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姓名 鄞子軒(Tzu-Hsuan Yin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
論文名稱 考慮不同類型地震震源之台北盆地震度微分區
(Seismic Microzonation of Taipei Basin with Considering Earthquake Sources)
★ 台灣中部德基至梨山地區岩石劈理位態分布特性之研究★ 台北盆地松山層土壤性質之空間分析
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★ 921集集地震造成之地表變形模式★ 運用模糊類神經網路進行山崩潛感分析—以台灣中部國姓地區為例
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摘要(中) 現行耐震設計規範中已經針對台北盆地進行了微分區,將台北盆地分為四個分區,每個分區給定相對應的轉角週期,其中轉角週期最長的台北一區轉角週期為1.60秒。但台北盆地土壤深厚,自然振動週期有可能達3秒以上,因此本研究試著分析過去於台北盆地造成災害的重要地震的強震記錄,發現2002年3月31日發生於花蓮外海的地震在盆地基盤最深的蘆洲及五股一帶轉角週期確實達3秒以上。
摘要(英) Seismic microzonation for Taipei Basin has been included in the latest version of Seismic Design Code for Buildings, Taiwan. It is divided into four zones according to a corner period, and zone 1 has the longest corner period of 1.60 seconds. However, the deepest soil in Taipei Basin is as deep as 700 meters, the natural period may be more than 3 seconds. This study attempts to analyze the strong-motion records in Taipei Basin from major earthquakes which impact Taipei in the past twenty years. I found that at least for an earthquake which was occurred offshore Hualien on March 31, 2002, and at Luzhou and Wugu area, the corner period is more than 3 seconds.
This study classified the selected earthquakes into three types: subduction zone interface earthquake, subduction zone intraslab earthquake, and crustal earthquake. I calculate an average normalized response spectrum for each strong-motion station, then estimate the corner period and amplification factor from the average normalized response spectrum. Microzonation map for Taipei Basin is drawn based on the distribution of corner periods.
The result shows that the corner period for subduction zone interface earthquake is longer than that of the other two types, and there is positive correlation between corner periods and the natural period of a site. The 331 Hualien earthquake, which has caused hazard in Taipei Basin, has corner period longer than 3 seconds, but not all the subduction zone interface earthquake has a corner period as long as 331 Hualien earthquake. If we use the average normalized response spectrum to estimate a corner period, the longest corner period is only about 2.2 seconds. In this study, the corner periods from the average normalized response spectrum was used to construct a microzonation map for Taipei Basin. The result indicates that microzonation map from subduction zone interface earthquake is similar in pattern with that in the Seismic Design Code for Buildings. It can be seen that the microzonation is mainly controlled by subduction zone interface earthquakes. It can re-analyzed in the future with more earthquake data to obtain more reliable results and to update the Seismic Design Code for Buildings so that hazard may be mitigated.
關鍵字(中) ★ 震度微分區 關鍵字(英) ★ seismic microzonation
論文目次 目 錄........................................................................................V
圖 目......................................................................................VII
表 目........................................................................................X
第1章 緒論.............................................................................1
1.1 研究動機與目的.....................................................................1
1.2 文獻回顧.................................................................................1
1.3 研究區域簡介.........................................................................4
1.4 自然週期.................................................................................5
1.5 地震分類.................................................................................5
1.6 研究流程.................................................................................6
第2章 研究方法....................................................................19
2.1 反應譜分析…….....................................................................19
第3章 資料蒐集與處理........................................................24
3.1 資料蒐集….............................................................................24
3.2 地震挑選.................................................................................24
3.3 計算平均正規化反應譜.........................................................24
3.4 推估轉角週期與放大因子.....................................................25
第4章 結果............................................................................35
4.1 轉角週期與放大因子.............................................................35
4.1.1 轉角週期......................................................................35
4.1.2 放大因子......................................................................35
4.2 各類型地震之代表性地震.....................................................36
4.3 台北盆地震度微分區.............................................................36
第5章 討論............................................................................57
5.1 與現行耐震設計規範比較.....................................................57
5.2 平均正規化反應譜.................................................................57
5.3 轉角週期與土壤深度之相關性.............................................58
5.4 盆地邊緣之強震站.................................................................58
5.5 板塊介面型地震.....................................................................59
第6章 結論與建議................................................................75
6.1 結論.........................................................................................75
6.2 建議.........................................................................................75
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指導教授 李錫堤(Chyi-Tyi Lee) 審核日期 2011-8-5
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