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姓名 詹小雲(Sheau Yun)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 因應公司經營策略變革之人力資源配置調整個案探討
(Case study on human resource configuration responded to organizational change)
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摘要(中) 現今企業面臨的是一個高度競爭與快速變遷的環境,為了應付外在環境的變化及挑戰,組織必須經常檢視內部經營狀況,以進行機動快速的調整及配置,以維持競爭優勢。而人力資源規劃的最終目標在於透過人力資源的充份運用而達到組織對經營績效的需求,因此企業因應內外在經濟環境變動帶來的壓力,就須不斷地修正經營策略,而在人力發展與配置上勢必也要有所調整,使人力資源規劃與經營策略能聯結。個案公司因應公司經營策略變革及金融風暴,規畫人力資源重新配置調整及因應做法,以期持續維繫組織應有的績效及服務品質。期間因應公司經營策略變革所做的人力資源規劃,是否仍可維繫個案公司的優良服務品質,皆值得加以探究及討論。
摘要(英) Organizations are facing nowadays is a highly competitive and rapidly changing environment , in order to cope with external environmental changes and challenges, organizations must regularly review and adjust the internal operating conditions to maintain competitive advantage. The ultimate goal of human resource planning is through the fully utilize of human resources to achieve performance needs of business, so companies in response to the pressure accompanied with the dynamic environment which brought the needs to constantly adjust business strategy, and in human development and configuration should have to be adjusted to be linked with management strategies.
Due to business strategy and financial turmoil, case company reconfigured human resource to continue to maintain the organization’’s performance and service quality is imperatively;but whether the organization can still maintain the service quality which needed to explore and verify. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore human resource configuration to meet the business strategies change, explore human resource practice after human resource configuration, and to explore the effectiveness of configuration measures to the impact of operational performance. Verified methods by analyzing case’’s customer satisfaction, the accuracy rate of system operation, personnel stability results, compared and verified the effectiveness of human resources practice. Results showed that human resource practice to meet the business strategy in response to organizational changes, not only with the company to achieve the purpose of change, and also to maintain the organization’’s performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人力資源配置
★ 組織績效
★ 組織變革
★ 經營策略變革
關鍵字(英) ★ organizational change
★ changes in business strategy
★ organizational performance
★ human resources strategy
論文目次 第一章 緒論1
1-1 研究背景與動機1
1-2 研究目的2
第二章 文獻探討3
2-1 經營策略變革與人力資源配置調整3
2-2 經營策略變革對組織績效的影響8
2-3 人力資源配置調整對組織績效的影響14
第三章 個案公司簡介及人力資源配置調整專案概況16
3-1 產業概況介紹16
3-2 個案公司介紹19
3-3 人力資源配置調整專案緣起22
3-4 人力資源配置調整專案架構28
第四章 研究方法34
4-1 研究架構34
4-2 研究方法及對象34
4-3 研究流程35
4-4 研究結果38
第五章 結論與建議45
5-1 研究發現45
5-2 研究建議47
5-3 研究限制52
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指導教授 黃同圳、鄭晉昌
(Tung-chun Huang、Jihn-Chang Jehng)
審核日期 2011-7-8
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