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姓名 許凱名(Kai-ming Hsu) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 電機工程學系在職專班 論文名稱 應用於全球衛星定位系統與無線網路的小型化指叉式天線設計
(Small Inter-digital Antenna Designs for GPS and WLAN Applications)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 本論文主要提出一種新型雙指叉式電容天線架構。其架構利用兩片分開的指叉式電容片來製作一雙頻天線,兩片的指叉式電容片被設計來分別控制 GPS和WLAN兩個頻段,一般的波長共振模式的天線如 Dipole,Monopole,PIFA都必須和接地面保持一定距離,不然天線效能和輻射場型皆會受到接地面的影響效能上變差,並且在安裝方式也遭受到相當大的限制,天線的安裝位置一般只能受限在主板的四個角落,該新架構的天線能改善上述問題點。
在本文中使用新型雙指叉式電容天線設計出應用於 GPS(1.575GHz)與 WLAN (2.45GHz)的天線。雙指叉天線結構設計,一開始需先決定雙頻天線GPS(1.575GHz)與WLAN (2.45GHz)指叉式結構的電容量和雙頻天線淨空區之大小預留,進而安排天線的相關佈局和各自接地端點,以降低雙天線間的相互干擾,如此較能使各頻率維持特性。之後利用雙指叉天線中的第二層線路分別調整GPS(1.575GHz)與WLAN(2.45GHz)之阻抗匹配,以達成雙頻指叉式天線之設計。而上述之雙指叉式天線都已透過模擬與量測之方式,實際驗證出具有良好之特性。摘要(英) In the thesis, we will propose a new design of dual inter-digital capacitive antenna. Two separate inter-digital capacitor chips are used to create the main structure of a dual-band antenna. Both capacitors are applied to control the GPS and WLAN two bands. Generally, the antennas, such as a dipole, monopole, and PIFA must be kept a certain distance from the ground, because the antenna performance and radiation pattern are affected by the ground plane. Often the antenna is deployed in the four corners of the motherboard. The proposed structure of the antenna can improve the problems mentioned above.
The proposed dual inter-digital capacitive antenna is designed for GPS (1.575GHz) and WLAN (2.45GHz) applications. At first, the area of the dual-band antenna is determined to contain the fork structure of electric capacity and dual-band antenna clearance area. Then the antenna layout and ground endpoint are arranged to reduce the mutual interference between two antennas, while maintaining the antenna characteristics. The second layer line of the dual fork antenna is used to adjust the impedance matching of GPS (1.575GHz) and WLAN (2.45GHz). The proposed dual inter-digital capacitive antenna has been simulated and measured, and good performance has been obtained.關鍵字(中) ★ 應用於全球衛星定位系統與無線網路的小型化指叉式天線設計 關鍵字(英) ★ Small Inter-digital Antenna Designs for GPS and WLAN Applications 論文目次 目 錄
摘要 .................................................................................................. ii
Abstract ................................................................................................ iii
致謝 ................................................................................................ iv
圖目錄 ........................................................................................................................vii
第一章 緒論 ................................................................................................ 1
1.1 研究動機 ............................................................................................. 1
1.2 文獻回顧 ..................................................................................... 2
1.3 論文架構 ..................................................................................... 4
第二章 天線原理與參數介紹................................................................................... 5
2.1 天線原理簡介.............................................................................…… 5
2.2 倒F型天線.............................................................................…… 6
第三章 GPS (1.575GHz)指叉式天線之原理與探討.............................................10
3-2 GPS(1.575GHz)指叉式天線結構說明 .......................................................11
3-3 GPS(1.575GHz)指叉式天線結構模擬結果................................................12
3-4 GPS(1.575GHz)指叉式天線結構參數討論.............................................. 18
3-5 結論...............................................................................................................34
第四章 雙頻指叉式天線. .................................................................................... 35
4.1 簡介..............................................................................................................35
4.2 雙頻指叉式天線架構與天線參數探討 .................................................... 36
4.3 雙頻指叉式天線設計與模擬結果.............................................................. 37
4.4 雙頻指叉式天線量測與比較..................................................................77
4-5 結論...............................................................................................................82
第五章 總結............................................................................................................. 83
參考文獻.................................................................................................................... 84
附錄............................................................................................................................. 86參考文獻 [1] K.L. Wong, "Planar antennas for wireless communications", Wiley, New York, 2003
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