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姓名 陳建翰(Chien-han Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 以策略創業角度探討網路創業商業模式的變化
(The transformation of entrepreneur’s e-business model – a strategic entrepreneurship perspective.)
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摘要(中) 本論文以策略創業的角度來探討網路創業的商業模式,即如何尋找機會與建立優勢的過程並加入時間尺度來討論商業模式的建立與改變,以策略理論、創業理論、商業模式等理論建構出架構,並利用這個架構做為一個分析的基礎,整個研究過程採用個案研究法,將個案交叉比對、歸納整理並細緻研究架構,本研究深入訪談6位台灣知名網路相關公司的創辦人,將整理成逐字稿並搭配次級相關資料進行分析,分析各別個案主要是透過論文架構分的三大面項〆網路環境改變所產生的機會、以策略創業的角度看創業歷程、以及各階段商業模式。最後我們發現,第一、網路環境的改變、機會的改變、發展優勢的策略都會使得商業模式改變,本研究並將機會(顯性、隱性)與優勢(新創程度)畫出四維圖予以命名並分析商業模式改變的各類型々第二、面臨機會、優勢的威脅與發展機會、優勢的策略,都會使得商業模式改變々第三、從一個顯性的機會到一個隱性的機會,勢必會使得商業模式有巨大的改變。若維持既有的商業模式沒有改變,將機會從顯性轉到隱性,會使企業面臨極大的風險々第四、一個越隱性的機會與新創優勢的程度越高,都會使得商業模改變越大。
摘要(英) This paper discusses on the business model that is utilized to start e-business from a Strategic Entrepreneurship (SE) perspective, also known as the process of opportunity-seeking and advantage-seeking to figure out how to establish and change a firm’s business model with a scope of time. A framework is established through theories, such as Strategic theory, Entrepreneurship theory and Business Model, and become a foundation for analysis. The entire research adopts Case Study Methodology; cases are compared crosswise, so as to generalize, organize and study the framework meticulously. This study includes in-depth interviews with six founders of famous e-business-related companies in Taiwan. Responses were recorded verbatim and sub-information was also used to analyze in each case. The analysis of case studies is mainly categorized into three aspects as following, according to the framework of this paper. The opportunity generated as the changing of the Internet Environment; The analysis of the entrepreneurial process from a Strategic Entrepreneurship perspective and various stages of the firm’s business model. The finding we have got eventually goes as follows. First, the business model will change within turmoil environment, opportunities and the development of strategic advantages. In the paper, a four-dimensional graph indicates the correlation between opportunities (both codified and tacit ones) and the degree of the advantages so as to categorize and analyze the types of the changes of business modes. Second, the business model will be changed by people’s confronting the threat of opportunities and advantages and developing the strategies of them. Third, it is inevitable to make a tremendous transformation in a business model from codified opportunities to tacit ones. If the existing business model has been maintained instead of changed, it will bring great risks to enterprises when opportunities are transferred from the codified to the tacit. Forth, the more tacit opportunities there are and the more newness advantages they are, the greater change of the business model will be created.
關鍵字(中) ★ 網路創業
★ 機會種類
★ 商業模式變化程度
★ 商業模式
★ 策略創業
關鍵字(英) ★ Opportunity Identification
★ Internet Entrepreneur
★ Business Model
★ Strategic Entrepreneurship
★ Business Model Change.
論文目次 中文摘要 III
Abstract IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景、動機與目的 1
第二節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 網路環境與e-Business 4
第二節 策略創業 8
第三節 商業模式 13
第三章 理論架構 26
第四章 研究方法與個案公司 31
第一節 研究方法 31
第二節 個案公司 35
第五章 研究結果 38
第一節 米亞網路科技股份有限公司-Meeya 38
第二節 嬉遊記數位資訊-Heeyuki 46
第三節 聖洋科技股份有限公司-cacaFly 52
第四節 先誠有限公司-Share Trusts 61
第五節 網勁科技股份有限公司-eDynamics 73
第六節 紅谷資訊股份有限公司-iPeen 83
第六章 討論 92
第一節 由機會、優勢建立商業模式 92
第二節 機會、優勢所造成商業模式的改變 96
第三節 商業模式改變的內涵 100
第四節 機會、優勢與商業模式改變程度之關係 102
第七章 結論與貢獻 106
參考文獻 108
附錄 112
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指導教授 蕭嬋(Chan Hsiao) 審核日期 2011-7-2
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