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姓名 黃美華(Mei-Hua Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 歷史研究所
論文名稱 美國對華政策之研究(1947-1950)
(A Study of the U.S. Policy toward the Republic of China,1947-1950)
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摘要(中) 鑒於國府只是有限度的改組,即表面接納民社黨、青年黨與無黨派社會賢達人士入閣,但實際決策掌權者仍為蔣中正或反對政學系的CC系。司徒雷登曾告知蔣中正只要進行改革,華府便能以適當方式援助中國。國民黨與三民主義青年團合併後,華府認知到三青團主要由CC系掌控,全國行政雖以政學系為主,但國民黨在地方和組織系統皆由CC系所統治,原本黨團合併是希望消除國民黨與三青團之間存在已久的隔閡,反而讓華府認為黨團合併後須重新登記黨員可能一種改革或清黨,現階段難以預料此種改革和清黨的形式及性質,唯一知道的是CC系地位更加鞏固。
摘要(英) There was a limited reorganization of the National Government but it was one which failed to bring about any significant changes, namely the Socialist Democratic Party, the Youth Party and the non-party appointees to join the National Government, whereas Kuomintang refusal to permit the minority parties to organize and campaign freely for the elections and control by the CC Clique throughout National Government territory, in the same few hands and within this framework Chiang Kai-shek has continued to be the main determinative force in Chinese Government policy. John Leighton Stuart has told Chiang Kai-shek the U.S. Government will assist the National Government as long as reform. After consolidating the San Min Chu I Youth Corps with the Kuomintang, the U.S. Government recognized largely domination by the CC Clique on a local and organizational basis through with a primarily Political Science Group national administration, and the Youth Corps, largely domination by the CC Clique but also resisting that influence through army inspiration. As for the consolidation of the Youth Corps with the Party, it was a desire to eliminate the growing friction between the Kuomintang. Whereas the U.S. Government recognized there may indeed be reform and purge of a kind since the program for consolidation of the Youth Corps provides for a reenlistment of all Party members. It is difficult at this stage to predict what form it will conform to the desires and ambitions of the dominant clique. In this connection it should be noted that indications are the CC Clique has emerged in a stronger position than previously because it controls the Youth Corps.
The U.S. Government foresaw the ultimate collapse of the National Government with change occurring in the Chinese civil war on the mainland. Within Nationalist China the power and prestige of Chiang Kai-shek is steadily weakening because of the unsuccessful prosecution of the war under his leadership and his apparent unwillingness and inability to accomplish positive reforms. The principal dangers to the National Government continue to be the progressive deterioration of the military situation, the prospect of a breach in Nationalist ranks through the formation of regional political associations. While the removal of Chiang’s dominating personality would open the way for the formation of a broadly representative government under new and progressive non-Communist leadership. The U.S. Government faced up to the probability that disappearance of the National Government as they know it is only a matter of time. The U.S. Government isolated Taiwan and the Pescadores from the mainland while abandoning Chiang Kai-shek’s regime. With collapse of peace talks, virtually unopposed crossing of Yangtze, Livingston T. Merchant considered any united Nationalist military resistance to Communists appears improbable. Any resistance seems almost certain to be provincial or regional regardless of outcome showdown between Li Tsung-jen and Chiang Kai-shek for clear title as President disintegrating Republic. Merchant proposed a policy of calculated inaction colored with opportunism, hence the U.S. Government kept the National Government at a distance.
The U.S. Government took hands-off policy after abandoning Chiang Kai-shek’s regime, and developing new relationship with Communists. Chinese Communist Party formed an alliance with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, American policy-makers elaborated policies to prevent the Communist manipulation of Taiwan against the U.S. thereby. The outbreak of the Korean War, Truman announced that a naval force would be sent to neutralize the Taiwan Straits. Thenceforward, the plan of staging a Coup D′état on Taiwan is in abeyance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 國安會文件編號 37系列
★ 孫立人
★ 臺灣自由省
★ 臺灣局勢假設性發展
關鍵字(英) ★ National Security Council 37 series
★ Sun Li Jen
★ Taiwan Free Province
★ Hypothetical Development of the Formosan Situation
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iv
表目錄 v
附錄目錄 vi
緒論 1
第一章 1947-1948年美國對華政策 12
第一節 中國政局與國民政府改革 12
第二節 援華法案的通過31
第三節 準備放棄蔣領導的國民政府40
第二章 醞釀中國大陸與臺灣分離57
第一節 等中國塵埃落定57
第二節 分離臺灣90
第三節 放棄蔣領導的國民政府 112
第三章 對臺灣危局之操作125
第一節 對臺灣袖手旁觀125
第二節 美國對亞洲之立場144
第三節 企圖支持孫立人政變150
參考文獻 一、史料(微卷檔案、電子檔案、出版史料)


