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(A Methodological Framework for Developing A Collaborative Research and Development Platform)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 在求新求變且科技快速演進的時代裡, 企業想要與市場需求同步發展,新產品持續開發已變成關鍵性的焦點。若想能有遠見的創新領先同業,就必須要了解客戶的使用的感受與需求,才能提前看到商機。近年來,創新管理與協同開發設計的概念越來越受重視,本論文特別針對工業電腦產業在協同的新產品開發的階段中,加入了創新與客戶和供應商一起協同設計的元素進行分析探討,進而推出更客製化的產品。
本研究目的在提出一個能讓公司開發團隊、供應商等合作夥伴和業餘專業者同步協同設計與分享的平台,也能藉此吸收各國人才,並將此平台充分的整合於新產品開發階段和跨功能組織中。在分析資訊分享的系統架構時, 首先用軟體品質機能展開(Software quality function deployment)來定義系統的需求和規格並用服務藍圖(Blue printing)來描述使用平台過程中傳遞的程序。並將服務藍圖運用在整合性資訊系統架構(ARIS)做建模和設計系統的工作,藉此定義工作流程和發展此資訊系統。在整合性資訊系統架構概念中,結合資訊系統、組織、和新產品開發流程,整合出一個彼此連接、互相配合的流程架構。摘要(英) We have seen technology is dramatically increasing in recent years with developing varied products to satisfy customers’ demand. Enterprises want to develop and figure out the requirement of market in advance. Hence, continuing new product design and development is a crucial point to effort. For a farsighted company to win competitor and reinforce their ability of competition, company should understand what kind of products customers need and how their feeling after using these products. The concept of consumer-driven innovation and collaborative design are emphasized in field of academia and industry.
The purpose of this study is to propose a service platform (information system) which can do collaborative design and sharing in order to assist NPD team working with their partners such as supplier and developer, and passionate amateur who are knowledgeable. We can recruit talented people from every country by the platform. Besides, this service platform will link completely with whole stages of new product development and cross-functional organization.
The architecture of the platform is starting to define system’s requirements and specifications by Software Quality Function Deployment method (SQFD) and also apply lso apply lso apply lso apply lso apply lso apply lso apply lso apply lso apply service blueprint which can analyze and describe the process when information transfers in the platform. We will use service blueprint as a base to extend and design architecture of Integrated Information Systems (ARIS). ARIS is combined by five views as a method for modeling and designing information system. Finally, the collaborative platform can be use to develop and design new product and communicate in between organization where information exchange is more synchronous、transparent and convenient.關鍵字(中) ★ 新產品開發
★ 軟體品質機能展開
★ 服務藍圖
★ 整合性資訊系統架構
★ 協同設計
★ 工業電腦關鍵字(英) ★ New Product Development
★ Service Blueprint
★ Collaborative Design
★ Industrial Computer論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction ....................................1
1.1 Background.............................................1
1.2 Motivation.............................................1
1.3 Research Objectives ...................................3
Chapter 2 Literature Review ...............................5
2.1 Knowledge and Knowledge Management ...................5
2.2 Collaborative Creativity (Mass innovation) ............8
2.2.1 Creativity ..........................................8
2.2.2 Collaboration .......................................9
2.2.3 Collaboration Technology and Collaborative Creativity................................................12
2.2.4 Crowdsourcing ......................................13
2.3 Information System ..................................15
2.3.1 Introduction of Information System .................15
2.3.2 Information System Integration (ISI) ...............15
2.3.3 Architecture of Integrated Information System ......18 ARIS- Business Process Modeling ..................18 Modeling method ..................................21
Chapter 3 Research Methodology ...........................24
3.1 Methodology ..........................................25
3.2 Software Quality Function Deployment .................26
3.2.1 Introduction .......................................26
3.2.2 The Structure of Software Quality Function Deployment (SQFD)....................................................27
3.3 Service Blueprint ....................................29
3.3.1 Introduction .......................................29
3.3.2 The Component of Service Blueprint .................30
3.4 Developing Architecture of Integrated Information System (ARIS).............................................33
3.4.1 Introduction .......................................33
3.4.2 ARIS Views ........................................35
Chapter 4 Developing a Prototype Information System.......41
4.1 Software Quality Function Deployment (SQFD) - User-oriented design ..........................................43
4.1.1 Construct Software Quality Function Deployment (SQFD) Matrices .................................................44
4.2 Service blueprint- User-oriented design ..............47
4.2.1 The structure of service blueprint for information system ...................................................47
4.3 Architecture of Integrated Information System (ARIS)-System-oriented design ...................................50
4.3.1 Modeling for Information system ....................50
Chapter 5 Implementation of Collaborative Platform for IPC Industry .................................................55
5.1 Hypothetical application in IPC industry .............55
5.2 Collaborative Platform implementation.................56
5.2.1 Platform structure .................................56
5.2.2 Software quality function deployment (SQFD) ........59
5.2.3 Service blueprint ..................................62
5.2.4 Architecture of Integrated Information System (ARIS) ...................................................65
Chapter 6 Conclusion and future research .................71
6.1 Conclusion ...........................................71
6.2 Recommendations for future research ..................73
Reference ................................................74參考文獻 Reference
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