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姓名 張凱鈞(Kai-Chun Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 Facebook與Google的實際使用因素之探討
(Factors Influencing the Facebook and Google Usage)
★ 技術商品銷售之技術人員關鍵職能探討★ 資訊委外之承包商能力、信任及溝通與委外成效關係之個案研究
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★ 影響採購「網路資料中心產品」因素之探討★ 資訊人員績效評估之研究—以陸軍某資訊單位為例
★ 高職資料處理科學生網路成癮相關因素及其影響之探討★ 資訊服務委外對資訊部門及人員之衝擊-某大型外商公司之個案研究
★ 二次導入ERP系統之研究-以某個案公司為例★ 資料倉儲於證券產業應用之個案研究
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★ 資料倉儲系統建置之個案研究★ 電子表單系統導入之探討 - 以 A 公司為例
★ 企業資訊安全機制導入與評估–以H公司為例★ 從人力網站探討國內資訊人力現況–以104銀行資料為例
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摘要(中) 在過去的網路使用上,使用者大部分都為了滿足自我的資訊需求,有目的地去搜尋與使用網路服務。例如:Google的搜尋引擎服務讓使用者可以快速又準確地找到所需要的結果。然而現今的網路使用者已不再以目的價值為主要考量,娛樂性與社交性逐漸興起,社群網站成為舒壓或維持社交活動的管道,且大部份使用者利用真實身分而非匿名的方式在網路上活動,使網路世界與離線下的生活越來越有連結性。因此本研究利用使用與滿足理論為基礎,來探討使用者對於Facebook與Google服務的實際使用因素上是否有明顯不同,透過目的價值、娛樂價值、社會認同、社會支持、人際關係構面來進行探討;另外,也針對使用者的人格特質來探討是否會影響到Facebook與Google服務使用上的不同;最後,則是探討使用者與Facebook與Google服務科技平台之間是否具有親密度,導致使用者會繼續使用此兩個平台。本論文利用問卷調查的方式做研究探討,透過網路的電子問卷針對使用過Facebook與Google服務的對象來收集樣本。研究最後發現,娛樂價值、社會認同對Facebook實際使用有顯著影響;目的價值對Google實際使用有顯著影響;親密度對兩者都有顯著的影響。此研究發現將可提供給網路業者未來在建構網站設計時不僅要滿足使用者功能面的需求,也要將情感面與娛樂面的因素列入考量。
摘要(英) Most information systems aim to provide users with useful information for better decision making. However, in recent years, the motivations of users to use Internet are changing as the rising and developing of the SNS. SNS users do not merely focus on task or functional requirements, instead they gradually pay more attention fulfill to emotional needs. Therefore, this research model was based on Uses-and-Gratifications theoretical foundations and aims to find out what factors may influence users in use of Facebook and Google service. This study employed the following constructs: purposive value, hedonic value, social support, social identity, maintaining interpersonal relationships, personality traits and intimacy as the causal factors of Facebook and Google usage. An electronic survey technique was used to collect data from Internet. Results, the study findings that hedonic value, intimacy and social identity construct have significant influence on Facebook usage and purposive value has significant influence on actual use behavior on Google usage. The construct of intimacy is the most significant factor for both Google and Facebook usage. Base on the findings, that can provided to the website vendors to help enhance and differentiate their website functions in the future. Both the functional aspects and the emotional factors need to be taken into consideration.
關鍵字(中) ★ Facebook
★ Google
★ 使用與滿足理論
★ 親密度
★ 五大人格特質
關鍵字(英) ★ Facebook
★ Google
★ Uses-and-Gratifications
★ Intimacy
★ Personality Traits
論文目次 Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... i
Figures ........................................................................................................................................ ii
Tables ......................................................................................................................................... iii
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Research Background ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Motivation ..................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Research Purposes ........................................................................................................ 3
2. Literature Review ................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Uses-and-Gratifications and Internet ............................................................................ 5
2.2 Personality and Internet ................................................................................................ 8
2.3 Intimacy and Internet .................................................................................................. 11
3. Research Methods ................................................................................................................ 13
3.1 Research Model .......................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Research Design ......................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Measurement .............................................................................................................. 16
3.4 Data Analysis Methods ............................................................................................... 17
4. Data Analysis .................................................................................................................... 18
4.1 Description Sample .................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Measurement Model ................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Sample Statistics ......................................................................................................... 21
4.4 Structure Model .......................................................................................................... 22
5. Conclusion and Implications ............................................................................................ 27
5.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 27
5.2 Implications ................................................................................................................ 28
5.3 Research Limitations .................................................................................................. 29
5.4 Further Research ......................................................................................................... 30
6. References ........................................................................................................................ 31
Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 34
Appendix A ............................................................................................................................... 34
Appendix B ............................................................................................................................... 36
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指導教授 周惠文(Huey-Wen Chou) 審核日期 2011-7-25
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