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姓名 黃意函(Yi-Han Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英美語文學系
論文名稱 自殺防治作為治理:解嚴後臺灣之自殺論述
(Suicide Prevention as Governance: Suicide Discourses in Post-Martial Law Taiwan)
★ 獵巫:女性身/影之尋與馴★ 台灣自主遊民的生產:解構共同體
★ 製造貧窮: 台灣媒體對貧窮的社會建構—以2000年後的媒體文本為例★ 台灣化:後威權時代的情感政治
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摘要(中) 「自殺」在當代台灣被詮釋為一種流行病或一個歸屬於醫療的問題,各個學科都曾嘗試對自殺議題做出評析,進而生產出各式論述與研究傳統,而當前處理自殺的霸權論述則是精神醫學。目前(2015)以精神醫學為領航之自殺防治論述似乎已佔據台灣社會的道德、醫療、民眾觀感中的至高位置,然而中華文化的傳統與台灣民間習俗在現代化與醫療化的過程之中並沒有消失。當代以前的自殺論述包含多樣的面貌,包括連接傳統家庭價值的「孝道」、民間習俗的「冤魂」禁忌與形而上的「捨身取義」,但是在自殺防治論述中逐漸被抹消,甚至被認為是有自殺意念之患者延遲就醫時間的源頭。
本文企圖以歷史檢視做為方法,擷取各領域的歷史材料與新聞再現的真實,交織呈現自日據時期至國民政府遷臺到解嚴後自殺論述的變化風貌,同時希望藉此釐清自殺論述在各個時期的特色,而這些自殺論述又如何在歷史的進程中產生變化,以及各個時期自殺論述生產之主要成因。其中又以1990年代與2000年之後的自殺論述發展最為劇烈,因此本文特別在章節中篩選90年代的代表性事件 (北一女自殺事件與《完全自殺手冊》騷動事件),以及自殺防治論述與生命教育於2000年之後的結合,各為一章,分別分析九零年代期間對於自殺論述主導權之劇烈爭戰,以及2000年之後自殺防治論述如何成為當代台灣談論自殺語境之圭臬並生產出與之為一體兩面的「生命教育」以框現學校體系中主體對於自殺的情感反應。
摘要(英) This thesis re-examines the current dominance of suicide prevention discourse and the widely accepted pathologized suicide implications in contemporary Taiwan. Increasingly constructing suicide as a personal and psychological problem, this pathologization of suicide has helped the creation of institutions, discourses, and national policies that work together to form a concrete demonstration of social and emotional governance. Illuminated by Michael Foucault’s archaeological methods of examining the current “taken-for-granted” truth from a larger historical framework, this thesis analyzes the suicide discourses through historicizing the major transitions of suicide discourses, and cross-referencing with histories of medical sciences, psychiatry, the “children protection” cause, changing representations of teenagers, as well as the transitions of political-socio-economical structure and cultural elements in Taiwan to find out what contributed to the current dominance of suicide prevention discourse. The current dominance of suicide prevention discourse is seen as a purifying force that works to eliminate the deviants and constructs its own essence as a delicate “life politics” that props up an affective governance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 自殺
★ 論述
★ 自殺防治
★ 歷史化
★ 《完全自殺手冊》
★ 青少年自殺
★ 生命教育
關鍵字(英) ★ suicide
★ suicide prevention
★ historicization
★ The Complete Manual of Suicide
★ youth suicide
★ governance
★ life education
論文目次 English Abstract....................i
Chinese Abstract....................ii
Table of Contents...................v

The Problematic of Suicide Discourse:
A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis.......................1

Suicide Discourses before the Lifting of Martial Laws..17

Contestation in Suicide Discourses in 1990s Taiwan: “Teenagers” as a Problematic Group.....................35

From “Suicide Prevention” to “Life Education”: The Pathologization of Suicide and the Normalization of Life Discourse..............................................55



