摘要(英) |
The aim of this study is to analyze inertia sensing signals including acceleration and angular velocity for the reconstruction of motion trajectory of upper limbs. This study consists of two parts. The first part is the technical develop, that is limbs motion simulation and build the method of trajectory reconstruction. In order to simulate the angular velocity and linear acceleration value on the local coordinates in limb movement, can derive the angular velocity equation and linear acceleration equation by using kinematics. However, reconstruction of trajectory will use the acceleration on global coordinates, so make the value on local coordinate can transform to the global coordinates by use transformation matrix. Then transformation matrix can get by using quaternion, and quaternion can get by using angular displacement. This study presents new method to obtain angular displacement, by calculated frequency domain signal frequency, amplitude and phase that from angular velocity signal spectrum. Similarly, by using the spectrum of linear acceleration on global coordinates, can compute the linear displacement, and reconstruct motion trajectory. Secondly, is the technical verification. Design five revolution motions, to compare the correctness of reconstruction of motion trajectory by used simulation signal and inertia sensing signal from actual measurement.
Through comparing the results between simulated signals and experimental data, the developed motion trajectory reconstruction scheme is justified.
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