博碩士論文 976202016 詳細資訊

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姓名 施宗佑(Tsung-Yu Shih)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 台灣西南海域天然氣水合物賦存區高解析側掃聲納與底質剖面調查與分析
(The study of high-resolution sidescan sonar and sub-bottom profiler data in gas hydrate-bearing area, off southwest Taiwan)
★ 台灣基隆外海近海床地質構造與噴氣現象的探討★ 南海北部地殼構造與深海沈積物波之研究
★ 西菲律賓海盆西部的海床構造分析★ 南海北坡高解析水深調查與淺層地質的構造分析
★ 南海北部之磁力異常特徵分析★ 利用底質剖面儀及EK60聲納資料研究台灣北部近海的可能活動構造
★ 台灣恆春半島南部海域海底地形及構造研究★ 南海東北部海洋地殼構造之研究
★ 台灣地區岩石圈之浮力與重力位能的探討★ 以地震層析法推求台灣北部地區的速度構造並探討流體的可能分佈
★ 聯合尤拉解迴旋與解析訊號法求取磁源參數之研究★ 南海最北部地磁與地形之研究
★ 班達海岩心MD012380之磁學研究: 80萬年來赤道暖池區之古環境變遷★ 台灣至呂宋島間馬尼拉海溝的震測研究: 從正常隱沒到初期碰撞抬昇的上部地殼構造
★ 利用接收函數法分析台灣深部地殼構造★ 板塊邊界地震引起之重力位能變化
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摘要(中) 台灣西南海域位於增積岩體(accretionary wedge)與南中國海北側大陸邊緣斜向聚合
Weather Ridge)北端。根據地物、地化與地熱的研究,西南海域蘊含著豐富的天然氣水合
物(gas hydrate)。此外,全世界至少一半以上的油氣田,在地表面或海床都有油氣的徵兆,
析側掃聲納(side-scan sonar)與底質剖面儀(sub-bottom profiler)來調查此區海床面以及淺層
我們收集了13 條的底拖側掃聲納與底質剖面資料,其結果顯示研究區域內分布大量
良好的移棲通道。由於研究區內有大量海底仿擬反射(Bottom Simulating Reflectors)存在,
摘要(英) The offshore area of the SW Taiwan is located in the oblique convergence zone between the
northern continental margin of South China Sea and accretionary wedge. In the accretionary
wedge, there are a series of folds and thrust faults. The continental margin consists of a series of
the rifted basin and thick sediments. Our study area is located in the northern Good Weather
Ridge of the lower slope of the wedge. According to the geophysical, geochemical and
geothermal researches off SW Taiwan, abundant gas hydrate may exist. Our main purpose is to
use high-resolution sidescan sonar and sub-bottom profiler to survey the near seafloor features of
the gas hydrate formation off SW Taiwan.
We have collected 13 deep-towed lines in northern Good Weather Ridge. The results show
that many erosion features are found in study area and their morphology are different. Besides,
we modify some thrust faults location on the basic of our results. We also find pockmarks, mud
volcano, authogenic carbonate and acoustic transparent zones. These features imply that there are
abundant gas and fluid paths in this region. Our study area is suitable for forming gas hydrate in
terms of temperature and pressure condition. These evidences indicate that there is high potential
for preserving gas and gas hydrate in our study area. Therefore, we suggest that the material in
acoustic transparent layers which are near the pockmarks may be gas hydrate. After integrating
all data, we construct a 3D model for the gas migration and gas hydrate-bearing in our study
關鍵字(中) ★ 底質剖面
★ 天然氣水合物
★ 側掃聲納
關鍵字(英) ★ sub-bottom profiler
★ sidescan sonar
★ gas hydrate
論文目次 中文摘要.................................................................................................................................... i
誌 謝..................................................................................................................................iii
目 錄.................................................................................................................................. iv
表 目.................................................................................................................................. vi
圖 目.................................................................................................................................vii
第一章 緒論........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 台灣西南海域地體架構......................................................................................... 1
1.2 本文研究區域與前人研究..................................................................................... 1
1.3 研究目的................................................................................................................. 2
第二章 資料收集與處理方法............................................................................................ 7
2.1 底拖側掃聲納......................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 基本原理...................................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 資料成像原理與解析度.............................................................................. 9
2.1.3 資料處理方法............................................................................................ 11
2.2 淺層底質剖面儀................................................................................................... 16
2.2.1 基本原理.................................................................................................... 16
2.2.2 資料處理方法............................................................................................ 17
2.3 多頻道科學漁探儀............................................................................................... 19
2.4 多頻道反射震測................................................................................................... 20
第三章 結果...................................................................................................................... 50
3.1 多頻道漁探儀資料結果....................................................................................... 50
3.2 泥火山................................................................................................................... 51
3.3 麻坑構造............................................................................................................... 52
3.4 聲波透明帶........................................................................................................... 53
3.5 破裂帶................................................................................................................... 55
3.6 侵蝕構造............................................................................................................... 56
第四章 討論...................................................................................................................... 78
4.1 研究結果與區域地體構造的關係....................................................................... 78
4.2 天然氣移棲與天然氣水合物賦存模型............................................................... 81
第五章 結論...................................................................................................................... 93
參考文獻................................................................................................................................. 95
附錄A..................................................................................................................................... 97
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指導教授 許樹坤(Shu-Kun Hsu) 審核日期 2010-6-15
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