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姓名 陳美廷(Mei-Ting Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
(Real-Time Measurement of Vibrio alginolyticus Polar Flagellar Growth)
★ 多細菌鞭毛馬達的同步轉動量測★ Investigating Stators Assembly of Flagellar Motors in Escherichia Coli by PALM
★ 被動粒子在不同的流體型態★ Lab on the Agar Plates
★ Probing the Physical Environments of Bacterial Swarm Colony★ Spiral-coil Formation in Semi-flexible Self-propelled Chain System
★ Foraging behavior of Caenorhabditis elegans★ Jamming State of Active Nematics
★ Probing Escherichia coli Energetics under Starvation by Single-Cell Measurements★ Probing Cell Wall Synthetic Dynamics by Bacterial Flagellar Motor in Escherichia coli
★ Dynamics of sodium-driven stator units in bacterial flagellar motors★ 高密度二維群游細菌系統之動力學
★ Deformation Dynamics of Active 2D Tetragonal Pseudo-Crystal★ Probing Ion-Flux of Bacterial Flagellar Motors by Correlative Microscopy
★ Aliivibrio fischeri in Motion★ 主動粒子的擴張行為
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摘要(中) 細菌鞭毛是根生長於細菌體外的細長管子,此管子會形成螺旋推進器用以驅
度相關性:鞭毛長度短於1500 奈米,鞭毛以每分鐘50 奈米的速度等速成長,隨
毛長度為7500 奈米,鞭毛的成長速度為每分鐘9 奈米。
我們建立了一個名為injection-diffusion 的模型來解釋我們的結果,由於鞭毛蛋白在管子內短距離的擴散速度很快,所以短鞭毛的鞭毛生長速度主要是由基部
摘要(英) Bacterial flagella are thin external tubular filaments that form helical propellers to drive swimming in bacteria. Forming flagella is a self-assembly process when partially unfolded flagellum monomers, flagellins, are pumped out and transported through the central channel from its base to the distal end. The secretion apparatus contains six membrane proteins (FlhA, FlhB, FliO, FliP, FliQ and FliR) and three
soluble proteins (FliH, FliI, and FliJ) shareing the same structure with type III secretion system which is used solely for secretion. As flagellin reaches the growing
end of flagellar filament, it crystallizes immediately and becomes the new extending part of the filament. In order to study this nanometer-size self-assembled system, we have developed a fast flagellar filament labeling assay. We applied in vivo fluorescent imaging to monitor directly the growth of Vibrio alginolyticus polar flagella with high
spatial and temporal resolution. In contrast to previous reports, we revealed that the flagellar growth rate of Vibrio alginolyticus is highly length-dependent. When
flagellar length is shorter than 1500 nm, the flagellum growth is at a constant rate (50 nm/min). As the flagellum grows longer, the growth rate decays. It drops sharply at
first and tends to ease in the long flagella region. It decreases to 9 nm/min when flagellar length is 7500 nm. We built an injection-diffusion model to explain our results. When the flagellum is short, its growth rate is determined primarily by the loading speed at the filament base, since diffusion of flagellin across the short distance in the channel is fast. When the flagellum grows longer, diffusion of flagellin becomes rate-limiting. It causes some flagellar monomers jammed in the channel.
Such blockage slows down the loading of new flagellins into the channel. Therefore,the flagellar growth rate drops dramatically. Our results shed new light on the dynamic building process of this complex extracellular structure.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鞭毛
★ 溶藻弧菌
關鍵字(英) ★ flagella
★ sheath
★ vibrio alginolyticus
★ flagellin
論文目次 Abstract I
Acknowledgement IV
Content V
List of Figures VIII
Chapter1 Introduction 1
1-1 Overview to Bacteria 1
1-1-1 Classification of Bacteria 1
1-1-2 Bacterial Division 3
1-1-3 Patterns of Motility 4
1-2 Flagellar Motor 7
1-2-1 Components and Structure 8
1-2-2 Function 10
1-2-2-1 Power Source 10
1-2-2-2 Torque-generating Units 12
1-2-2-3 Switching 13
1-3 Flagellar Filaments 14
1-3-1 Atomic Structure 16
1-3-2 Flagellation 19
1-3-3 Type III Flagellar Export 20
1-4 Vibrio alginolyticus 22
1-5 Background and Models 24
Chapter2 Experimental Techniques 32
2-1 Apparatus 32
2-1-1 Atomic Force Microscope 32
2-1-2 Confocal Microscope 34
2-1-3 Epifluorescence Microscope 36
2-1-3-1 Inverted Optical Microscope 36
2-1-3-2 Fluorescence Microscope 38
2-1-3-3 Epifluorescence Microscope 39
2-2 materials and Methods 40
2-2-1 Strain Growth and Preparation 40
2-2-1-1 AFM Sample Preparation 40
2-2-1-2 Confocal Sample Preparation 40
2-2-1-3 Epifluorescence Sample Preparation 41
2-2-1-4 Buffer and Medium Contents 41
2-2-2 NanoOrange 42
2-2-3 Data Collection and Analysis 42
Chapter3 Experimental Results 44
3-1 AFM Morphology Study 44
3-1-1 Scanning in Air 44
3-1-2 Scanning in Aqueous Environment 45
3-2 NanoOrange Study 47
3-2-1 Staining on Bacteria 48
3-2-2 Binding Efficiency 48
3-2-3 Growing with NanoOrange 50
3-3 Population Study 52
3-4 Single Cell Study 55
3-4-1 Measuring Flagellum Length 56
3-4-2 Tethered Flagella 57
3-4-3 Non-tethered Flagella 59
3-4-4 Continuous Time-lapse Study 60
Chapter4 Discussion 62
4-1 Our Model 62
4-1-1 Constructing Model 62
4-1-2 Model Parameter Space Search 65
4-2 Flagellar Sheath 70
4-3 Energy Estimation for Pushing Flagellins into the Channel 72
4-4 Comparison with Background Researches 73
Chapter5 Conclusion 76
References 78
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指導教授 羅健榮(Chien-Jung Lo) 審核日期 2017-1-23
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