博碩士論文 976202020 詳細資訊

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姓名 張嘉福(Chia-fu Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 苗栗縣鐵砧山氣田淺層構造震測解釋與二氧化碳封存量評估
(Seismic Interpretation of Shallow Structure and Estimation of Carbon Dioxide Storage in Tiehchanshan Gas Field, Miaoli Northwestern Taiwan)
★ 以GPS觀測量估算嘉南地區1996-2000年間之地殼變形★ 車籠埔斷層活動構造之數值模擬
★ 臺灣西南部台南至屏東地區地質構造之研究★ 車籠埔斷層斷層岩之變形作用與黏土礦物分析
★ 台灣GPS連續觀測站高程變動受環境因子影響之研究★ 利用地形計測指標研究台灣南部潮州斷層沿線之活動構造
★ 台灣中南部褶皺逆衝斷層帶地質構造特徵分析★ 以GPS觀測資料探討鐵砧山地區地表變動與地下構造
★ 利用衛星大地測量資料研究觸口斷層系統之活動構造★ 鐵砧山現地應力場與斷層再活動分析
★ 利用鑽井資料推估台灣新竹至台中地區的地下現地應力狀態★ 臺灣南部橫貫公路向陽-初來段之構造與邊坡穩定
★ 以多重時間尺度分析古亭坑泥岩區千年來地形變動★ 宜蘭三星清水地區現地應力與斷層再活動分析
★ 永和山構造現地應力與注氣引發斷層再活動評估★ 利用電測資料推估台灣彰濱地區鑽井場址的地下應力場
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摘要(中) 將二氧化碳注入地下鹽水層或廢棄的油氣田,是目前認為最有效的地質封存方法。鐵砧山氣田的淺部構造沒有油氣的生產,因此,較難以對其進行研究分析,相關文獻報告也較少。為了準確評估鐵砧山氣田構造封閉區對二氧化碳的封存量,本研究收集井下地質、震測、電測等資料,再依據震測解釋作業流程,繪製淺部目標地層—上福基砂岩、桂竹林層、錦水頁岩及卓蘭層下段等地下構造圖與斷層的分布,再利用蒙地卡羅模擬方法,評估淺層構造二氧化碳的封存量。
摘要(英) At present, the most effective method to store carbon dioxide (CO2) in geological sequestration is to inject of CO2 directly into saline aquifer or abandoned oil-gas fields. The shallow zones of Tiehchanshan’s (TCS) structure in the TCS gas field, recognized as a region without oil-gas productivity, has not been studied in the past, but holds promising for CO2 sequestration. . In order to accurately estimate the CO2 storage capacity of shallow structure trap, this study collected well, seismic and logging data in the TCS gas field, then followed the standard operating procedure of seismic interpretation to draw structural maps of target formations and the distribution of faults. Monte Carlo simulations was used to estimate CO2 storage capacity in the shallow zones of TCS structure, which include the Sangfuchi Sandstone, Kueichulin Formation, Chinshui Shale and the lower part of Cholan Formation sequence in the shallow zone.
The TCS structure is composed of two anticlines, including the Tonsiao anticline and the Tiehchanshan anticline, both verging towards the West and accompanied by normal faults. Isopatch maps of the Kuelchulin Formation and lower part of the Cholan Formation show that stratigraphic thickness is thinner along the anticlinal axis than in other regions of the TCS structure, as showing in wells of T-20, 16, 17 and 21. It can be deduced that the paleo topographic high during the period of sedimentation corresponds to the present anticlinal axis. The late reverse faulting resulted in the eastward migration of the anticlinal axis from surface toward depth.
The height of structural closure of the Kueichulin Formation is about -1980 m, this coupled with high porosity and permeability makes the Kueichulin Formation a good reservoir for CO2 sequestration. The relatively impermeable Chinshui and Shihliufen Shale can function as cap rocks. In addition, the overlying Cholan Formation can also act as additional seal that would potentially increase the security of CO2 sequestration. Based upon Monte Carlo simulation, the CO2 storage capacity in TCS gas field is about 356 billion m3 (0.64 billion tons). Moreover, the TCS structure is located in the tableland of Western Coastal Plain, in a relatively undeveloped area and near the main source of CO2 emission in Taiwan; thus the TCS structure is considered as one of the best sites for CO2 geologic sequestration.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鐵砧山構造
★ CO2地下封存
★ 蓋層
★ 儲集層
關鍵字(英) ★ Cap rock
★ TCS field
★ Geological sequestration
★ Reservoir
論文目次 中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究流程 2
1.3 本文內容 4
第二章 研究區區域地質及地表地質概述 8
2.1 區域地質概述 8
2.2 地表地質概述 8
2.3 地層岩性 10
第三章 研究方法 21
3.1 資料蒐集 21
3.2 震測資料品質 22
3.3 合成震波記錄 22
3.4 時深轉換 23
3.5 反射層之摘取 24
3.6 測線位置圖地質資訊的註記 25
3.7 迴路的檢測與靜態徧移修正 25
3.8 震測地下構造解釋 26
3.9 等時間線繪製 28
3.10 地下構造圖繪製 29
3.11 等厚圖繪製 29
第四章 震測剖面解析及構造解釋 42
4.1 震測剖面解析 42
4.2 鐵砧山地區淺層地下構造 44
4.3 等厚圖 46
4.4 建立三維構造 47
第五章 鐵砧山氣田淺層構造二氧化碳封存潛能評估 66
第六章 討論與結論 83
6.1 討論 83
6.2 結論 85
參考文獻 87
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指導教授 洪日豪(Jih-hao Hung) 審核日期 2012-7-25
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