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姓名 鄭美君(Meu-chun Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
(Three essays on regional microeconometric analyses)
★ 中國出口對鄰近東亞國家之影響★ 貿易自由化對中國對外出口之影響
★ 從產業關聯表檢視美國再工業化成效★ 出口、外人直接投資與勞動產出份額:中國的實證研究
★ 技術變動對薪資影響之研究-以臺灣製造業為例★ 高等教育投資值得嗎? 研究所教育報酬之探討
★ 中國旅遊需求分析:世界遺產的影響★ 中國銀行效率分析
★ 遠來的和尚會念經?NBA球員之薪資與效率分析★ 開放政策,人力資本與區域經濟發展─越南的實證研究
★ 環境管制、研發與生產力:台灣製造業實證研究★ 國際經濟學的三篇實證研究
★ 國家研發效率與生產力之分析★ 外人援助,貪污,與經濟成長:門檻迴歸模型的應用
★  Three essays on China's regional economic analysis★ 要素配置、結構調整和生產力動態 —印尼製造業的研究
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摘要(中) 本論文透過應用個體計量方法來探討全球一些重要的議題,本論文包含三個子議題。第一個議題主要探討中國的都市規模分配。中國自1978年實施經濟改革後,經濟便開始快速成長,然而經濟改革不只為中國經濟帶來快速的發展,亦帶來了都市化現象。由於經濟改革造成快速的都市化,因此中國都市規模分配之演進值得我們深入探討。本論文第一個子議題,將透過中國1984年至2008年的都市人口探討中國都市規模分配的變化以及影響其都市規模分配的因素為何。研究結果顯示中國都市的規模分配較Zipf法則下更為平均,且大都市的都市規模分配較小都市的都市規模分配更為平均,而造成此現象的主要因素為政府支出及產業結構的改變。此外,隨著經濟的發展及較低的運輸成本則促使人口較集中。
摘要(英) The purpose of this dissertation is applying microeconometric techniques to further investigate some important topics in the world. This dissertation is composed of three self-contained empirical essays. The first question that arises concerns the size distribution of Chinese cities. Since China’s experience with high economic growth has undergone dramatic change following the reforms initiated in 1978, which not only introduced economic incentives, but also encouraged urbanization. Thus, the central purpose of first chapter is to investigate the trend of the size distribution of cities and the factors that may contribute to the change in the size distribution of cities in China. Thus the empirical data are obtained from the 1984-2008 period to examine the size distribution of China’s cities. The results indicate that the size distribution of Chinese cities is more equal than would be predicted by Zipf’s Law. According to our results, the possible explanations for the more even distribution of large cities relative to the smaller ones is related to China’s government expenditures and industrial structure. Finally, we find that economic growth promotes population concentration and that lower transportation costs will promote population concentration.
The second research question investigated the determinants of China’s outward direct investment (ODI). We first analyze the structure and dynamics of China’s ODI over the past decade, highlighting its specific types. Based on the analysis, this study then proposes three testable hypotheses including technology sourcing, resource seeking, and political linkage. Various estimates show that technology sourcing is supported moderately, whereas resource seeking serves one of primary driving forces. Crucially, the motive of political linkage is significantly related to ODI and it is particularly relevant to developing destinations. This finding indicates that China tends to invest in developing countries with high political risk, which is in contrast with the prediction of the FDI theory. Furthermore, a developing country with high political risk seems to be the favored destination for China’s ODI to acquire technologies and resources.
The final research question focused on examining relationship between renewable energy and GDP and how renewable energy impacts GDP. The empirical data are obtained from for 70 countries from 1980 to 2010. The result shows that an increase in renewable energy would stimulate to increase GDP. We further to investigate the mechanism of how the renewable energy impacts GDP, according to our results we notice that an increase in renewable energy would lead to increase capital formation and decrease imports of energy therefore lead to the increase of GDP. The results of causality test revealed that the bidirectional relationship between GDP to renewable energy in developed and developing countries. The results of causality test show bidirectional causality between renewable energy and capital formation both in developed and developing countries. Nevertheless, the result indicates unidirectional causality between imports of energy to renewable energy in developed countries, and no causality between imports of energy to renewable energy in developing countries.
關鍵字(中) ★ 都市規模分配
★ Zipf’s法則
★ 外人投資
★ 中國
★ 異質因果
★ 可再生能源
關鍵字(英) ★ City size distribution
★ Zipf’s Law
★ politics
★ Heterogeneous panel
★ Renewable energy
論文目次 Contents
2.4.1 Pareto exponent for cities 20
2.4.2 Explaining variation in the Pareto exponent 22
3.4.1 Technology sourcing 48
3.4.2 Resource seeking 48
3.4.3 Political linkage 50
3.5.1 Empirical Specification 51
3.5.2 Data Source 54
3.6.1 Main Results 55
3.6.2 Robustness Check 59
4.3.1 Model and data 84
4.3.2 Methodology 86
4.4.1 The relationship between renewable energy and income 90
4.4.2 Explore how renewable energy impacts income 92
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指導教授 楊志海、林俊宏
(Chih-Hai Yang、Chun-Hung A. Lin)
審核日期 2013-7-16
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