摘要(英) |
In recent years, massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) have become one of the most popular applications over internet. Players control their avatar to navigate the virtual world and interaction with other players to have fun and accomplishment. However, in most MMOGs, communication between players is based on text by client/server architecture, which is inconvenient and have scalability problem in computation power and bandwidth by using client/server architecture. Usually, peer-to-peer architecture have higher scalability, therefore, this paper proposes a human-behavior based immersive voice communication system for MMOGs. When players entered the virtual world, a player usually only interact with other players in the his/her area of interest (AOI) called Neighbor. Making the voice communication between Neighbor more convenient is the goal of IVC. When we observe human-behavior, when people focus on certain voice, they will feel careless about other voice in the environment. Therefore, we assume a player will become a listener when he focus on one of his neighbors, and become a overhearer when he careless about the others. Player will send voice data with better quality to listener and send voice data with normal quality, called overhear, to overhearer to save the consumption of bandwidth. The technique we proposed using network coordinate system (NCS) to evaluate the latency between any users. Player will prefer to send voice data to the neighbor with proximate position in NCS, to reduce latency when forwarding. The technique we proposed using adaptive k-ary tree (Ak-tree). According to user’s upload capacity to adjust how many neighbor to forward at the same time to use the bandwidth completely. We perform simulation experiments to show that proposed technique.
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