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姓名 李佳依(Chia-yi Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班
論文名稱 彩色濾光片新製程導入王水對濕式洗滌塔操作影響評估
(The Effects of Aqua Regia on the Performance of Wet Scrubbers in Color Filter Process)
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摘要(中) 光電產品日新月異,而彩色濾光片為TFT-LCD之關鍵零組件,其製造成本約佔TFT-LCD總成本兩成以上,高於其他零組件。為因應市場需求,各類新產品陸續開發而導入不同新製程,但新製程可能伴隨著新的化學材料之導入,對廠內既有廠務設備(如空氣污染防制設備、水污染防治設備)處理效率必定會有所影響。但在生產成本考量的壓力下,對於污染防制設備的操作維護費用往往不是業者所最重視的一環,一般業者對於污染防制設備通常以達到主管機關規範之最低標準即可。本研究案例為彩色濾光片導入PVA新製程,在蝕刻設備使用到王水,因其強酸之特性且其中成分鹽酸為光電業空氣污染管制及排放標準所管制之空氣污染物,對於空氣污染防制設備處理上勢必造成很大影響。本研究透過能源消耗計算進行處理成本分析,並與產品單位產值、空氣污染物處理量進行比較,並以空污排放檢測針對製程改變前後進行處理效率比較,暸解王水導入對製程廢氣處理設備影響程度,再彙整實際運作狀態下之各項操作數據進行比較,探討實廠操作之差異性及可改善之空間。研究結果得知提升導電度至150 ms/cm以上可有效控制王水製程產生的白煙問題,而導入王水前鹽酸的處理效率為58.3%,導入王水後因入口濃度提升,處理效率可達93.1%,但氯氣和硝酸因入口濃度過低使得處理效率低於85%,而NMHC檢測結果發現酸鹼製程廢氣中仍有少量有機成分存在。王水導入前每產出一片4.5代彩色濾光片產品,約需要處理557.7 m3的酸鹼製程廢氣,而處理每1m3酸鹼製程廢氣所需消耗之能源約為1.016*10-3kWh;王水導入後每產出一片產品,約需要處理504.6 m3的酸鹼製程廢氣,處理每1m3酸鹼製程廢氣所需消耗之能源約為1.067*10-3kWh。
摘要(英) Photonics products roll out of production lines every day, and color filter is a key component of TFT-LCD, accounting for more than 20% of total manufacture cost. In response to market demands, new products are being developed and innovative production processes are introduced. However, introduction of new chemical materials often comes with new processes which inevitably affect processing efficiency of existing facility such as air and water pollution control equipment. With the pressure of reducing production costs, the costs to keep pollution control equipment running are not always the top priority of manufacturers. These firms often establish the systems to meet the minimum standards set by government. The subject of this study is pertaining to the new PVA process in which aqua regia is used for etching. Aqua regia is a powerful acid that contains hydrochloric acid which is an air pollutant regulated by Taiwan EPA. This will definitely have a profound impact on the operation of existing air pollution control equipment. The cost analysis was carried out with the consideration of energy and material consumption, and the result was compared with the value of unit product and the quantity of air pollutants removed. A comparison of processing efficiency before and after change of production process was performed with the air pollutant emission testing as an attempt to understand the extent of influence of aqua regia on the existing air pollution control equipment. Data of actual operations were compiled for comparison and to investigate the difference in real operations and possible room for improvement. It was learned that the white smoke generated during the aqua regia process was effectively controlled by increasing the conductivity to 150 ms/cm or more, and the removal efficiency of hydrochloric acid was 58.3% before the introduction of aqua regia. After the introduction of aqua regia, the efficiency reached 93.1% as the inlet hydrochloric acid concentration increased. However, the removal efficiencies of chlorine and nitric acid were less than 85% due to low inlet concentration. The NMHC test result revealed that traces of organic substance were detected in the exhaust of alkaline/acid processes. 557.7 m3 of process exhaust had to be processed for the production of a piece of generation 4.5 color filter before the aqua regia was introduced, and 1.016*10-3kWh of energy was required to process each 1m3 of process exhaust. After the aqua regia was introduced, the process exhaust to be processed was reduced to 504.6 m3 per piece of filter while 1.067*10-3kWh was required for processing 1m3 of exhaust gas.
關鍵字(中) ★ 彩色濾光片
★ 空氣污染防制設備
★ 王水
關鍵字(英) ★ Color Filter
★ Air pollution control equipment
★ Aqua regia
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
縮寫說明 X
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 彩色濾光片簡介 3
2.1.1 彩色濾光片製程 5
2.1.2 製程廢氣特性 7
2.2 光電材料及元件製造業空氣污染管制及排放標準 10
2.3 濕式洗滌塔介紹 13
2.3.1 氣態污染物控制方法 13
2.3.2 濕式洗滌塔種類 15
2.3.3 填充式洗滌塔氣體吸收原理 19
2.3.4 洗滌塔設計重要操作參數 20
2.3.5 洗滌塔操作常見問題 24
2.3.6 洗滌塔運轉異常狀況及排除方法 25
2.4 王水特性介紹 27
2.4.1 王水揮發氣體濃度 27
第三章 研究方法 29
3.1 研究流程 29
3.2 洗滌塔設計基礎及操作條件 30
3.2.1 設計基礎 30
3.2.2 洗滌塔規格 30
3.2.3 氣體流率 30
3.2.4 液體流率 30
3.2.5 填充料深度 31
3.2.6 洗滌塔壓力損失 31
3.2.7 化學品消耗 32
3.2.8 液體溢流率 33
3.2.9 蒸發損耗 33
3.2.10 各項操作條件 34
3.3 操作紀錄差異性分析 34
3.4 檢測採樣規劃 35
3.4.1 採樣及分析方法 35
3.4.2 採樣時注意事項 40
3.5 能源消耗及製程廢氣處理成本分析 41
第四章 結果與討論 42
4.1 設計操作條件與實際操作情形比較 42
4.1.1 pH值變化 42
4.1.2 導電度變化 43
4.1.3 液氣比變化 45
4.1.4 壓降變化 46
4.2 污染物排放量與洗滌塔處理效率 48
4.3 處理成本及耗能分析 58
4.3.1 用電量比較 58
4.3.2 用水量比較 59
4.3.3 用藥量比較 60
4.3.4 製程廢氣處理成本分析 61
4.3.5 能源消耗分析 63
第五章 結論與建議 64
5.1 結論 64
5.2 建議 65
參考文獻 66
參考文獻 1.行政院環境保護署網頁,http://www.epa.gov.tw/。
16.Cooper,C.D.;Alley,F.C.,「Air Pollution Control:A Design Approach」,Waveland Press,Inc.,1994。
21.C.D.Cooper & F.C.Alley,「Air Pollution Control:A Design Approach」,Waveland Press Inc.,2th ed.,pp.411~442,1996。
22.Robert H. Perrt and Don W. Green,「Perry’’s Chemical Engineer’’s, Handbook」,McGraw-Hill,7th ed.,1997。
指導教授 張木彬(Moo-Been Chang) 審核日期 2012-7-19
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