何校正之研究★ SPOT自然色影像產生之研究
★ 結合影像區塊及知識庫分類之研究-以IKONOS衛星影像為例★ 遙控飛機空載視訊影像自動化鑲嵌方法之研究
★ 影像分割技術於高解析衛星影像分類之應用★ 小波多層次解析之影像融合應用
★ 線性複合模式應用於變遷偵測之研究★ 改良式變異向量分析法於變遷偵測之探討
★ 區塊分割變遷偵測法於多時期衛星影像之應用★ 資料挖掘技術應用於外來入侵植物研究 (以恆春地區銀合歡為例)
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摘要(中) 都市化已儼然成為許多發展中國家的重要議題。當在史瓦濟蘭行政轄區的快速增加的人口密度,Kwaluseni市正經歷著一場由都市化現象所造成的地景變化。本研究將應用衛星影像資料與GIS技術,分析1990與2009年兩個時期都市建成區成長樣式來檢驗都市化發展的歷程。
建成區域的土地利用被劃分為四個主要的居住密度資料類別:(1)無居住; (2)低密度 ; (3)中等密度 (4) 高密度。
摘要(英) Urbanization has become an important issue for many developing countries. As the most densely populated inkhundla in Swaziland, Kwaluseni is experiencing dramatic landscape changes attributable to urbanization. This research examines the process of urbanization utilizing satellite imagery and GIS to analyze patterns of urban growth that occurred in two periods, 1999 and 2009. Change detection methods, based on manual interpretation of free high resolution satellite images and aerial photographs, were used to evaluate growth rates and development. Built-up areas were identified as areas that were occupied by housing structures but not strictly used for housing. The classification process involves two main steps: 1) creating a 30 m x 30 m grid; 2) visual interpretation of aerial photo and QuickBird satellite image from Google Earth. Land was classified into four classes of housing density data: 1) no housing; 2) low density; 3) medium density; and 4) high density. The results indicate that residential land uses were higher compared with industrial/commercial uses especially its peri-urban areas. The expansion, involves the conversion of agricultural land and open spaces. Overall, the findings demonstrate the growing importance of remote sensing and GIS approaches in tackling land use problems, especially urban growth. The methodology used in this study is suitable for studying changes in small areas as it involves visual detection.
關鍵字(中) ★ 判釋
★ 分類
★ 捷鳥
★ 谷哥地球
★ 行政轄區
★ 都市周圍土地
★ 都市
★ 地理資訊系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Classification.
★ Interpretation
★ QuckBird
★ Google Earth
★ Inkhundla
★ Peri-urban
★ Urban
★ Geographical Information Systems
論文目次 摘要 i
Acknowledgements iii
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research Problem 5
1.3 Objectives and Research Questions 7
1.4 Scope and Limitations of the Study 8
1.5 Conceptual Framework 9
2.1 Definitions and Terminology 12
2.2 Remote Sensing of Urban Change Studies 12
3.1 General Background of Swaziland 18
3.2 Population 18
3.3 Economy 19
3.3.1 Factory Shells 19
3.4 Land 22
3.4.1 Land Tenure 22
3.4.2 Housing 23
3.5 The Study Area 24
4.1 Data Acquisition 28
4.1.1 Aerial Photographs 28
4.1.2 Satellite Data 29
4.2 Data Preprocessing 30
4.2.1 Mosaicking Aerial Photos 30
4.2.2 Creating the QuickBird Image 30
4.2.3 Image-to-Image Registration 32
4.2.3a Image Transformation 32
4.2.3b Selection of Ground Control Points 33
4.2.3c Root Mean Square Error 35
4.2.3d Image Resampling 36
4.3 Housing Density Classification 37
4.4 Spatial Data Analysis 40
5.1 Spatial Distribution of Houses 41
5.2 Housing Change Detection 44
5.2.1 Urban Area 46
5.2.2 Peri-Urban Area 48
5.3 Buffer Analysis 52
5.4 Analysis of Drivers of Land-Use Change 54
5.4.1 Population 55
5.4.2 Land Tenure 56
5.4.3 Public Utilities and Services 56
5.4.4 Public Policies and Impacts on Land-Use Change 57
5.5 Google Earth as a Research Tool 58
6.1 Conclusions 60
6.2 Recommendations 61
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指導教授 陳繼藩(Chi-Farn Chen) 審核日期 2010-8-17
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