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Confidential U.S. State Department Central File: Formosa, 1945-1949 internal affairs. Frederick, MD : University Publications of America, 1985, microfilm.
Confidential U.S. State Department Central File: United States-China Relations, 1940-1949. Bethesda, Maryland : University Publications of America, 1984, microfilm.
Confidential U.S. State Department Central File: China, Peoples Republic of China, 1950-1954 internal affairs, decimal numbers 793, 893, and 993. Frederick, MD : University Publications of America, 1985, microfilm.
Confidential U.S. State Department Central File: Formosa, 1950-1954 internal affairs and foreign affairs. Frederick, MD : University Publications of America, 1986, microfilm.
Confidential U.S. State Department Central File: China, Peoples Republic of China, 1950-1954 foreign affairs, decimal numbers 693 and 611.93. Frederick, MD : University Publications of America, 1985, microfilm.


Central Intelligence Agency, ORE 45-48, July 22, 1948.
Central Intelligence Agency, ORE 12-48, August 3, 1948.
Central Intelligence Agency, ORE 27-48, November 19, 1948.
Central Intelligence Agency, ORE 77-48, December 10, 1948.
Central Intelligence Agency, ORE 39-49, March 14, 1949.
Central Intelligence Agency, ORE 45-49, June 16, 1949.
Central Intelligence Agency, ORE 76-49, October 19, 1949.
Central Intelligence Agency, ORE 19-50, April 21, 1950.
Central Intelligence Agency, ORE 7-50, March 20, 1950.
National Security Council 11/2, December 16, 1948, Digital National Security Archive.
National Security Council 13/2, October 7, 1948, Digital National Security Archive.
National Security Council 13/3, May 6, 1949, Digital National Security Archive.
National Security Council 22, July 26, 1948, Digital National Security Archive.
National Security Council 22/1, August 6, 1948, Digital National Security Archive.
National Security Council 34/2, February 28, 1949, Digital National Security Archive.
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National Security Council 37/4, February 18, 1949, Digital National Security Archive.
National Security Council 37/5, March 1, 1949, Digital National Security Archive.
National Security Council 37/6, August 4, 1949, Digital National Security Archive.
National Security Council 37/7, August 22, 1949, Digital National Security Archive.
National Security Council 37/8, October 6, 1949, Digital National Security Archive.
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Grasso, June M. Truman’s Two-China Policy: 1948-1950. Armonk, New York : M.E. Sharpe, 1987.
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沈志華,〈中共進攻台灣戰役的決策變化及其制約因素〉,《社會科學研究》,期3(2009年) ,頁34-53。
林孝庭,〈一九五0-一九五一年間美國海軍柯克上將在臺活動秘辛〉,《傳記文學》,卷94,期4(2009年4月) ,頁17-34。

(二) 專書論文

林孝庭,〈私人化的國家政策:蔣中正、查理柯克與1949-1951年間的臺美軍事與安全關係〉,收錄於黃克武主編,《遷臺初期的蔣中正》,臺北:國立中正紀念堂管理處,2011年 ,頁417-469。

(三) 學位論文

邱炳翰,〈戰後中國憲政之路:以行憲前後的黨派協商為中心的探討(1948-1949)〉,臺北:國立政治大學歷史研究部碩士論文,2012 年。


指導教授 齊茂吉 審核日期 2016-7-29
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