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姓名 周雅涵(Ya Han Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 認知與神經科學研究所
論文名稱 社會場景對於護理人員同理心之調控
(Social Contexts Modulate Empathy in Nurses)
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摘要(中) 社會場景可能會調節同理心。曾經有兩個研究指出,醫生在面對醫療場景,進行醫療行為時,會調控自己的疼痛同理心。然而, 社會場景(例如醫院相對於家裡)如何影響醫療人員的同理心仍然有待進一步研究。本研究的目的是了解社會場景如何調控護理人員的同理心。總共有 100 名護理人員參加了本研究,他們的年齡從 20 到 55 歲不等,並且有著不同的工作經驗。當進行功能性核磁掃描時,一邊讓他們觀看一些與疼痛有關或非疼痛的照片,而這些照片皆由一張醫院或家裡的場景所引導。右側前腦島(anterior insular
cortex, AIC)在看見疼痛的照片時有顯著的活化,相較於觀看與疼痛無關的照片。除此之外,相較於家中的場景,右顳頂交界區(temporo-parietal junction, TPJ)在醫院的場景之下有顯著的活化。在右側中扣帶迴前區(anterior mid-cingulate cortex, aMCC)則觀察到接近顯著的交互作用。這可能是第一個利用功能性核磁造影,探討社會場景對於醫療人員同
摘要(英) Empathy may be affected by social contexts. Two previous studies indicated that physicians showed regulations of empathy for pain while facing clinical practice. However, how social contexts (hospital vs. home) affect empathy in the health providers remains unclear. The aim of the current study is to investigate how social contexts modulate pain empathy in nurses. We recruited 100 females aged from 20 to 55 years old, with various working experience as nurses. While fMRI scanning, several blocks consist of five pain/nopain stimuli priming by a home or hospital context were be presented. A two-way ANOVA: pain/nopain by home/hospital was conducted. Across two contexts, activation of right anterior insula was significantly larger in pain than nopain conditions. Across pain/nopain conditions, the activation of right temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) was significantly larger in hospital than at home. There was a marginal interaction in right anterior mid-cingulate cortex (aMCC). Current study may be the first one in which elucidated how contexts modulate the empathy of the health providers. Our results generally indicated there are some modulations in empathy
when health providers are in different contexts.
關鍵字(中) ★ 同理心的調節
★ 社會場景
★ 醫療人員
★ 功能性磁振造影
關鍵字(英) ★ Modulation of empathy
★ Social context
★ Health provider
★ fMRI
論文目次 摘要 .....................................................i
誌謝辭 ..................................................iii
Contents ................................................iv
List of Figures .........................................vi
List of tables..........................................vii
Chapter 1: Background.....................................1
Chapter 2: Review of Literature ..........................2
2.1 Definition of Empathy ................................2
2.2 Social Neuroscience of Empathy........................3
2.3 Empathy, emotion regulation
and individual difference.............................4
2.4 Empathy of Health Providers ..........................5
2.5 Empathy and social contexts ..........................7
2.6 Purpose and hypothesis of current study ..............8
Chapter 3: Materials and Methods.........................10
3.1 Participants ........................................10
3.2 General procedure....................................10
3.3 Stimuli preparation and validation ..................12
3.4 Behavioral Measures..................................15
3.4.1 Affective pictures rating .........................15
3.4.2 Pain ratings ......................................17
3.5 Scanning session.....................................17
3.6 Image acquisition....................................20
3.7 Image processing and analysis .......................20
3.7.1 Whole brain analysis ..............................21
3.7.2 Region of Interest (ROI) analyses .................21
3.8 Voxel Based Morphometry (VBM)........................22
3.9 Correlation analyses ................................23
Chapter 4: Results ..................................... 24
4.1 Behavior results.....................................24
4.1.1 Demographic data...................................24
4.1.2 IAPS ratings.......................................25
4.1.3 Pain ratings ......................................26
4.1.4 Simon task performance ............................27
4.2 Functional Imaging Results ..........................28
4.2.1whole brain analysis ...............................28
4.2.2 ROI results........................................30
4.3 Correlations between behavior data
and ROI beta values .................................33
4.4 VBM data ............................................36
4.4.1 multiple regression ...............................36
4.4.2 ROI analyses of VBM ...............................37
Chapter 5: Discussions and Conclusions ................. 38
5.1 General discussion...................................38
5.2 The modulation of social contexts....................38
5.3 Conclusions .........................................41
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指導教授 張智宏、鄭雅薇 審核日期 2012-12-18
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