摘要(英) |
The lidar investigations of the processes in the atmosphere, conducted in the present work, are based on the scattering by the atmosphere aerosol structure especially in the boundary layer. The aerosol inhomogeneity represents variations in space and time of aerosol microphysical characteristic that influence by turbulence, stratification of meteorological parameter and synoptic pattern as well. In this study correlation method is used to detect and trace aerosol inhomogeneities to determine the wind velocity. The measurement is performed by using scanning lidar in five angle position with fixed azimuth and elevation angle. For three days measurement around 40% of data didn’t show the aerosol inhomogeneity pattern, this may due to the small scale of aerosol distribution and the variability in the aerosol distribution pattern. This work is a preliminary result to determine the radial wind component and the direction is determined from the lag value, while the value is positive means the wind is close to the observer and a negative value means the wind is far away from the observer.
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