摘要(英) |
Storytelling has been an appealing tool of presentation of knowledge, history, and art in human communities. Learning through storytelling is highly implemented in educational settings. Storytelling is a good teaching strategy because it can boost children’s imagination, activate thinking processes, stimulate deeper thinking, and reinforce oral presentation ability. However, Storytelling is a rich activity that can facilitate learning in many ways, such as ideas generation, organization, and meaningful comprehension, oral and expressive abilities. The obstacles might hinder kids’ storytelling performance in the classroom.
This study proposed a possibility to let kids organize their ideas and generate animations by an educational programming language named Scratch. Kids can generate ideas of their story according to build-in pictures, and then organize their narration under the support of structural writing mechanism. After composing the scenarios, kids can record their voices sentence by sentence. Moreover, real robots who acted as actors were designed to act according to Scratch program event that was selected by kids.
Experimental results show that most kids can use the mechanism to tell stories. Comparing to story book through the projector in the screen, kids feel robots are more like some real companions or pets, comparing to virtual characters and can increase the presence that audiences can sense their existing and approaching.
參考文獻 |
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