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姓名 王秀琴(Dao Ngoc) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 太空科學研究所 論文名稱 福衛三號與電離層探測儀F2區域最大電子濃度與高度全球分佈之比較
(Global Comparisons of NmF2 and hmF2 between COSMIC and Ionosondes)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 福爾摩沙三號衛星(Formosat-3/COSMIC-福衛三號)已在2006年4月成功發射,福衛三號提供與全球定位系統(GPS)進行電波掩星法(RO)所反演出的電離層密度剖面資料,COSMIC的資料可供研究人員用以與其他技術比較,如經驗模型,非同相雷達,GPS/MET衛星任務資料及電離層探測儀,COSMIC所探測到的初步結果已經發表,也獲得世界上數個研究單位的驗證。然而,對於電波掩星法與電離層探測儀的長時間全球分布的研究比較依然缺乏,尤其是針對不同的磁緯度進行比較。
摘要(英) Formosat-3/COSMIC (F3/C) satellites were launched successfully in April 2006. The availability of F3/C GPS RO then made enable many researchers to compare and analyze the electron density profiles between this technique with empirical models and instruments such as incoherent scatter radar, GPS/MET satellite, and ionosondes. The preliminary results of COSMIC observations have already been published and several studies are being validated all over the world at individual stations. However, global studies on long periods of time between F3/C and ionosonde instruments are still scanty and differences between these two techniques in different geomagnetic latitude regions are still not carried out.
This study compared and analyzed 3-year data of COSMIC and global ionosonde stations. The COSMIC electron density profiles were first preprocessed by data quality control schemes to ensure the good data for further comparisons. The F2 layer parameters observed by ionosonde experiments were then collected at the same time and collocated with the COSMIC measurements to find out the differences between them.
This work primarily focuses on the latitudinal differences between these two techniques. In the global comparison, four regions were separated including ±10°(equatorial region); ±10°to ±30° (near EIA crest region); ±30°to ±50° (mid latitude region); ±50°to ±90°(high latitude region) in geomagnetic latitude degrees. Two parameters NmF2 and hmF2 of electron density profiles of two techniques were compared and validated.
Our results showed that NmF2 retrieved by F3/C and Ionosonde are in good agreement in general, but in the low latitude F3/C tend to overestimate or underestimate NmF2 depending on the low or high electron concentration values, respectively. On the other hand, the uncertainty of NmF2 in the southern hemisphere was better than the conjugate regions in the northern hemisphere. As per as the hmF2 is concerned, the values determined from ionosonde were higher than that found with F3/C, especially in mid and high latitudes. In the low-latitude regions, however, the good agreement between the two techniques in some stations was found.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電離層
★ NmF2
★ hmF2
★ 緯度
★ 比較關鍵字(英) ★ Ionosphere
★ regions
★ latitudinal difference
★ NmF2
★ Peak electron density
★ Ionosonde
★ Peak heigh
★ hmF2論文目次 Chapter 1: Background and Literature Review 1
1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. Literature Review 1
1.3. Motivation and Objective 3
1.4. Methodology 4
Chapter 2: The Earth's Ionosphere 5
2.1. The Ionosphere 5
2.1.1. D region 7
2.1.2. E and F1 regions 8
2.1.3. F2 region 9
2.1.4. F2 peak 10
2.2. Vertical transport and Anomalies in the F region 11
2.2.1. Vertical transport in the F region 11
2.2.2. Anomalies in the F2 region 14
2.3. Variations in the Ionosphere 19
2.3.1. Geographical Distribution 20
2.3.2. Periodically Repeated Variations 21
2.3.3. TID (Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances) 22
Chapter 3: Principle ofIonosonde 23
3.1. History of Ionosonde and its development 23
3.2. The basic Ionosonde Theory 25
3.3. Ionograms 28
3.4. Conventional ionosonde technique 30
3.5. Estimating NmF2/ hmF2 parameters from Ionograms 33
Chapter 4: COSMIC data and Radio Occultation Technique 34
4.1. COSMIC introduction 34
4.2. Principle of Radio Occultation Technique 35
4.3. Abel inversion through total electron content data 40
4.4. Data Quality controls 43
4.4.1. Thresholds for Data Quality Control 43
4.4.2. Mean Deviation of Electron Density Fluctuation 44
4.4.3. Slope of Top side of Electron Density Profile 46
4.5. Algorithm for estimating NmF2/ hmF2 of Ne profile 49
Chapter 5: Data Processing and Results 50
5.1. Global distributions of NmF2 and hmF2 51
5.2. NmF2 Comparisons 53
5.3. hmF2 Comparisons 66
Chapter 6: Discussion 70
Chapter 7: Conclusion 73
References 74
Index: COSMIC and Ionosonde data Descriptions 77
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指導教授 朱延祥(Yen-Hsyang Chu) 審核日期 2010-7-11 推文 plurk
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