博碩士論文 976201020 詳細資訊

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姓名 張詩婉(Shih-Wan Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣物理研究所
論文名稱 全球大氣二氧化碳商用貨輪觀測平台之發展
(Development of ship-based platforms for atmospheric carbon dioxide measurements)
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摘要(中) 二氧化碳為目前最受矚目的溫室效應氣體之一,全球已有許多二氧化碳的地面觀測資料,但是在各大洋海域上的二氧化碳資料卻是非常少的,若能補足太平洋海域二氧化碳資料的不足,將能對全球大氣二氧化碳濃度分布情形有更好的了解。本研究主要在描述二氧化碳商用貨輪觀測平台的發展過程,展示目前太平洋溫室效應氣體船測計畫所蒐集到之二氧化碳濃度觀測資料,並和AQUA-AIRS衛星資料做初步之比較。
摘要(英) CO2 is one of the most important greenhouse gases, but the atmospheric CO2 concentration data above the ocean is very sparse. If we can collect more CO2 data over the Pacific then we can better understand the distribution of global atmospheric CO2 concentration. The main purpose destination of this paper is to document the development of the ship-based platforms for atmospheric CO2 measurements, and presenting the CO2 data collected by Pacific greenhouse gases measurement (PGGM) ship-based project. In addition, we also compare the ship-based CO2 concentration data with AQUA-AIRS CO2 retrieval data.
The PGGM project has installed 9 GFC CO2 analyzers on 9 EVERGREEN vessels to measure atmospheric CO2 concentration over Pacific Ocean. Using the ship-based platform, we can get more CO2 concentration data across the Pacific. During the time from 22 January 2010 to 26 March 2010, we find that the CO2 concentration values near the ports are over 403ppm,and over the Pacific regions are under 393ppm. Comparing these data with AQUA-AIRS CO2 data, we find that ship-based measurements can reveal significant local changes near the surface area, while AIRS data shows more smooth pattern. Using HYSPLIT model to run 72-hour backward trajectories, show that the air with high CO2 concentration almost came from land, and the air with low CO2 concentration almost came from Pacific Ocean.
The data measured from November 2009 to March 2010 show CO2 concentrations at ranges between 405ppm and 440ppm when the vessels berth in the ports of Asia and North American. In winter and spring, except affected by the local CO2 emission. The northeasterly monsoon also causes air to easily accumulate around
the south of Taiwan, resulting in the higher concentration in Kaohsiung port than in Taipei port.
關鍵字(中) ★ 太平洋溫室效應氣體觀測
★ 二氧化碳
關鍵字(英) ★ Pacific Greenhouse Gas Measurements(PGGM)
★ carbon dioxide(CO2)
論文目次 摘要................................................................................................................................ i
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. iii
致謝............................................................................................................................... v
目錄.............................................................................................................................. vii
附表目錄....................................................................................................................... ix
附圖目錄........................................................................................................................ x
一、前言........................................................................................................................ 1
1-1研究背景 ......................................................................................................... 1
1-2文獻回顧 ......................................................................................................... 2
1-3研究動機與目的 ............................................................................................. 3
1-3國際二氧化碳觀測方法 ................................................................................. 4
1-3-1地面觀測站 .......................................................................................... 4
1-3-2航空器二氧化碳觀測 .......................................................................... 5
1-3-3衛星二氧化碳監測 .............................................................................. 6
1-3-4國際商用貨輪觀測計畫 ...................................................................... 7
二、資料蒐集與研究方法............................................................................................ 8
2-1 太平洋溫室效應氣體船測計畫維護作業流程 ............................................ 8
2-1-1 維護前實驗室前置作業 ..................................................................... 8
2-1-2 上船維護作業 ..................................................................................... 9
2-1-3 實驗室資料校正與分析 ................................................................... 13
2-2 觀測儀器介紹 .............................................................................................. 14
2-2-1 GFC二氧化碳分析儀 ....................................................................... 14
2-2-2 GFC二氧化碳分析儀觀測原理 ....................................................... 15
2-2-3儀器觀測設定 .................................................................................... 16
2-3儀器裝載貨輪及觀測路線選定 ................................................................... 18
2-4資料蒐集 ....................................................................................................... 19
2-4-1 二氧化碳資料 ................................................................................... 19
2-4-2 HYSPLIT回軌跡資料 ...................................................................... 20
2-5 GFC二氧化碳觀測資料校正原理 .............................................................. 21
三、結果...................................................................................................................... 23
3-1實驗室測詴 ................................................................................................... 23
3-1-1儀器穩定度測詴 ................................................................................ 23
3-1-2 工作標準品濃度校正 ....................................................................... 24
3-2船測平台安裝過程 ....................................................................................... 27
3-3大氣二氧化碳濃度變化 ............................................................................... 29
3-4二氧化碳船測資料分析 ............................................................................... 31
3-4-1太平洋計畫完整觀測航次 ................................................................ 31
3-4-2個案分析:2010/01/22~2010/03/26 EVER DECENT ........................ 32
3-4-3港口二氧化碳濃度值比較 ................................................................ 35
四、結論...................................................................................................................... 39
五、未來展望.............................................................................................................. 41
六、參考文獻.............................................................................................................. 42
附圖.............................................................................................................................. 44
附表............................................................................................................................ 100
附錄一、行前檢查表................................................................................................ 106
附錄二、PGGM上船維護檢查內容 ....................................................................... 107
附錄三、太平洋溫室效應氣體船測計畫所使用之相關儀器及器材列表............ 110
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長榮海運: http://www.shipmentlink.com/
HIPPO: http://hippo.ucar.edu/
指導教授 王國英(Kuo-ying Wang) 審核日期 2010-6-29
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