WORK CITED.............................................81
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The Class (Liang Ban) of Taipei First Girls High School北一女高三良班. “Ta men bu shi tong xing lian” 她們不是同性戀 [They are NOT lesbian]. China Times 中國時報3 August, 1994: 11. Print.
Tsu, Kai Chen徐開塵. “Yyue du yu zi sha you guan ma?” 閱讀與自殺有關嗎?[Does reading materials relate to suicide? ]. Ming-Sheng Daily民生日報27 July, 1994: 18. Print.
“Wan nu yi xue sheng shou xian xian shi zong” 萬女一學生首仙仙失蹤 [Wan Hua Girls High School student, Shou Shian Shian was reported missing]. China Times中國時報16 October, 1968: 6. Print.
“Wan quan zi sha shou ce ji jiang chu ban” 完全自殺手冊即將出版 [The translation and publication of The Complete Manual of Suicide is about to come ], “Dui xiang zi sha de ren tui bo zhu lan, Wang, Yi Jia: bu yi chu ban; Xiao Ye: fang du bu ru jiao yu, ke fan ying she hui cheng shu du” 對想自殺的人推波助瀾,王溢嘉:不宜出版;小野:防堵不如教育,可反映社會成熟度 [The publication of The Complete Manual of Suicide will aid those with suicidal ideations, Wang, Yi Jia stated that it is not appropriate to publish; Writer Xiao Ye thought it is better to education than prohibition, and this will reflect the maturity of a society. ], “Fu mian de sheng yin lai zi ge fang 負面的聲音來自各方 [Negative comments from The Ministry of Education and Government Information Office]. Ming-Sheng Daily 民生報 22 November, 1994: 15. Print.
Wang, Bang Xiong王邦雄. “Shi shan gan de bei qi, hai shi zhe xue de xuan ze” 是善感的背棄,還是哲學的選擇 [Is it a sentimental giving up of life, or a philosophical choice?]. China Times中國時報29 July, 1994: 11. Print.
Wu, Hao Ren吳豪人. “Ri ben she hui de shi ji mo zheng hou qun” 日本社會的世紀末症候群 [The Social Phenomenon in Japan Was Like “End of the Century”]. China Times 中國時報 23 May, 1995:11. Print.
Wu, Tian Fu吳添福. “ ‘Shao nu xin’ ru he zhi liao, Jia Fu-Ming jiao shou de yi tie yao”『少女心』如何治療,賈馥茗教授的一帖藥 [How to cure “young girls’ minds”, a life-saving drug from professor Jia Fu-Ming]. China Times中國時報23 November, 1968: 3. Print.
“Xai Yi: Had I know this, I would have said ‘Yes,’” (夏禕:早知道就答應他) Apple Daily, 2nd May, 2005.
Xiao Shang小尚. “Zi you sheng you zi you de ku nao” 資優生有資優的苦惱 [Straight-A students have “Straight-A” problems]. China Times中國時報28 July, 1994: 11. Print.
Xiao Shan小山. “Shao nu de tong xing guan xi, shi zhang ying gai duo zhu yi” 少女的同性關係,師長應該多注意 [Teachers should pay attentions to the same sex relationship] . China Times 中國時報 28 July, 1994:11. Print.
Xiao, Cheng Xun蕭承訓. “Wang tie wan quan zi sha shou ce, da yi sheng chu fa” 網貼完全自殺手冊,大一生觸法 [Posting The Complete Manual of Suicide online, freshman student was against the Law ], “Bao xiao di: hao qi que zou cuo fang xiang 堡小弟:好奇卻走錯方向 [The freshman stated that he was only curious about suicide manual yet with a wrong direction ]. China Times 中國時報 27 August, 2005: C3. Print.
Yan, Jue An顏厥安. “Bo ren zhi si de sheng ming quan wen ti” 伯仁之死的生命權問題 [The Right of Life]. China Times 中國時報17 March, 1995: 11. Print. Shi, Rong En史榮恩. “Zi sha shou ce yin qi he zhong xiao ying” 自殺手冊引起何種效應 [Suicide Manual Caused What Effects?]. Ming-Sheng Daily 民生報 23 March, 1995: 30. Print.
