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姓名 吳敏瑄(min-hsuan Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 我的書店:以網路經營遊戲支援閱讀後續活動
(My-Bookstore:Using a Network Management Game to Promote Reading Follow-Up Activities)
★ 探索電玩遊戲頻率對於視覺注意力表現能力的效應★ 代理表現學習模式—以動物同伴為例
★ 常用邏輯句型重組之學習★ 電腦支援國小數學文字題擬題活動初探
★ 解釋數學:透過科技支援創作與討論以增強小學生的數學溝通能力★ 提問式鷹架教學結合數位閱讀寫作系統對國小低年級學生語文能力的影響
★ 數學島:興趣驅動之國小數學線上平台設計與初步評估★ 以「猜擬題」活動增進學生數學文字題解題能力
★ 基於學生練習使用回饋之學習成效預測模型與動態題數練習機制★ 透過主題地圖與寵物同伴促進閱讀更深更廣的書籍
★ 具推薦書籍功能之閱讀島系統架構設計★ 透過學生影片創作進行國小數學學習:趣創者理論之應用
★ 英文單字樂園:學生自創字卡搭配複習機制強化英文字彙學習之系統設計及學習成效初探★ 設計與實作明日寫作系統增進國小學生寫作表現
★ 設計與實踐「提升式寫作」活動以提升國小學生寫作品質與寫作興趣★ TTPR:設計科技強化型全肢體反應為了小學生和國中生在印尼學習英語詞彙
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摘要(中) 2009 年PISA 和2006 年PIRLS 的國際評量結果顯示,台灣學生嚴重缺乏表達自己觀點的能力,並且閱讀興趣低落,因此強化閱讀教育是很重要的。身教式持續安靜閱讀(Modeled Sustained Silent Reading, MSSR)能夠讓學生選擇自己有興趣的書,自主閱讀,因此受到重視。而一些沒有壓力的閱讀後續活動,不但可以維持學生對讀過書籍的熱情,也能夠進一步延續學生對閱讀的喜愛。由於閱讀
摘要(英) The result of PISA 2009 and PIRLS 2006 international assessment showed that students in Taiwan lacked the capability of expressing their own ideas and were of low interest in reading. Thus, it is important to cultivate students’ reading interest and habit. To this end, the activity of modeled sustained silent reading (MSSR) attracts increasing attention because it allows students to freely choose the books they like for promoting the reading passion. In addition, several reading follow-up activities also emphasize this characteristic (i.e., self-planning and multiple-choice) to cultivate their reading habit with the MSSR activity.
Digital game-based learning could provide students with control, active participation, and joyful learning experience. In particular, a management game could further offer students opportunities to enhance their capability in planning and management. Thus, if management games could be applied to the design of reading follow-up activities, students’ capability of self-planning and self-management might be enhanced. Underpinned by the design rationale, we design a management game, My-Bookstore, as a reading follow-up activity to promote students’ regular and sustained reading behaviors, and even their reading interest and passion. More specifically, the My-Bookstore system allows a student to play as a manager to run a bookstore, in which he/she could record the books he/she has read and further recommend these books to classmates.
To examine the effect of the My-Bookstore system, a system usability study was conducted in an elementary school. The results showed that students who used the My-bookstore system tended to enhance their reading interest. In addition, student’’s vocabulary and reading comprehension has also improved significantly.
關鍵字(中) ★ 數位遊戲式學習
★ 身教式持續安靜閱讀
★ 閱讀後續活動
關鍵字(英) ★ reading follow-up activities
★ Modeled sustained silent reading
★ digital game-based learning
論文目次 摘要.................................................... ii
Abstract .............................................. iii
目錄.................................................... vi
圖目錄................................................ viii
表目錄................................................... x
第一章 緒論.............................................. 1
1.1 研究背景 ............................................ 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 ...................................... 4
1.3 論文架構 ............................................ 5
第二章 文獻探討.......................................... 6
2.1 何謂閱讀與大量閱讀 .................................. 6
2.1.1 何謂閱讀 .......................................... 6
2.1.2 大量閱讀 .......................................... 7
2.2 台灣與國際閱讀現況 .................................. 8
2.2.1 台灣閱讀現況 ...................................... 8
2.2.2 國際閱讀現況 ..................................... 11
2.3 身教式持續安靜閱讀.................................. 13
2.3.1 身教的重要性 ..................................... 13
2.3.2 持續安靜閱讀 ..................................... 14
2.4 悅趣化學習 ......................................... 17
2.4.1 遊戲設計理論 ..................................... 17
2.4.2 心流理論 ......................................... 18
2.4.3 經營遊戲 ......................................... 19
第三章 系統設計......................................... 22
3.1 設計理念 ........................................... 22
3.2 系統運作機制 ....................................... 23
3.3 閱讀登記模式 ....................................... 24
3.4 書店經營模式 ....................................... 26
第四章 系統實作......................................... 31
4.1 閱讀登記介面 ....................................... 31
4.2 書店經營介面 ....................................... 34
第五章 使用現況......................................... 47
5.1 背景 ............................................... 47
5.2 參與對象 ........................................... 47
5.3 實施程序 ........................................... 47
5.4 資料收集 ........................................... 48
5.5 結果 ............................................... 50
第六章 結論與未來工作................................... 81
6.1 結論 ............................................... 81
6.2 未來工作 ........................................... 82
參考文獻................................................ 84
附錄.................................................... 87
附錄一 學生借閱的書籍:熱門書籍(不含重覆借閱)........... 87
附錄二 學生借閱的書籍:耐讀書籍(含重覆借閱) ............ 89
附錄三 學生推薦的書籍 .................................. 91
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指導教授 陳德懷(Tak-Wai Chan) 審核日期 2011-7-18
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