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姓名 葉雨欣(Yu-hsin Yeh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生命科學系
論文名稱 蝴蝶蘭開花相關基因PaCOL2啟動子之特性分析
(Analysis for characterization of the promoter of PaCOL2,A flowering-related gene in Phalaenopsis amabilis.)
★ 第三群LEA蛋白質表現與功能分析★ 水稻小分子量熱休克蛋白質Oshsp16.9A之N端區域功能性分析
★ 植物逆境蛋白質基因啟動子與功能分析★ 植物受溫度調控之基因的功能與機制分析
★ 錯誤褶疊蛋白質誘導之擬熱休克反應機制之探討★ 受熱與ABA調控水稻基因-OsRZFP1之生理功能分析
★ 受熱與ABA調控基因AtRZFP33之生理功能分析★ 水稻第一族小分子量熱休克蛋白質OsHSP16.9A及OsHSP18.0之生理功能分析
★ 植化物紫草素在小鼠皮膚上增加血管通透性之研究★ 利用水稻HSP17.3啟動子探討阿拉伯芥熱休克因子在逆境下對細胞內蛋白質反應之角色分析
★ 蝴蝶蘭開花相關基因PaCOL1 啟動子之特性分析★ 分析水稻 RING 鋅手指蛋白質 OsRZFP34 與其正向調控蛋白質之交互作用
★ 水稻小分子量熱休克蛋白質- OsHSP16.9A在水稻種子耐熱性之功能分析★ Oryzasin 1 在水稻種子耐熱性之功能分析
★ 水稻熱休克蛋白質OsHSP16.9A與OsHSP101之交互作用分析★ 水稻小分子量熱休克蛋白質—OsHSP16.9A關鍵胺基酸分析
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摘要(中) 阿拉伯芥中已發現四條主要控制開花機制的途徑:吉貝素、自發性途徑、春化作用和光週期等途徑。蝴蝶蘭主要受到光週期和溫度調控開花,因此為研究蝴蝶蘭的開花機制,我們針對蝴蝶蘭中一個開花相關基因,PaCOL2 (Phalaenopsis amabilis CONSTANS-LIKE 2) 進行深入研究。在胺基酸序列分析顯示有兩個常出現於阿拉伯芥CO高度保留性的片段 (CCT domain和B-box zinc finger),在洋蔥表皮細胞內分布位置分析結果顯示PaCOL2全長 (PaCOL2-GFP) 和刪除B-box zinc finger之PaCOL2 (PaCOL2△B-box-GFP) 表現於細胞核中,另外刪除CCT domain之PaCOL2 (PaCOL2△CCT-GFP) 則分布於整個細胞質中,因此推測CCT domain對於PaCOL2在核中表現相當重要。
對PaCOL2啟動子分析結果得知其含有一個與基因受低溫調控有關之ABREL (ABA response element-like;CACGTGT) 和一個與受基因光週期調控有關聯之EE (evening element; AAAATATCT)。接著利用阿拉伯芥原生質體暫時表現系統分析PaCOL2啟動子受誘導情形,結果顯示PaCOL2啟動子在19小時的黑暗處理,可達最高表現量,但持續光照則會抑制基因表現。另外,我們亦在PaCOL2啟動子3’端接上GUS基因,利用農桿菌轉殖到阿拉伯芥,經過適當篩選及確認後,得到2株轉殖株 (PaCOL2p),藉GUS表現情形進行PaCOL2啟動子調控機制之分析進行。結果顯示PaCOL2主要表現在葉及根部的维管束組織、心皮、萼片和花絲亦有表現;誘導表現結果顯示PaCOL2p轉植株在黑暗時有最高活性情況,並且呈現生理韻律現象。
進一步探討EE在PaCOL2啟動子區域的功能,我們建構了2個PaCOL2啟動子突變的阿拉伯芥植株,包含2株刪除PaCOL2啟動子的EE轉殖株 (PaCOL2p△EE) 和2株全長PaCOL2啟動子黏合4個EE轉殖株 (PaCOL2p-4EE)進行分析。在正常光照週期下PaCOL2p-4EE突變株之啟動子活性高於PaCOL2p。同時PaCOL2pΔEE突變株之啟動子活性失去生理韻律現象,因此推測EE調控PaCOL2表現之生理韻律現象。最後,為探討ABREL在PaCOL2啟動子區域的功能,我們建構了2株全長PaCOL2啟動子黏合3個ABREL之轉殖株進行分析。研究顯示當溫度降低時,PaCOL2p-3ABREL轉殖株之啟動子活性反而增加,但PaCOL2p轉殖株之啟動子活性則無改變,因此推測在低溫處理下,ABREL的套數對PaCOL2之受誘導表現中扮演重要角色。
摘要(英) In Arabidopsis, flowering mechanism is regulated by four major pathways: gibberellins, autonomous, vernalization, and photoperiod. Orchids usually flower after short-day or cold treatment. To study the flowering mechanism of orchids, we focused on characterizing a flowering-related gene, PaCOL2 (Phalaenopsis amabilis CONSTANS-LIKE 2). In amino acid sequence, PaCOL2 had two distinct domains CCT and B-box zinc finger, which were also observed in AtCO. Analysis for subcellular localization of PaCOL2, PaCOL2△CCT and PaCOL2△B-box, indicated that PaCOL2 and PaCOL2△B-box localized in nucleus but PaCOL2△CCT distributed in cytoplasm, which suggested that CCT domain was important for the nucleus-localization of PaCOL2.
