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姓名 邱慧珍(Hui-Chen Chiu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 區隔綠色消費者及探討影響綠色產品的態度與願付價格之心理決定因子
(Identify Green Consumers and Psychological Determinants of Attitude towards and Willingness to Pay for Green Products)
★ 企業多角化經營策略之研究 ─以某機構拓展資訊應用服務市場為例★ 某中小企業執行政府專案計畫之社會網絡關係分析
★ 學習型組織與價值創造的探討★ 以社會行動研究法探討組織內的社會網絡關係-以C研究中心為例
★ 以個案研究探討半導體封測業CIM之導入★ 消費者特性與網路使用經驗對網路購物 之影響-以上海、台北學生為例
★ 醫院資訊系統應用實踐歷程之社會效果分析 -以醫令資訊系統為例★ 關係連結對網路顧客忠誠度影響之研究
★ 虛擬社群成員再訪意圖之探討-以 Fashion Guide 社群為例★ 利用feature-opinion pair建立向量空間模型以進行使用者評論分類之研究
★ 消費者對仿冒品態度的前因與後果之研究-以電子產品為例★ 角色壓力源、焦崩對組織承諾的影響-兩岸資訊從業人員之比較研究
★ 組織公民行為意圖影響因素之研究-以兩岸資訊從業人員為例★ 資訊人員的工作特性、創造力人格特質與工作滿足的相關性研究
★ 網路購物意願影響因素之研究-以北京、台北在職班學生為例★ 信任關係對策略彈性的影響研究―以經濟部資訊業體系電子化B計畫為例
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摘要(中) 近年來,大自然已經成為人類很重要的一部分。消費者的環保意識創造許多綠色產品的發展機會。最近,關於綠色行銷、綠色消費者輪廓以及環保標章的研究受到各界的重視(Arminda M. et al., 2009; Derek W. et al., 2009; Paromita, 2008; Mohamed, 2009)。本研究的目的在找出綠色消費者的輪廓、了解消費者的購買意圖以及消費者的願付價格。本研究將採用問卷調查法,選擇油電混合車做為研究標的物,針對中央大學的EMBA及在職專班進行便利抽樣。
摘要(英) Since the dawn of human being, nature has always been an important part of human lives. Awareness of consumers’ environmental concern creates many opportunities for the development of green products. Lately, the research issues of green marketing, profiling of green consumers, and eco-labeling have been emphasized a lot (Arminda M. et al., 2009; Derek W. et al., 2009; Paromita, 2008; Mohamed, 2009). The objective of this study was to explore the profile of green consumers, confirm their purchase intentions, and consumers’ willingness to pay. Convenience sampling method was used to perform the questionnaire survey which is based on hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), and participants in this study are EMBA students and office workers study in National Central University.
The results were as follows: First, the four levels of green consumers were identified as true greens, light greens, potential greens and basic browns. Also, the price premium they are willing to pay was significantly different. Second, consumers who were more concerned and knowledgeable about the environment tended to have more positive attitudes toward green products and, in turn, a stronger intention to purchase green products. Additionally, consumers who were more concerned about the environment tended put more importance on eco-labels. Third, the more positive attitudes towards green products consumers had and the more customers performed their ecological conservation behavior, the higher the likelihood that they were willing to pay a mark-up for green products.
This study is valuable for enterprises to understand the profile of green consumers in Taiwan. Also, those firms who have targeted true green and light green consumers should take advantage of the countless opportunities with environmental consumerism for their acceptance of 5% to 10% price more than original price of green products.
關鍵字(中) ★ 綠色行銷
★ 環保標章
★ 願付價格
★ 綠色區隔
關鍵字(英) ★ Green marketing
★ green segmentation
★ willingness to pay
★ eco-label
論文目次 1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 5
2.1. The Trend of Research about Green Marketing 5
2.2. Theory of Reasoned Action 6
2.3. Conceptual Model 6
2.4. Environmental Concern 8
2.5. Environmental Knowledge 9
2.6. Green Purchase Attitude 10
2.7. Importance of Eco-label 13
2.8. Environmentally Friendly Behavior 14
2.9. Green Purchase Intention 15
2.10. Willingness to Pay 16
2.11. Perceived Consumer Effectiveness 17
2.12. Skepticism towards Environmental Claims 18
2.13. Green Segmentation 19
3. Research Method 24
3.1. Research Design 24
3.2. Stimulus 24
3.3. Samples and Data Collection 25
3.4. Measures 25
3.4.1. Environmental Concern 25
3.4.2. Environmental Knowledge 26
3.4.3. Green Purchase Attitude 26
3.4.4. Importance of eco-label 27
3.4.5. Environmentally friendly behavior 27
3.4.6. Green Purchase Intention 28
3.4.7. Willingness to Pay 28
3.4.8. Perceived Consumer Effectiveness 28
3.4.9. Skepticism towards Environmental Claims 29
3.5. Pre-test 29
3.6. Data Analysis Method 30
4. Data Analysis 31
4.1. Descriptive Statistics 31
4.2. Reliability and Validity 33
4.3. Hypotheses Testing 38
4.3.1. Model Fit Estimates 38
4.3.2. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) 39
4.3.3. Cluster Analysis 41
5. Conclusion and Implications 51
5.1. Conclusion 51
5.2. Managerial Implications 54
5.3. Research Limitations 55
5.4. Further Research 55
Reference 57
Appendix1: Questionnaire (Chinese) 69
Appendix2: Questionnaire (English) 75
Appendix3: Submission Version 79
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指導教授 宋鎧(Kai Sung) 審核日期 2010-7-5
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