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姓名 林長億(Chang-Yi Lin) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 工業管理研究所 論文名稱 賣場能見度及其銷售績效之典型相關分析 熱門拍賣網站的女裝直購之實證研究
(Canonical Analysis Between Marketplaces’ Visibility and PerformanceEmpirical Study of Popular Online Auction Website’s Buyout Women Clothing )相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 網路拍賣已經是一種非常普遍的線上交易方式。然而交易雙方的資訊不對稱,始終是網路拍賣中最令人關切的。根據文獻和實際觀察,總體評價是拍賣頁面中最容易被顧客所取得的資訊,而這也是呈現賣家過往交易紀錄的一項重要指標。根據調查顯示,女性網友喜歡在網路賣場購買服飾,所以網拍的種類當中女性服飾的數量通常很大,拍賣大多採取直購價的形式。因此本研究的問題為:在女裝直購價的拍賣方式下,賣場能見度與賣場績效是否有關係?商品價格與賣場績效有何關係? 能見度的各個指標之影響程度為何?
摘要(英) Online auction has gained its popularity among traders. However, the issue of information asymmetry has always been concerned in online auction. According to literature and observation, the marketplaces overall ratings is not only the easiest information for the buyer to refer but also the evidence of transaction history. Empirical studies have shown that most female buyers prefer buying clothing in online marketplaces. We want to know on the condition that women clothing and buyout prices: (1)How are the relationship between the visibility of the seller in online marketplaces and its performance? (2)How are the relationship between the product price and the seller’s online market performance? How’s the influence of each visibility indicators.
We developed an automated agent-based program to collect two-month-period transaction data of seven kinds of different women clothing. We take sellers’ perspective and products’ perspective respectively. Marketplaces visibility construct is composed of(1) marketplace overall ratings(2)ratings orders(3)ratings orders’ pages(4)ratings orders of each page, and marketplaces performance construct comprise (1)number of transactions(2)daily average transaction volume. Then we used canonical analysis to examine these two constructs’ relationship on sellers’ perspective. After that, we used products’ perspective to examine product prices and marketplaces performance construct’s relationship. And using cross validation to make sure its external validity. We found out from sellers’ perspective marketplaces overall ratings is an important and positive influential factor. From products’ perspective, we found out product price is an important but low influential factor to marketplaces performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 賣場績效
★ 直購價
★ 資訊不對稱
★ 女裝網拍
★ 典型相關分析關鍵字(英) ★ women clothing online auction
★ buyout prices
★ information asymmetry
★ canonical analysis
★ marketplaces performance論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
序言 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2論文架構 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1淺談網路拍賣 8
2.2網路拍賣的評價機制 8
2.2.1關於正面評價與負面評價 10
2.2.2輕鬆付 11
2.2.3總體評價 12
2.3總體評價在本研究的意涵 13
2.4賣場評價排名 14
2.5網頁耙取 (Web Crawling) 14
第三章 研究方法 16
3.1研究模型與假說推導 16
3.1.1賣場評價排名、排名頁次、頁排名 16
3.1.2賣場總體評價 18
3.1.3成交人次 19
3.1.4每日平均成交量 20
3.1.5商品價格 21
3.2資料收集: 23
3.2.1樣本型態描述 24
3.3資料抓取流程 28
3.3.1資料抓取步驟: 30
第四章 資料分析與討論 33
4.1樣本資料 33
4.2 假說檢定-賣場觀點 36
4.2.1 典型相關分析的步驟 39
4.2.2確認適用性 39檢驗變項之間是否有典型相關存在 40檢驗個別的典型相關系數是否達顯著並選擇典型相關之組數 40
4.2.3求解顯著的典型相關係數 41
4.2.4求解典型結構係數(canonical structure) 41
4.2.5求解重疊量數(index of redundancy) 43
4.2.6典型相關分析統計摘要 45
4.3假說檢定-商品觀點 45
4.3.1確認適用性 45
4.3.2求解顯著的典型相關組數、典型相關係數、典型結構係數與統計摘要 46
4.4外部效度 47
4.4.1檢驗賣場外部效度 47
4.4.2檢驗商品觀點外部效度 49
4.5 小結 51
第五章 結論與建議 52
5.1研究結果 52
5.1.1賣場觀點 53
5.1.2商品觀點 54
5.2研究實務貢獻與管理意涵 54
5.2.1賣場觀點 54
5.2.2商品觀點 55
5.3研究限制與未來研究建議 55
5.3.1 研究設計上的限制 55
5.3.2樣本資料代表性限制 56
5.3.3未來研究建議 56
參考文獻: 58
附 錄 一 61
附 錄 二 62
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指導教授 何靖遠(Chin-Yuan Ho) 審核日期 2011-7-7 推文 plurk
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