摘要(英) |
In clinical research studies, the longitudinal data which pays much attention in recent decade collects the observed event time of interest, called failure time or survival time, along with longitudinal covariates. These outcomes are often separately analyzed and lead us to make biased inferences. Thus, a joint modeling approach is necessarily used to analysis these two parts simultaneously. The estimators obtained from joint model have nice properties, such as consistency, efficiency, and asymptotic normality. The joint Cox model is a popular approach for analyzing survival data, and the joint accelerated failure time model is an alternative approach when the Cox proportional hazard assumption fails. In the part of parameter estimation, we link the longitudinal data and event time, and use the expectation-maximum algorithm to search for the maximum likelihood estimates. There are a code, JM, proposed in the R environment (2010), and a program package of MATLAB, JointModel, proposed by Tseng and Yang (2012 manuscript). We will compare JM and JointModel by simulation studies and apply both packages to analyze the Mediterranean fruit fly data.
參考文獻 |
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