博碩士論文 983406001 詳細資訊

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姓名 林錫聰(Shi-Tsung Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 以天然多醣體製備氧化鋅及其光催化效能之研究
(Synthesis of ZnO using various polysaccharides as precursors and evaluation of photocatalytic activity)
★ 工業廢水對灌溉水質影響之研究-以黃墘溪為例★ 廢冷陰極管汞回收處理效率之研究
★ 室內懸浮微粒與生物氣膠之相關性探討-以某醫學中心為例★ 化學機械研磨廢液對工業區污水處理效益與 操作成本之影響
★ 網路數位電力監測系統於大學用電行為分析之研究★ 光電業進行自願性碳標準(VCS)減量計畫可行性之研究
★ 污染農地整治後未能符合農用成因之探討★ 桃園縣居家入侵紅火蟻防治方法探討
★ 印刷電路板產業濕式製程廢液回收鈀金屬可行性之研究★ 不同表面特性黏土催化高分子凝聚劑與消毒劑(氯)反應之研究
★ 界面活性劑對土壤/水系統中有機污染物分佈行為之研究★ 淨水程序中添加高分子凝聚劑對混凝與加氯處理效應之研究
★ 土壤無機相對揮發性有機污染物吸∕脫附行為之影響★ 土壤對Triton 系列各EO鏈選擇性吸附之研究
★ 土壤有機質對土壤/水系統中低濃度非離子有機污染物吸附行為之研究★ 不同表面特性黏土催化水中有機物之氯化反應研究
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摘要(中) 光催化技術可有效應用於廢水處理;於光觸媒中,又以二氧化鈦(TiO2)最具光催化效能;然而氧化鋅(ZnO)具備價格便宜、可吸收可見光範圍大、對特定染劑光催化效果佳等眾多優點,因此有其潛力取代傳統TiO2光觸媒。對於氧化鋅光觸媒之合成技術一般包含氣相冷凝法、物理粉碎法、沉積法、沉澱法、水熱合成法、溶膠凝膠法及微乳液法。本研究利用不同天然多醣進行改質以製備奈米氧化鋅,其具成本低、低污染、廢棄物再利用及製備容易等優點。因海藻酸鈉、幾丁聚醣、玉米澱粉及纖維素於自然界中含量豐富,故被選擇為製備ZnO之前驅物。
摘要(英) Photocatalytic technology is considered as one effective way for wastewater treatment. Among various photocatalysts, TiO2 is most effective catalyst for wastewater treatment. Nevertheless, ZnO has potential to substitute traditional TiO2 due to low cost, large visible light range, and good photocatalytic performance. Generally, synthetic methods for ZnO preparation include vapor condensation, physical crushing, deposition, precipitation, hydrothermal synthesis, sol-gel and microemulsion.
This study attempted to use natural polysaccharides, such as sodium alginate, chitosan, corn starch and cellulose as precursors for ZnO preparation with various conditions. Various ZnO prepared were characterized by XRD, SEM, BET and TGA, respectively. Further performances of ZnO prepared were evaluated for the removal of various pollutants including methylene blue, crystal violet and congo red. The XRD results indicated that ZnO prepared by 4 polysaccharides as precursors mainly present diffraction peaks of ZnO. It was also observed that diffraction peaks of ZnO enhance with increasing calcination temperature. In addition, SEM and BET results indicated that ZnO would present sintering as photocatalyst was calcined with a higher temperature, resulting in lower BET specific surface area. Further lower BET specific surface area may influence performance of photocatalyst. For photocatalytic test, the results indicated that ZnO prepared by sodium alginate and corn starch revealed good photocatalytic activity for removal of various pollutants. Especially, removal efficiency of crystal violet achieved with ZnO prepared by sodium alginate and corn starch could 100% after 3hr. On the contrary, ZnO prepared by chitosan revealed the lowest activity for removal of various pollutants. In addition, various preparation processes for ZnO synthesis significantly influence their characteristics and catalytic performances. Also, various operating conditions influence catalytic performance for removals of methylene blue, crystal violet and congo red. Overall, ZnO developed by this study revealed good activity and potential for wastewater treatment.
關鍵字(中) ★ 氧化鋅
★ 光催化
★ 光觸媒
★ 海藻酸鈉
★ 幾丁聚醣
★ 玉米澱粉
關鍵字(英) ★ Znic oxide
★ photocatalysis
★ photocatalyst
★ sodium alginate
★ chitosan
★ corn starch
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 I
Abstract III
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究緣起 1
1.2研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 光化學理論 4
2.2 光催化反應 5
2.2.1光催化理論 5
2.3 二氧化鈦與氧化鋅之簡介 8
2.4 氧化鋅之特性 10
2.5 光觸媒之製備方式 16
2.6 光觸媒物化特性影響催化性能之因子 17
2.7 操作條件對光催化的影響 19
2.8多醣體介紹 28
2.8.1 澱粉(starch) 29
2.8.2 幾丁聚醣(Chitosan) 31
2.8.3 海藻酸鈉(Sodium alginate) 32
2.8.4 纖維素(Cellulose) 33
2.9 多醣體官能基之交聯 34
2.10 多醣體衍生化改質與重金屬錯合 35
2.11 吸附理論 44
2.12等溫吸附方程式 46
2.12.1 Freundlich等溫吸附方程式 49
2.12.2 Langmuir等溫吸附方程式 50
2.13.3 BET等溫吸附方程式 52
第三章 研究方法與設備 54
3.1多醣體衍生物之改質 59
3.1.1羧基幾丁聚醣製備 61
3.1.2羧基玉米澱粉及交聯交聯羧基澱粉製備 62
3.1.2羧基纖維素製備 66
3.2多醣體吸附鋅實驗 67
3.3多醣體製備氧化鋅 68
3.4 觸媒表面特性分析設備 69
3.5光觸媒反應系統 73
3.6重要儀器與設備 75
3.7 實驗藥品與器材 77
第四章 結果與討論 80
4.1 改質前天然多醣體FTIR分析 80
4.1.1改質後多醣體幾丁聚醣FTIR分析 81
4.1.2改質後多醣體玉米澱粉FTIR分析 82
4.1.3改質後多醣體纖維素FTIR分析 86
4.2多醣體對金屬鋅之吸附 87
4.2.1玉米澱粉對金屬鋅之吸附 87
4.2.2幾丁聚醣對金屬鋅之吸附 92
4.2.3纖維素對金屬鋅之吸附 94
4.3多醣體金屬鋅錯合物之TGA分析 98
4.3.1玉米澱粉金屬鋅錯合物之TGA分析 98
4.3.2幾丁聚醣金屬鋅錯合物之TGA分析 102
4.3.3海藻酸鈉金屬鋅錯合物之TGA分析 105
4.4多醣體合成氧化鋅之XRD分析 107
4.4.1多醣體合成氧化鋅之XRD 107
4.4.2多醣體合成氧化鋅之SEM與TEM之分析 115
4.4.3多醣體合成氧化鋅之孔洞特性 131
4.5不同改質參數綜合評析 133
4.6氧化鋅之光催化試驗 134
4.6.1氧化鋅對染劑之吸附 136
4.6.2氧化鋅對染劑光催化降解 138
4.6.3循環水溫對氧化鋅光催化染劑之影響 142
4.6.4染劑濃度對氧化鋅光催化性能之影響 144
4.6.5光觸媒含量對光催化性能之影響 147
4.4.6 pH值對光催化性能之影響 149
第六章 結論與建議 153
6.1結論 153
6.2建議 154
參考文獻 156
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 李俊福(Jiunn-Fwu Lee) 審核日期 2018-7-19
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