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論文名稱 Design e-dictionary with personal corpus and lookup experiences to enhance incidental vocabulary learning and text comprehension
(Design e-dictionary with personal corpus and lookup experiences to enhance incidental vocabulary learning and text comprehension)
★ 學習馬賽克-以教科書內容置入平板之合作式情境學習遊樂場★ 為使用知識而設計的電子書- 以參考手冊為模式的電子書設計
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摘要(中) 字典的使用能改善閱讀理解及伴隨字彙(incidental vocabulary)的學習,然而在字典中找到一個單字適合解釋的過程,卻增加了外部的認知負荷(extraneous cognitive load),這個認知負荷可能會減少學習的改善。資訊技術的輔助,讓電子字典的使用者能夠容易且快速地獲得一個字彙的所有解釋的列表,然而一個字彙可能有很多解釋,使用者仍然需要花費很大的認知負荷在列表中找尋在目前文章中這個字彙最適合的解釋,這樣的認知負荷也會阻礙閱讀及減少字典的正面影響。更進一步,字典的使用者也有困難,從不同的文章去學習這些困難確認適合解釋的字彙。
本論文的目標是去設計和評量一個新的電子書介面RoLo (Remind on Lookup),這個介面主要針對以上的議題,提供閱讀過程伴隨字彙學習的支援。使用者在遭遇一個不熟悉的字彙時,RoLo會以一個適合的互動方式,提醒使用者關於這個字彙在之前的閱讀有遭遇時的上下文本及單字相關的知識。幾個評量是被實施,從這些評量的結果顯示RoLo幫忙使用者加強字彙的學習、文字的理解、和較快及容易地找到不熟悉單字的解釋。
摘要(英) Dictionary use can improve reading comprehension and incidental vocabulary learning. Nevertheless, great extraneous cognitive load imposed by the search process may reduce or even prevent the improvement. With the help of technology, dictionary users can now instantly access the meaning list of a searched word using a mouse click. However, they must spend great cognitive effort identifying the most appropriate meaning for a given context, contributing to the disruption of the flow of reading and decreasing the positive effect of dictionary use. Furthermore, dictionary users face difficulty in exploiting accumulative illustrations from multiple contexts to understand obscure words whose appropriate meanings are not in the dictionary or are difficult to identify.
My goal in the dissertation is to design and evaluate a new dictionary interface that addresses above issues and supports incremental and incidental learning of vocabulary through reading. The proposed solution is a dictionary interface named RoLo (Remind on Lookup). Each time an unfamiliar word is re-looked up, RoLo reminds users about contextual information and word knowledge learned in previous encounters of the word in an appropriate manner. Several studies have been conducted to evaluate RoLo. The results from the studies show that RoLo helps dictionary users enhance vocabulary learning and text comprehension and search for unfamiliar words more easily and faster.
關鍵字(中) ★ Human-computer interface, Lifelong learning, Multimedia/hypermedia systems, Teaching/learning strategies, Language learning, Incidental vocabulary learning, Dictionary use 關鍵字(英) ★ Human-computer interface, Lifelong learning, Multimedia/hypermedia systems, Teaching/learning strategies, Language learning, Incidental vocabulary learning, Dictionary use
論文目次 摘要 i
Acknowledgment iii
Table of content iv
List of figures ix
List of tables x
Explanation of symbols and abbreviations xi
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1-1 Motivation 1
1-2 Contributions 2
1-3 Summary and outline 3
Chapter 2: Background 5
2-1 Background relating to linguistics 5
2-1-1 Lexical form 5
2-1-2 Lexical unit 5
2-1-3 Lemma (citation form) 6
2-1-4 Three levels of meaning 7
2-1-5 Polysemy 7
2-1-6 Shades of meaning 8
2-1-7 Homonymy 9
2-1-8 Literal and metaphorical meaning of lexemes 10
2-1-9 Word frequency 12
2-1-10 Second and foreign language 12
2-2 Background relating to cognitive psychology 14
2-2-1 Depth-of-processing theory 14
2-2-2 Generative learning model 16
2-3 Background relating to second language acquisition 18
2-3-1 Notice hypothesis 18
2-3-2 Involvement load hypothesis 18
2-3-3 How people develop a large word knowledge effectively 20
2-3-4 Approaches to enhancing incidental vocabulary learning through reading 23
2-3-5 Positive impact of electronic dictionary use on incidental vocabulary learning 24
2-3-6 Paper vs. electronic dictionary 27
2-3-7 Electronic dictionary use and L2 reading performance 28
2-3-8 The effects of context on IVL 30
2-4 Background relating to HCI and instructional design 31
2-4-1 Cognitive load theory (CLT) 31
2-4-2 Affordances 33
2-5 Background relating dictionary user model 33
2-5-1 The tendency to choose the first definition in the meaning list 34
2-5-2 Looking up more word with internal dictionary 34
2-5-3 Cognitive processes and skills involved in dictionary consultation for reading 35
Chapter 3: Issues of current dictionaries and coping strategy 37
Chapter 4: System design of RoLo 41
4-1 System architecture 41
4-2 Interface design 42
4-2-1 Information presentation 43
4-2-2 Interaction 45
Chapter 5: Assumptions behind the design of RoLo and hypotheses about its efficacy 47
5-1 Same-meaning pattern 47
5-2 Learning spaces from unclear contexts 47
5-3 Word learning is an incremental process 49
5-4 Meaning inferred will be remembered better than meaning given 49
5-5 Richness of encoding decides retention 50
5-6 Other kinds of contextual cues 50
5-7 Information from multiple contexts helps comprehend a word in novel contexts better 50
5-8 Organizing old contexts according to meaning definitions facilitates IVL 51
5-9 Assumption relating to the new affordance of the meaning popup 51
5-10 Hypotheses made on the basis of the assumptions 52
Chapter 6: Evaluation of RoLo 53
6-1 The first study 53
6-1-1 Reading materials 53
6-1-2 Participants 54
6-1-3 The software 54
6-1-4 Procedure 55
6-1-5 Data analysis 57
6-1-6 Results 57
6-2 The second study 58
6-3 Discussion of results of the first and second studies 60
6-3-1 RoLo and incidental vocabulary learning 60
6-3-2 The ease and speed of re-lookup and L2 reading performance 62
6-3-3 RoLo and incremental learning of vocabulary 63
6-4 The third study 64
6-4-1 Research questions 65
6-4-2 Participants 65
6-4-3 The software 66
6-4-4 Texts and target words 66
6-4-5 Procedure 67
6-4-6 Results 68
6-4-7 Discussion for results of the third study 70
6-5 The fourth study 74
6-5-1 Participants 75
6-5-2 Target words and reading materials 75
6-5-3 The software 75
6-5-4 Procedure 76
6-5-5 Data analysis 78
6-5-6 Results 78
6-5-7 Discussion for results of the fourth study 80
Chapter 7: Conclusion 82
7-1 Summary 82
7-2 Implications 83
7-3 Limitation and Future work 83
References 85
Appendices 99
Appendix 1: Texts used in the first study 99
Text 1 99
Text 2 99
Appendix 2: Texts used in the third study 101
Text 1 (used in session 1) 101
Text 2 (used in session 2) 101
Appendix 3: Texts used in the fourth study 103
Text 1 (used in the first session) 103
Text 2 (used in the second session) 103
Text 3 (used in the third session) 104
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指導教授 陳國棟(Gwo-dong Chen) 審核日期 2013-1-28
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