Two elements were identified in the PaCOL2 promoter region, one was ABREL (ABA response element-like;CACGTGT), which was related to the activation by low temperature and the other was EE (evening element; AAAATATCT), which was related to the regulation by photoperiod. We used Arabidopsis protoplast transient expression system to analyze the PaCOL2 promoter. We found that PaCOL2 promoter showed the highest induction level after 19 h of dark treatment but was inhibited under constant light treatment. On the other hand, the promoter region of PaCOL2 were fused at the 5’-upstream of GUS gene and introduced into Arabidopsis plants via Agrobacterium mediated transformation. After selection and confirmation, we gained two PaCOL2 transgenic Arabidopsis plants (PaCOL2p3-5 and PaCOL2p4-6) to characterize PaCOL2 promoter. The results indicated that PaCOL2 promoter was activated in the vascular tissue of leaves and roots, carpel, sepals, and filaments. We also found that the activity of PaCOL2p promoter showed circadian rhythm. The highest induction of PaCOL2p promoter was in dark period.
To study the role of EE in the PaCOL2 promoter region, we constructed PaCOL2 promoter variants in transgenic plants. Two EE truncation of PaCOL2 promoter plants (PaCOL2ΔEE) and two full length of PaCOL2 promoter with 4 copies of EE plants (PaCOL2p-4EE) were used to analyze the functions of the cis-elements. The results revealed that PaCOL2p-4EE showed higher activation than that of PaCOL2p. In addition, activation of PaCOLp2ΔEE was not regulated by circadian rhythm, which suggested that EE played an important role in the circadian expression of PaCOL2. Furthermore, we constructed two full length of PaCOL2 promoter with 3 copies of ABREL transgenic plants (PaCOL2p-3ABREL) to analyze the role of ABREL. We found that PaCOL2p-3ABREL was significantly activated under cold treatment, wherease PaCOL2p did not show cold responsiveness. It suggested that the copy number of ABREL was important for the induction of PaCOL2 under cold condition.
關鍵字(中) ★ 蝴蝶蘭 關鍵字(英) ★ Phalaenopsis amabilis
論文目次 目錄
壹、 緒論………………………………………………………………………………….....…. 1
開花植物生長階段: 由營養狀態轉變至繁殖狀態………………………………….…...1
貳、 文獻探討……………………………………………………………………………..…….5
參、 材料與方法……………………………………………………………………………..….9
轉殖株之處理與GUS活性 (GUS activity) 的分析……………………………….…..23
肆、 結果…………………………………………………………………………………..…..…24
PaCOL2在蝴蝶蘭 (Phalaenopsis amabilis) 中的表現部位……………………………..24
伍、 討論…………………………………………………………………………………………34
PaCOL2表現在營養器官和繁殖器官……………………………………...……………. 35
陸、 參考文獻……………………………………………………………………………………40
柒、 圖表…………………………………………………………………………………………47
圖二、蝴蝶蘭 (Phalaenopsis amabilis) 不同部位組織的PaCOL2基因表現情形…….48
圖三、PaCOL2p3-5的各組織和不同生長發育時期進行GUS染色…………………… 49
圖四、阿拉伯芥轉殖株genomic DNA PCR的鑑定……………………………………..50
圖八、光照週期處理PaCOL2p轉殖株GUS activity的表現情形…………………….54
圖九、光照週期處理PaCOL2p轉殖株GUS activity的表現情形……………………..55
圖十、低溫處理PaCOL2p轉殖株GUS activity的表現情形……………………56
圖十一、光照週期處理PaCOL2pΔEE轉殖株GUS activity的表現情形..…….57
圖十二、光照週期處理PaCOL2p-4EE轉殖株GUS activity的表現情形……..58
圖十三、低溫處理PaCOL2pΔEE轉殖株GUS activity的表現情形……………59
圖十四、低溫處理PaCOL2p-4EE轉殖株GUS activity的表現情形…..………60
圖十五、光照週期處理PaCOL2p-3ABREL轉殖株GUS activity的表現情..…61
圖十六、低溫處理PaCOL2-3ABREL轉殖株GUS activity的表現情形……….62
捌、 附錄…………………………………………………………………………………………63
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指導教授 葉靖輝(Ching-Hui Yeh) 審核日期 2012-4-11
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