博碩士論文 983202089 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳殷捷(Yin-jie Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 結合最適控制與養護門檻策略之運輸設施生命週期管理
(Transportation Life-cycle Management using Optimal Control and Threshold-based Maintenance)
★ 緊急疏散指示系統之設計與評估★ 考量擾動因子情況下傳統鐵路時刻表建置合併於高速鐵路時刻表模型之回顧與探討
★ 整合八分樹結構與適應性網格於光達資料重建室內建物三維模型之研究★ 交通改善計畫對區域交通汙染排放之影響-以臺鐵桃園段高架化為例
★ 合作與競爭賽局策略下之行人模擬★ 動態混合模式架構下之運輸設施生命週期管理求解方法研究
★ 應用相關均衡賽局與時空網路於行人模擬之研究★ 供應鏈策略應用於營建產業之研究
★ 道路防災保護決策最佳化之研究★ 運輸設施生命週期管理維護策略訂定之研究
★ 臺鐵桃園段高架化建設計畫對區域交通汙染排放影響之探討★ 考量避開擁塞行為之細胞自動機行人模擬模式
★ 動態緊急疏散指示系統之設計與評估★ 市區公車路線調整最佳化模式
★ 市區公車路線及排程最佳化模式
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摘要(中) 運輸設施(如:鋪面與橋梁)的維護,對於行車品質與安全而言都是一個重要的課題,因此為了要科學化分析鋪面狀態的維修與養護,鋪面生命週期的最適控制是最新趨勢,然而傳統的施工流程往往與鋪面狀態的最佳化分析相互衝突,其中有三個明顯的限制,第一:工程單位通常採用人工量測以及維修門檻作為維修策略維修,使得最佳化之維修方案常常難以被接受,導致最佳化模式產生的策略與實際養護單位工作流程造成不相容的情形;第二:通常最佳化數學模式不易考量不同的劣化模式,不同的劣化趨勢維修效果,卻都用相同的模式進行分析,這會導致決策上的錯誤,造成生命財產的損失;第三:設施與設施之間的關聯性往往缺乏考量,因此設施之間車流的轉換往往被忽略,造成更多預測的誤差。
摘要(英) Transportation infrastructure management deals with maintenance decision-making of
transportation facilities such as pavements and bridges. Various methodologies have been
adopted to determine the optimal allocation of limited funds over multiple-periods. Optimal
control is the state-of-the-art methodology for maintenance decision-making. However, the
methodology has three major limitations. First, most of the models adopting optimal control
generate highly detailed plans that contain maintenance policy for every facility at every time
period. These plans are not well-accepted by transportation agencies because they are
incompatible with their workflows for pavement management, i.e., threshold-based
maintenance. Second, these models are difficult to solve so simple deterioration and
maintenance effectiveness models are generally assumed. Third, the interdependencies
between facilities are often ignored.
Therefore, to address the above limitations, this paper formulates the problem as a
dynamic hybrid model to find the optimal thresholds considering available budgets. Dynamic
hybrid systems are easy to formulate with logical statements but logical statements are
difficult to optimize. The conversion between the logical statements and mathematical
programming is thus discussed. The user equilibrium for traffic flow is also introduced in the
problem to consider facility interdependency. As a result, a bi-level programming problem has
to be formulated. The problem is solved with Tabu search algorithm. Further, the technique of
decomposition is used to speed up the solution process. Finally, to test the methodology, a
numerical example is conducted to find the optimal thresholds under different budgets.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鋪面維修
★ 生命週期管理
★ 動態混合模式
★ 最佳化
★ 交通量指派
★ 維修門檻
關鍵字(英) ★ life-cycle management
★ optimization
★ traffic assignment
★ dynamic hybrid models
★ pavement maintenance
★ maintenance threshold
論文目次 摘要............................................................................................................................................i
ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................................ii
第一章 緒論........................................................................................................................1
1.1 研究背景........................................................................................................................1
1.2 研究動機與目的............................................................................................................2
第二章 文獻回顧................................................................................................................4
2.1 運輸設施生命週期管理之最適控制............................................................................4
2.2 動態混合系統................................................................................................................8
2.3 網路層次的維修策略....................................................................................................9
2.4 常用鋪面評估指標......................................................................................................10
2.4.1 國際糙度指標(International Roughness Index,IRI) .....................................12
2.5 禁忌搜尋法(Tabu search algorithm)............................................................................16
第三章 研究方法..............................................................................................................19
3.1 動態混合系統之建構..................................................................................................20
3.1.1 切換系統( SS,Switched System ) ...............................................................20
3.1.2 事件產生器( EG,Event Generater ) ............................................................22
3.1.3 有限狀態機( FSM,Finite State Machine ) ..................................................23
3.1.4 模式選擇器( MS,Mode Selector ) ..............................................................24
3.2 轉換動態混合系統成為數學規劃問題......................................................................25
3.2.1 門檻值引發事件..............................................................................................26
3.2.2 IF – THEN – ELSE ..........................................................................................27
3.2.3 IF AND ONLY IF.............................................................................................28
第四章 模式建構與求解方法..........................................................................................30
4.1 維修模式訂定..............................................................................................................30
4.1.1 事件產生器( EG,Event Generator )............................................................32
4.1.2 有限狀態機( FSM,Finite State Machine ) ..................................................38
4.1.3 模式選擇器( MS,Mode Selector ) ..............................................................39
4.1.4 切換系統( SS,Switched System ) ...............................................................41
4.2 交通量指派—使用者均衡..........................................................................................43
4.3 數學規劃模式建構......................................................................................................45
第五章 範例測試與分析討論..........................................................................................55
5.1 實例測試環境..............................................................................................................55
5.2 不同維護成本運算剖析..............................................................................................55
5.3 糙度變化分析..............................................................................................................60
第六章 結論與建議..........................................................................................................64
6.1 結論..............................................................................................................................64
6.2 建議與貢獻..................................................................................................................65
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指導教授 朱致遠(Chih-yuan Chu) 審核日期 2011-7-26
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