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論文名稱 消費者對仿冒品態度的前因與後果之研究-以電子產品為例
(A Study of Antecedents and Consequences of Attitudes Towards Counterfeits-Evidence From Electronic products)
★ 企業多角化經營策略之研究 ─以某機構拓展資訊應用服務市場為例★ 某中小企業執行政府專案計畫之社會網絡關係分析
★ 學習型組織與價值創造的探討★ 以社會行動研究法探討組織內的社會網絡關係-以C研究中心為例
★ 以個案研究探討半導體封測業CIM之導入★ 消費者特性與網路使用經驗對網路購物 之影響-以上海、台北學生為例
★ 醫院資訊系統應用實踐歷程之社會效果分析 -以醫令資訊系統為例★ 關係連結對網路顧客忠誠度影響之研究
★ 虛擬社群成員再訪意圖之探討-以 Fashion Guide 社群為例★ 利用feature-opinion pair建立向量空間模型以進行使用者評論分類之研究
★ 區隔綠色消費者及探討影響綠色產品的態度與願付價格之心理決定因子★ 角色壓力源、焦崩對組織承諾的影響-兩岸資訊從業人員之比較研究
★ 組織公民行為意圖影響因素之研究-以兩岸資訊從業人員為例★ 資訊人員的工作特性、創造力人格特質與工作滿足的相關性研究
★ 網路購物意願影響因素之研究-以北京、台北在職班學生為例★ 信任關係對策略彈性的影響研究―以經濟部資訊業體系電子化B計畫為例
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摘要(中) 本研究整合對態度的主要影響因子與對於仿冒品的購買行為意圖,提供解釋並檢定對態度的主要預測因子與顧客對於購買仿冒品的行為意圖的關係。本研究主要目的是在計畫行為理論為基礎上,去了解顧客對仿冒品的購買意圖。除此之外,本研究以計畫行為理論為架構,調查價格與先前仿冒品的購買經驗在此架構中是否扮演著調節變數的角色。採用山寨機此產品作為探討之標的。問卷主要以正在中央大學就讀的上班族為研究對象,共抽取241份有效問卷使用在本研究的資料分析中,本研究利用結構方程模式多變量方法探討各相關影響因素對購買意圖之影響。
摘要(英) We integrate the main predictors of consumers’ attitude and behavioral intentions toward counterfeits; propose and test a model that deals with the main predictors of consumer attitudes toward counterfeits and their intentions to buy such products. This study aimed at enhancing the understanding of the consumers’ purchasing intention of counterfeit mainly based on the theoretical foundation of planned behavior theory (Ajzen, 1985). Besides, we investigate the moderation effect of price and previous purchasing experience toward counterfeit based on the planned behavior theory. Shanzhai phones are selected to be the research objects. Questionnaires were sent to the office workers who have studied in the National Central University. A total of 241 individuals answered the survey instrument and were used in the data analysis. SEM is used to analyze the relationship between each variable and the purchasing intention.
The empirical result indicates that antecedence predictors of attitude and attitude have significant. Perceived risk was the most important variable to predict consumer attitude toward counterfeits, followed by integrity, personal gratification and price-quality inference. Attitude was the most important variable to predict consumer purchase intention toward counterfeits, followed by subjective norm and perceived behavior control. In the price moderation effect test, the empirical results indicate that price difference between counterfeit and original product moderated the effect of the attitudes to purchase counterfeits and the actual purchase intention. In the previous purchasing experience moderation effect test, price quality inference have been the most moderated significantly to predict consumer attitude toward counterfeits, followed by Perceived Risk → Attitude and Attitude → Purchase Intention. These empirical result help companies understand the main factors influencing consumer behavior toward counterfeits and create effective anti-piracy strategies; suggest questions to consider should companies choose to implement marketing campaigns to reduce consumer demand for counterfeit goods.
關鍵字(中) ★ 仿冒品
★ 態度
★ 顧客行為
★ 仿冒
關鍵字(英) ★ Counterfeits
★ Attitudes
★ Consumer behavior
★ Counterfeiting
論文目次 Abstract.................................................................................................................................... I
中文摘要.................................................................................................................................... II
Table of Contents.................................................................................................................................... III
List of Figures.................................................................................................................................... IV
List of Tables..................................................................................................................................... V
Chapter 1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Research Background................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Objective...................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Research Procedure...................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2 literature review................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Counterfeit................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Counterfeiting Research............................................................................................... 9
2.3 Consumer Behavior Theory.......................................................................................... 16
Chapter 3 Methodology..................................................................................................... 20
3.1 Conceptual Framework................................................................................................ 20
3.2 Hypothesis................................................................................................................. 21
3.3 Methodology.............................................................................................................. 27
Chapter 4 Empirical Results................................................................................................ 31
4.1 Demographic profiles of sample.................................................................................... 31
4.2 Descriptive Analysis.................................................................................................... 33
4.3 Dimensionality........................................................................................................... 35
4.4 Reliability and Validity................................................................................................ 36
4.5 Estimation of model parameters.................................................................................... 39
Chapter 5 Conclusion........................................................................................................ 46
5.1 Model....................................................................................................................... 46
5.2 Antecedence of Attitude and Attitude............................................................................ 47
5.3 TPB.......................................................................................................................... 48
5.4 Price and Previous Experience...................................................................................... 49
Chapter 6 Discussion and Suggestions.............................................................................. 51
6.1 Overall Discussion (TPB)................................................................................................................ 51
6.2 Research Implication........................................................................................... 51
6.3 Managerial Implication................................................................................................................ 52
6.4 Research Limitation and Future Research Suggestion.............................................................................. 53
Reference.................................................................................................................................................. 54
Appendix A.................................................................................................................................................. 60
Appendix B.................................................................................................................................................. 61
Appendix C.................................................................................................................................................. 63
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指導教授 宋鎧(Kai-Sung) 審核日期 2010-7-4
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