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姓名 陳子宇(Tzu-yu Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 水文與海洋科學研究所
論文名稱 三維真實地形數值模擬之海嘯上溯研究
(3D Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Runup on Real Topography)
★ 雙向流固耦合移動邊界法發展及其於山崩海嘯之研究★ 發展風暴潮影響強度分析法以重建1845雲林口湖風暴朝事件
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★ 海嘯逆推方法之研發及其於2006 年屏東地震之應用★ 以三維賓漢流數值模式模擬海嘯沖刷坑之發展
★ 以三維數值模擬探討海嘯湧潮與結構物之交互作用★ 三維雙黏性流模式於高濃度泥沙流及泥沙底床沖刷之發展及應用
★ 海岸樹林及消波結構物對海嘯能量消散之模擬★ 重建台灣九棚海嘯石之古海嘯事件及孤立波與水下圓板交互作用之模擬
★ 裙礁流場之數值分析與消能特性之探討★ 風暴潮速算系統之建立及1845年雲林口湖事件之還原與研究
★ 台灣海嘯速算系統建置暨1867年 基隆海嘯事件之還原與分析★ 蘭嶼海嘯石與1867年基隆海嘯之動力分析
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摘要(中) 本研究以數值模式模擬三維海嘯之上溯。研究案例為2010年10月25日Mentawai海嘯。經現場調查,該海嘯於Sibigau島呈現特殊之衝擊現象。該島嶼內陸大多數之植生被摧毀,然而沿海之植生卻僅受極有限之破壞。由於此處沿海地形後方有一陡峭之斜坡,本研究推估此地形對於湧潮破壞行為將產生影響。此假說若成立,代表未來於海嘯攻擊下,山邊離岸之建築物亦可能遭受海嘯之破壞。為研究此一現象,本文以數值方法進行模擬與分析。模擬案例包括與實驗數據之驗證,及三維Sibigau海嘯溢淹模擬。
Sibigau島之溢淹模擬分兩個部分,其一為以COMCOT海嘯數值模式進行Mentawai海嘯之模擬,模擬分三層巢狀網格進行。其中第三層網格置於Sibigau島,解析度為120 m。第二部分以三維LES-VOF模式進行,並將COMCOT第三層計算結果作為LES-VOF之入流邊界條件。模擬結果發現,海嘯波入射後以海嘯湧潮上溯,並於撞擊至山壁後反彈,反彈波之位置符合Sibigau島內陸樹林被摧毀之區域。
摘要(英) In this study, we use a 3D numerical model to simulate the processes of tsunami run-up. The study case is the Mentawai tsunami happened in October 25, 2010. The field survey showed an interesting phenomenon that most of the vegetation inland was destroyed, while, in contrary, only limited damage observed at the coastal area. Because a steep cliff is located right behind this area, we assume that this special topography might be one of the reasons. If this hypothesis sustains, the hillsides buildings might also under the tsunami threat. To study this case, the numerical method is adopted. Validation with experimental data and Sibigau tsunami simulation are included.
As for the model validation, the simulation results are compared with the experimental data obtained from Professor Zhenhua Huang in Singapore Nanyang Technological University. In the experiment, a solitary wave is used to represent the tsunami incident wave. The force and bending moment from the run-up bore acting on a small circular cylinder are recorded. Our numerical model solves 3D Large-Eddy Simulation(LES)model, and estimate the tsunami force by Morison formula. The result shows that the numerical model is able to predict the bore height and velocity field accurately, and reasonable accuracy on the force prediction.
We also study the flow characteristics of three cliff angles. The result shows that the rebounded bore is presented in all of the cases. This rebounded bore causes the second impact on the structures at the toe of the cliff. It might explain phenomenon observed on Sibigau Island. To confirm this hypothesis, this study precedes the overflow simulation in the real scale.
The complete tsunami simulation on Sibigau Island is divided into two parts. The first part is the 2D simulation of the Mentawai tsunami by COMCOT model. Three layers of nested grids are adopted. The third layer focuses on Sibigau Island with a resolution of 120m. The second part is the 3D simulation by LES-VOF model. The third-later COMCOT result is adopted as the inflow boundary condition. The result shows that the tsunami waves transforms into tsunami bores, and then rebound after reaching the hill. The position of the rebounded wave consists with the field observation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 海嘯上溯
★ 水平力
★ 體積分率法
★ Morison公式
★ 轉動彎矩
★ 孤立波
關鍵字(英) ★ Morison formula
★ moment
★ force
★ solitary wave
★ tsunami run-up
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言及研究動機 1
1-2 研究方法 2
1-3 本文架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第三章 模式與數值方法 12
3-1模式簡介 12
3-2流體體積法 12
3-3 連續方程式與動量方程式 14
3-4 大渦模擬法 16
3-5部份網格法 17
3-6 真實地形導入模組 18
3-7 COMCOT結果導入模組 19
第四章 模式驗證與研究案例 23
4-1 LES-VOF模式驗證 23
4-2 問題描述 23
4-3 實驗設置與數值模式設定 23
4-4 結果驗證 25
4-5水平力與實驗比較結果討論 27
4-6 研究案例一:孤立波上溯與不同角度之陡坡撞擊之互制 28
4-6-1 流體深度之比較 29
4-6-2 水平力之比較 30
4-6-3 彎矩力之比較 31
4-7 真實地形模擬 32
第五章 研究案例二:台灣第三核電場海嘯衝擊之研究 102
5-1 問題描述 102
5-2 海嘯情境設置 103
5-3 三維LES-VOF模式設置 104
5-4 海嘯上溯水位和流速分析 105
5-5 建物受力分析 106
5-6小結 107
第六章 結論與建議 126
參考文獻 128
附錄一 模式數值方法 133
A.1 有限體積法 133
A.2 大渦模擬法 134
附錄二 COMCOT簡介 138
附錄三 三維VOF-LES模式輸入檔 140
附錄四 口試委員意見表 153
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指導教授 吳祚任(Tso-Ren Wu) 審核日期 2012-8-8
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