Yang, Qiu Ping楊秋蘋 “Fu nu tuan ti ren wei xin li fu dao shi gong neng bu zhang” 婦女團體認為心理輔導室功能不彰 [Feminist group blame for the inefficiency of counseling mechanism]. China Times中國時報7 July, 1994: 5. Print.
“You yu liang biao yu fang shou ce, mian fei suo qu” 憂鬱量表預防手冊 免費索取 [Free hard copies of BSRS-5 for citizens at 7-11]. United Daily聯合報 14 October, 2001: 18. Print.
Yu, Xiao Min喻小敏. “Zi sha shou ce? zhu sha shou ce?” 自殺手冊?助殺手冊?[Is Suicide Manual a Book? or “Accomplice” for Suicide?]. China Times 中國時報 23 March, 1995: 42. Print.
Yu, Ye Ying宇業熒. “Nu sheng nei xiang, wen ti da le. Fu qin zhi shang, hai zi sang dan” 女生『內向』,問題大了;父親『至上』,孩子喪膽[Introvert girl: a big problem; patriarchic father: the cause for the problem]. China Times中國時報23 November, 1968: 3. Print.
Yu, You Wei魚幼薇. “Nu xue sheng zhi si, wu hui bi tong xing lian hua ti” 女學生之死,勿迴避同性戀話題 [Don’t shine away from the lesbian issue as talking about the two girls’ suicide]. China Times 中國時報 30 July, 1994: 11. Print.
“Zai qu fu dao jing yan de xin qi fa” 災區輔導經驗的新啟發 [New lessons learned in the disastrous areas ]. Ming-Sheng Daily 民生報 21 September, 2000: A7. Print.
Zhang, Cui Fen張翠芬. “Zi you xue sheng qian que ‘quan ren jiao yu’” 資優學生欠缺『全人教育』 [Straight-A students need full and complete education ], “Jiao bu yao qiu xiao fang jia qiang fu dao xue sheng” 教部要求校方加強輔導學生 [The Ministry of Education requires schools to strengthen on the counseling mechanism]. China Times中國時報7 July, 1994: 5. Print.
Zhang, Cui Fen張翠芬. “Zi you xue sheng qian que ‘quan ren jiao yu’” 資優學生欠缺『全人教育』 [Straight-A students need full and complete education ]. China Times中國時報7 July, 1994: 5. Print.
Zhang, Li Jun1張麗君. “Dao shi shen shou da ji, Tsu Wan Qing qi bu cheng sheng” 導師深受打擊 許婉青泣不成聲 [Tsu Wan-Qing, the teacher of the dead was suffering from the sense of guilt], “Gao san liang ban chu chu geng yan sheng” 高三良班處處哽咽聲 [The class was remorse with tears and cries]. Ming-Sheng Daily民生日報版27 July, 1994:18. Print.
Zhang, Li Jun張麗君. “Zi you sheng zi zhu xing gao, qiu zhu yu que di” 資優生自主性高,求助欲卻低 [Straight-A students with high autonomy, yet seldom asking for help ]. Ming-Sheng Daily 民生報 27 July, 1994: 18. Print.
Zhang, Meng Rui張夢瑞. “zi sha shou ce ban zi sha shi jian, chu ban she mei fan ying” 自殺手冊伴自殺事件,出版社沒反應 [Suicide Events Happened with Suicide Manual; Ever Jasmine Refused to Respond]. Ming Sheng Daily 民生報17 March, 1995: 15. Print.
Zhang, Ya Wen張雅雯. “Jin tian bu du shu cai kang yong gao ge ming” 今天不讀書,蔡康永搞革命 [Not Reading Today, a program that Tsai Kang Yung made revolute with people’s “common sense” on suicide] Ming-Sheng Daily民生報4 December, 2003: Cs2. Print.
“Zhou mo you yu zheng shai jian, jiao min zhong shi yong jian shi liang biao” 週末憂鬱症篩檢 教民眾使用檢視量表 [Depression Selection Day on the Weekend with free lessons for teaching people how to use BSRS-5]. Ming-Sheng Daily民生報 13 October, 2000: A5. Print.

指導教授 何春蕤(Josephine Ho) 審核日期 2015-7-21
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