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姓名 瞿慎思(Shensi Qu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 環境幸福的啟動:體驗與實現
(The Actuation of Environmental Happiness: Experientialism and Fulfillment)
★ 《道德經》「無為而治」意蘊之探析★ 《莊子》苦樂觀的現代詮釋
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★ 韓非法思想研究★ 從羅蘭.巴特符號學觀點論普普藝術︰以安迪.沃荷作品為例
★ 儒學文化精神溯原 以《論語》之「孝道」、「學★ 牟宗三對「美善衝突」的解決
★ 從《精神現象學》主奴之爭一節中看欲望詮釋的可能性★ 《莊子》主體觀探究— — 「復性」與「氣化」為核心的存有論詮釋
★ 對非人類物種的倫理反思:從價值理論探討人類應有的態度★ 探究Hans Küng之「全球倫理」的 「可普遍性」與「可實踐性」
★ 論海德格對技術本質之反思 ——對技術本質之派生關係與其本源現象之溯源作一種詮釋之嘗試★ 對當代西方倫理學中代理孕母爭議的一個「性別倫理」之省思
★ 鄰避現象之環境倫理涵義:以效益主義環境正義考察為例示★ 動物的道德地位:Singer的效益主義進路動物的道德地位考察
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摘要(中) 本論文以人存價值為核心概念,以探討在環境論域下達致幸福的可能。環境倫理探討人如何道德地對待環境,而其特性在於人類道德對待的對象並不一定具有回應能力的能動性。是以哲學家為了確保自然對象的道德地位,可能採取的方式為賦與內在價值或是生態系統價值,而且這樣的價值是獨立於人類存在而具有客觀意義,並據以支持自然對象擁有一種獨立的道德地位,而得以確保人類進行道德論述時,自然對象可以受到恰當的道德對待。我論述了客觀內在價值的局限性。而以儒家易理式自我價值擴充方式,以取代客觀內在價值的有效性。
摘要(英) According to the value of human being and existing, this thesis queries the possibilities to achieve happiness in the domain of environment ethic. Issues are discussed in environment ethic as how human treat environment morally, and the trait of the issues is the treated objects somehow are lacking abilities to response. Therefore for ensuring the moral status of the objects in nature, philosophers endow them with intrinsic value or ecosystem value which are in an objective sense and independent to human. According that, objects in nature have their own moral status and they ought to be treated morally while human make a referred statement. I argued that objective intrinsic value for supporting the moral status of objects in nature is limited and unsound. I think that to substitute the objective intrinsic value with the Confucian style of self-value expansion is valid.
If we try to analyze the statement of “Tian-ren-he-de” in Yi-zhuan into two part, the law of “tian”(nature) and the law of human, we will find it is hard to justify and clarify the law of “tian”, so as to make the limited law of human and the law of “tian” to be consistent. It is a difficult problem, since there are too many metaphors in Yi-zhuan for implicating its meanings. Unlike the enormous system with glossing and explanation of words in ancient books of traditional Chinese department, I adopt the conceptual metaphor theory (CMT) as the approach to analyze the conceptual structure in Yi-zhuan. We grasp the implications of Yi-zhuan with the methods of CMT. Therefore, with the analyzation of some important examples in Yi-zhuan through the methods of CMT, the argument could be set up for revealing the moral persons to achieve their self-fulfillment, and to take care the surrounding things at the same time. The logics of Yi provides rules for fortune telling. But it’s more important than the fortune telling, that the explanations guide people seek their proper niche and grasp a proper timing for meeting the good and getting away from the bad. With practicing the logics of Yi, noticing the subtle signs for future could be learned by the moral persons. The moral persons may achieve their self-fulfillment with the 4 kinds of value, “yuan”(元), “heng”(亨), “li”(利) and “zhen”(貞) explicated in Yi-zhuan. According the motivation about meeting the good and avoiding the bad and emphasizing self-cultivation, it is possible that the ethics of the views of Yi-zhuan could support morality and happiness to be consistent.
With the implications of Yi-zhuan that explicate the virtues of the moral persons and the values of human being and existence, it may reveal with “development to the accomplishment of human affairs”(開物成務) and “accomplishment of things in nature and self-cultivation” (成性存存)for taking care for environment with the law of human. It may work to develop the sustainability of environmental ethical concerns in the context of Yi. And that will be a good solution to become a substitute for the western mainstreaming thought of sustainability. That is the environmental ethical viewpoint of “the law of human by the theory of Yi”.
關鍵字(中) ★ 隱喻
★ 君子成德
★ 成性存存
★ 開物成務
★ 永續性
關鍵字(英) ★ metaphor
★ the moral persons to achieve the function of Yi
★ accomplishment of things in nature and self-cultivation
★ development to the accomplishment of human affairs
★ sustainability
論文目次 中文摘要 ……………………………………………………………………………..i
英文摘要 ……………………………………………………………………………..ii
誌謝 .………………………………………………………………………….. iv
目次 …………………………………………………………………………….vi
導論 ……………………………………………………………………………..1
第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………………………2
第二節 研究主題………………………………………………………………..23
第三節 研究方法………………………………………………………………..23
第四節 研究步驟與章節安排………………………………………………….26
小結 ……………………………………………………………………………27
第一章 隱喻與身體體驗的方法論述…………………..…………………….28
第一節 隱喻理論與體驗進路………………………………………………….28
第二節 隱喻建構概念的方式……….…………………………………………32
第三節 隱喻以體驗為基礎..……………………………...…………………..37
小結 ……………………………………………………………………………57
第二章 易理作為環境倫理的一種進路……………………………………...58
第一節 易理的隱喻涵義……………………………………………………….60
第二節 易理中天人合一的人存價值感與實現..…………………………...74
第三節 環境倫理學的易理進路……………………….……………………...80
第四節 環境的永續性:易理的模型與實踐………………………………..82
小結 ……………………………………………………………………………83
第三章 人存價值與環境幸福……….…………………………………………84
第一節 人與環境………………………………………………………………..85
第二節 欲望與想像…………………………………………………………..…88
第三節 能力與正義邊界……………………………………………………..…93
第四節 僅是存活或幸福地活:一種環境幸福的想像……………………..96
小結 …………………………………………………………………………..107
結論 啟動環境幸福…………………………………………………………108
第一節 研究要點總結…………………………………………………………108
第二節 研究貢獻與目標達成狀況………………………………………..…111
第三節 未來展望…………………………….…………………………………114
第四節 研究限制…………………………………………………………….…114
參考文獻 ………………………………………………………………………..…116
參考文獻 一. 中文書籍
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指導教授 蕭振邦(Jenn-Bang Shiau) 審核日期 2019-7-29
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