摘要(英) |
With the characteristics of low capital structure and multi-layer subcontractors, the environment of construction industry is complicated. Due to the uncertainty and high risks during the construction process, the concept of quality management is imperative to implement for construction industry.
The primary business of construction industry is Government’s public projects which have close relationship with nation’s prosperity and with people’s lives as well. Government Procurement Act (GPA) offers US$900 billions opportunities in public projects, and traffic construction takes the major parts of them. Because of the landslide of National Highway No. 6, the issues of quality and safety in traffic construction have been severely quested and inspected.
To address the appropriate dimensions and key factors in order to improve technology quality and competitiveness, this research focuses on the system of quality management which has been implemented in a local construction company for decades. This research achieves the following important goals:
1. Defining the system of three scale quality control (TSQC), and providing suggestions on the capabilities of operating control.
2. Exploring the framework of PDCA in this case, and being references for contractors.
3. Discussing the critical TQM factors which are related to performance, quality, and competitiveness.
參考文獻 |
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