摘要(英) |
On the investment in Mainland China, Taiwanese small and medium-sized enterprisces (T-SMEs) may trim their sail with China government’s policy. It results in the fact that they have to cooperate with government agencies and state-owned enterprises to sustain their competitive. Meanwhile, the change of business environment may transform their relationship from business partners into competitor by government intervention or direct competition, and the like. Both cooperation and competition will exist in the business environment for T-SMEs in Mainland China.
The case of this paper is derived from a T-SME invested in construction machinery industry in Mainland China. The development construction machinery industry is heavly depended on government’s policy. Cooperation and competition have become a general rule of this industry. Enterprises in this industry do business by cooperation and competition with one another. Therefore, this paper applied “Co-opetition” proposed by Brandenburger & Nalebuff(2005)to study (1) the case’s competitive game in different period of business; (2) the strategic driver by which the case use to change the competitive game in order to improve his profitability. The finding of this study is two-fold. First, this paper found that the case will modify their strategy to reflect the change resulted from the changine elements of competitive game, especially from changing environment and rule. Secondly, this paper found that both technology capability and business capability are servied as strategic drivers for a new competitive game, and, moreover, transforming his business from providing best product into customer solution. In the consulsion, this paper suggests that T-SMEs have to set up a group of key performance indicators to monitor the performance of co-opetition. Also, a total customer solution is alternative for the achievement of co-opetition.
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